We've been given some wunnerful awardies in the last few days! Mr. Chen and Ollie gave us the Furriends Awardie. Thankies so much, fellers!

Cliff & Olivia gave us the Kreativ Blogger Awardie.

The rules fur this awardie say to list six things that make you happy! So here are my six things:
1. My sweetiepie and wife Ariel!
2. WHAPPIN. Whappin anything and effurything, but espeshully Evil Coffee Stirrurs.
3. Playin Thunderin Herd of Ellyfants with Brainball, Dorydoo, and sometimes efun Marilyn!
4. Snugglin with Brainball and Dorydoo.
5. Cuddlin in Momma's and Daddy's lappies.
6. Alla our wunnerful furriends onna Kitty Bloggiesphere!
And my sweetiepie Ariel and Karen Jo gave us Ballicai the Honest Scrap Awardie.

Here are the rulz:
“When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows who he or she is. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including ones who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!“
So here we go with our ten honest thingies!
1. Brainball is the Alpha Cat of our housiehold. Here he's layin on Momma's leggies, lookin espeshully Lion-Kingy.

2. Dorydoo is furry, furry smart, like a kitty genious. She can open doors, open kabinets, and figure just about annything out which doesn't rekwire oppozable thumbsies.
3. If Marilyn kould, she'd spend all day, effury day, in Momma's lap, purrin and makin biscuits.
4. I like to cuddle in laps, too, but I also love to run around inna housie with my butt up inna air hollerin MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO!!!!!
5. Brainball likes to snuggle up against Daddy's legs at night, undur the cofurs.
6. Dorydoo doesn't meow. She SQUEEKS. And she hates hates hates hairball goop (alla the rest of us Ballicai like it fine).
7. Marilyn likes Temptayshuns, but she isn't as Temptayshun-crazy as the rest of us Ballicai.
8. I like cuddlin against Momma at night and makin biscuits on her pillow.
9. Brainball eats baby food squash efurry day to help him with his floofykitty hairball and poop issues. It helps him a lot.
10. Alla us Ballicai love love love catnip, but Dorydoo is the biggest niphead of us all.
I hate the hairball goop, too! You just reminded my mom that it is time for mine again.
Congratulations on your awards. We don't have to eat hairball goop - we don't really have many hairballs.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Congrats on all your awards! We like these awards cuz we get to learn some fun things about our furiends!
You know that Arthur can't purr ? I put my head against his, I try to feel at his neck, just nothing ! He looks as if he is more than happy and should purr very loud, but nothing comes out ! strange isn't it ?
They all have their little habits and characters !
Congratulations on your awards!!!
i'm your new follower :)
nice to purr with u;
Dorydoo, I totally agree about the hairball goop. I get hairballs and mum tries to force it in me. Yuck! My silly sister loves it though. And she never gets hairballs, anyway!
Hi guys! That was fun to learn more about you all!
Hi there, Ballicai! We haven't been able to visit our friends for awhile, but we missed you and wanted to stop in and catch up. Congratulations on your awards!
& all of us at Artsy Catsy
Congratulations on all your great awards! It was fun to learn all that stuff about you.
Nice to learn more about different personalities :)
Congrats on awards! We loved your responses.
Hi My Sweetie,
Congratulations on your awards.Thank you for doing the meme...Love You all Your wife Ariel
Congrats on your awardies! How lovely!
We loved learning new things about you. (^_^)
Nermal, Nico, Virgil, Westley, and Maggie
Congratulations on all your awards.
Hi My Sweet Hubby,
Hope alls well (hug) I given you an award.Please go to my blog and see...Love You your wife Ariel
I likes knowings all those honest things about you guys!
Wat a great awardie post!
We've given you an award. Please stop by our blog to bask in the glory.
I love hairball goop! Thanks for your kind comments about Daddy.
Congratulations on your awards :-) They're very well deserved. I love learning more things about all of you!
Have a great weekend :-)
Brainball looks really big, and he eats baby food squash? I hope it helps his uh situation!
Congratulations guys!!!
We love that Honest Scrap Award because we learn things about our fellow cats!!! Like:
Mrs. OZ is like 3) and Luna like 6) Hahahahahahahahahahaha
I really enjoyed reading about what makes you happy and your 10 honest things.
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