Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thankful Thursday

We Ballicai are thankful fur many things! Fur one thing, me and Brainball are thankful that Momma is good at turnin on the watur fur us when we jump up onna sinkie. Brainball likes to get a drink, and I like to play!

Marilyn is thankful that there are always nifty places to sleep inna housie. Here she is, on our new skratchie pad!

And Dorydoo's thankful fur the heatur -- she loves to stretch out in front of it and get her furs all nice and warm!


Quill and Greyson said...

Thanks indeed.

The Island Cats said...

Those are all really good things to be thankful for!!

Ingrid said...

Everybody found a nice place to nap. I sometimes get the feeling to live in a cat's dormitory !

Cat with a Garden said...

Lovely! Your mom is great in providing things to be thankful for!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

Anonymous said...

It is good to be grateful what we have. Heaters are the greatest thing ever made and we love to stretch out and lounge in front of it.

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweetie,

Awww those are great things to be thankful for.I'm thankful I met you and that I'm your wife....Love and Kisses Your Ariel

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those are all excellent things to be thankful for.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dat's a lot of stuff to be thankful for. We'z thankful fur frends like yoo guys.

Anonymous said...

Getting the humans to turn on the water on command is a very important part of their upbringing!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...


Mr. Hendrix said...

crappity crap crap! We missed your Gotcha Day Mao! I am so sorry. Bendrix sayz mommy should be thankful we read this while she was at work or we'd turn the claws of doom on her. Anyway, a heartfelt Happy Gotcha Day buddy! We are so glad you're with yoru wonderful family.

Motor Home Cats said...

Those sound like great things to be thankful for. Your new scratcher looks like a great sofa for Marilyn to curl up on.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You four are the best kitties ever. So sweet and living in harmony.
Love and purrs and happy week-end too
Prinnie ~<3

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Those are great things to be thankful for....uh, maybe not the water. Please don't get the water on your furs!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh, those pictures are just wonderful!!! Purrs to all of you!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Those are all wonderful things to be thankful for :-D

PS: Ollie likes to have streaming water in the bathroom sink, too.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

That's a lot of wonderful things to be thankfule for. I'm still working on training my mommy to turn on the water for us. Faucet water is the best.

Karen Jo said...

You all have great things to be thankful for. Getting the Mom to turn on the water for you is great. That scratchy pad looks like a couch made just Marilyn's size. Dorydoo looks like she is very comfy and warm.

Karen Jo said...

I have given you an award.

Anonymous said...

And now we've given you an award. You can pick it up at our blog.

Anonymous said...

Please visit me at my new blog...

Krazy Kitty Rants

Dorothy said...

Aw, your so cozy, that's a lot to be thankful for.

Kittypethugsbackatcha! and hugs...G

Gretchen said...

Oops, my goofy mom bean, she signed the comment wrong. It's from me! Gretchen...and Mike if he ever comes out of hibernation.

Kittypet hugs again....G

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweet Hubby,

I tagged you for a meme please go to my blog and see...Love you Ariel

Anita said...

Excuse me for visiting you so late, but I was of carnival holidays and taking care of my sick mom.

Those are all excellent things to be thankful for!
