Now, would someone turn on this sink for me? I want a drink!

Dorydoo: We Ballicai have two boxes to play with, and MaoMao and I are making good use of them. Mom calls us "Boxicai" when we're playing in our boxes!

Marilyn: *singing from the top of Mom's computer* "I want to be loved by you, boop boop a doop!"

MaoMao: Hi, efurrybodies! We Ballicai have missed you. Like Brainball saided, Momma's gonna try to help us blog once a week. That's purretty good, as buzzy as she is. But don't worry, we aren't goin annywheres. We love the Kitty Bloggiesphere and alla our furriends!

Us Ballicai gotted some wunnerful awardies frum our furriends since the last time we blogged. My sweetiewife Ariel and our furriend Ana both gaved us this furry purretty awardie:

Thankies so much! Us Ballicai are honured.
And Karen Jo gave us the Grand Awardie:

Thankies so much, Karen Jo! You're such a sweetie. With the awardie, we've gotta tell five reasons why we think life is grand:
1. Spring has sprung -- all kinds of flowers are comin up efurrywhere and the trees are gettin their leaves back.
2. Momma and Daddy's garden. All kinds of kool stuff is growin there! We Ballicai don't eat that veggie stuffies, but it makes the beans happy.
3. We're excited fur Momma about her novel, efun if it means she can't help us bloggie as much.
4. Momma gives us boxies to play with regularly, and we love boxies!
5. Momma puts her fleece shirtie on the bed efurry day fur us to lay on and nap on.
*~*~*Yup, Life is Grand!*~*~*
My sweet Ariel also maded us Ballicai these beeyootiful grafficks. We love them, and we love and appreshiate you!

Congrats on your awards. We hope someone turned that sink on for you to get a drink :) .
Congrats on your awards.
And good to hear you'll be blogging once a week, even though your mom is so busy.
We are excited for your Mom! Once a week is great - for now!
Congrats on your awards. Those are excellent. Keep your human on track. You know how they are--they cant' do anything without snoopervision...
How nice to see all of you again ! I hope Marylin has a better voice than Arthur, otherwise mom would need earplugs !
We miss yoo guys too! We do unnerstand all about bizzy momma's tho...
I love the kitties-in-boxes pics!
Dorydoo, your train looks like it derailed a little bit-everyone okay? ;)
Hi guys! We're happy to see you even once a week! Congrats on those awards! And congrats on your mom's book coming out soon!!!
Big congratulations to your mom, that is SO exciting that her book is gettnig out there soon! I wish I could read...
Hi My Sweetie,
First congratulations and big hugs to your mom about her novel.She must be very excited and I'm very happy for her.I like to drink from the sink faucet too the water is so cold and yummy.Plus sometimes I will fall asleep in grandma's hat box while visiting.Her and Grandpa say I look so sweet all curled up and cozy.I'm so glad you like the graphic's I picked the backgrounds
and told mom how I wanted everything place.It had to be special just like all of you.Congratulations on your awards I've given you all another one.Please go to my blog when you can and see.I love you all big bunchies Your Wife Ariel
Once a week is much, much better than no times a week! Congratulations on your awards and on your most excellent boxes.
It sounds so exciting in your house at the moment! And you are all looking furry floofy and well.
Good to hear from all of you Ballicai! Congratulations on the honors you've earned. And good luck with the novel!!
Well dis iz good newz indeedy! A novel! We knowz how long your momee haz been workin' on dis... & we iz sendin' our concatulationz fur da pre-mare. Also, fur da awardeez.
You Ballicai in da boxez iz sumpin' dats da momee here justee lovez to see.
Dr T
I know it has been hard with your mom busy and all, but i know she is taking such good care of all of you too. Our mom has been busy too and she is so disorganized as it is.... hmmmpf.
It is great to read your blog once a week. All of you look wonderful. I am so happy that you got these awards and wow a vegetable garden sounds super fun.
I saved all of you some cake. I knew you had been busy.
Love and purrs always
Congratulations on the awards!
And we are very happy that with your Mom being so busy you still had time to come over to our blogoversary party!!!
It wouldn't have been that much fun without you - we hope you had a great time too and not too much of a nipover, hahahahahahahahahahaha
The Cat Realm
P.S. we found a new friend, her name is Luna - just like our Luna - who looks just like MaoMao!!!
Congrats on your awards. It's good to hear that you will be blogging once a week, and I wish your mom great success with her novel!
Hello friends!
Your blog is really cool!
Congratulations for the awards and congratulations for you mommy as well!
We would like to thanks you for so kind visit in Luna's blog .We loved your comment!
What a nice surprise we found beautiful pictures and stories here! Wonderful post!
Purrs from Brazil
Luna and mommy Léia :-)
Congrats on the awards!
We love all the pictures, but especially those of the boxicai!
Congratulations on your awards! Those are awesome graphics that Ariel gave you. We are so happy for your mom that her novel will be released soon.
Hi guys!!! Nice to see you. We know what it's like to have a busy Mom. Our Mom finds it hard to help us keep up :o
Congrats to her on her new book!! We hope it does well too :)
Mao,your lovely wife made some pawsome scrapbook pages!!!!!
Take care :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I say drink out of the toilet. You don't have to wait for someone to chance upon your need for a drink from the sink.
I let Mike blog today. He woke up from his winter nap.
It was an all windows open kind of day and we both enjoyed it very much.
Love your awardies and the art Ariel made for you.
Hugsabunches sweet cousins...G & M
(((((((((((power hugs))))))))))))
Concats on your awards!
Is there room in those boxes for a grey tuxedo?
Whiskie kissies to Dorydoo,
Wow Brainball you really look like a cute little lion cub! While you are busy being a playful boxicai Mao, Dorydoo is acting like a good panther and practising her laser eyes and crouching stance. Marilyn is being puretty as always.
Concats on your awardie and the puretty graphics. Have a great week :)
Concatulations on your awards! Did Brainball ever get his drink?
We know all about busy Moms because we don't get to blog or visit very much either! It is very nice to see you all.
We missed this post. All the more a neat treat! Hopefully someone turned on that water for you, Brainball!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Miss you guys! But I understand because my mom is not helping me blog much lately either.
Love the boxes, but can someone tell Brainball to stay out of the sink? Water on the furs is not a good idea!
It's good to hear from you and that you are all ok. Of course, Marilyn: We love you!
My humans are back from Australia, the baby has become a toddler and I am writing a little story (see on my blog).
Purrrrs my sweet friends!
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