I've been sittin on Momma's pooter a lot, you know, just remindin her that efun though she's buzzy with book stuffies, she's gotta help us blog sometimes!

And here's Marilyn, ofur by Daddy's pooter. She figures that if Momma's gonna hog her pooter alla time, than she ought to learn to use Daddy's. She took a nap on his keyboard the othur day. hehehe

Very cute, kitties taking charge
You really look all like beauties for a first price, lol ! sleeping on a keyboard is so nice !
Yes, it is a squeeeee Saturday at your place. What adorable pictures.
Those are all very squeeable photos! Especially the one of you! Happy Saturday, Ballicai!
Dat sounds like gud place ta naps!
You guys hafta learn to type cuz it seems like your momma isn't helping much!!
SQUEEE! Ouch, mom yoo hurted our little kitty ears! Tho, we do agree dat dem Ballacai is squee worthy...
You're all so very adorable! Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi my sweet friends! I have a sweet Award for you in my blog.
Nice Easter Weekend tou you all.
MaoMao, you are all squeeable! We just adore you...in all your Snowshoe glory!
You are very good to remind your human so nicely that you need attention!
It is so wonderful that you all get along. Our mom said squee to at the first pic. Happy Easter!
Siena & Chilli
There was a squeeeeee-fest here while Mommy was looking at your photos!
Hi My Sweet Hubby,
Awww you look so handsome standing on your mom's computer.I'm writing to let you know me and mom won't be blogging tomorrow.We're going to grandma and grandpa's.Hope you all have a very blessed and Happy Easter.I love you all....Hugs and nose kisses Your Wife Ariel
P.S I've given you an award Anita gave it to you first.Yet I'm sure she won't mind if I do too.
aw, that is squee worthy. that is awesome that your mommy decided to find something else to do and not move the kitties. Awesome!!
If you both learn to type, will you teach me? Then I can blog whenever I want!
Very cute pictures! Marilyn has the right idea. I have always thought that a keyboard looks like a very compfy spot to nap.
I get into big trouble when I sit on the keyboard. Apparently it makes long lines of letters in all the wrong places. Oh well, I am just trying to be friendly. FAZ
It's time to ask for your own pooter. My Mom is thinking about putting one together for me to use. She says she has an extra, but it has Linux on it and I want Windows! I like Windows, I like to look out them all the time.
Happy Easter from all of us!!
You all are adorable as usual!
A very happy Easter to you!
The Cat Realm
You all look so great!
Hope you are having a nice Easter!
adorable and sweet photos!
squeeeee to all of you sweet kitties. We love all of you very much.
Enjoy Spring!
Wow you all look so puretty in these photos. Brainball's floof and Dorydoo's shiny furs, plus the laser eyes - are enough to win over and hooman! Mao you look handsome as always, and indeed regal. Marilyn seems to be developing the purrty furs around her neck like a longhair kitty. Great pikturs all of 'em. Hope you have a great week guys :)
It is very nice of you all to keep your Mom and Dad's computers nice and warmed up for visiting!
Definitely a SQUEE Saturday! The Mom is getting all crazy over here.
Dorydoo, you look just lovely.
Whiskie kissies to you,
All of your photos are squee-worthy. I like how you are standing up so straight on your Mom's computer to get her attention, MaoMao.
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