Saturday, February 14, 2009

Awards and Good News!

Here's Dorydoo and me and Brainball on the window perchie! We love it when Momma and Daddy can open the windows. We've had some warm days recently, and we've loved 'em!

And here's Marilyn waitin her turn on the perchie. Not long after this pickshure, she ran us all off and had the perchie to herself! GURLZ!

We Ballicai got some kool awards frum our furriends! Lucy and Trixie at Two Sisters and our furriends at Curlz and Swirlz gave us the Furriends Awardie:

And we got the Proximity Awardie from Tybalt.

Thankies so much! We Ballicai are furry honored.

Last but not leasties, one of Momma's novels, Mirror Blue, has been accepted fur publication! Isn't that ecksiting? Her publisher is looking at a May release date for her novel. Wowie! She's got more infurmation on her bloggie, where she'll keep effurybody updated. She's workin on an author website, too, which she's plannin to launch soon. Momma's really stoked! (Don't worry, Momma's a much better spellur than I am.)

So please bear with us, all our furriends, while we get caught up on our visiting. Momma's soooooo buzzy these days, but she's gonna make sure that we Ballicai get to keep blogging!

Happy Valentine's Day to effurybodies -- to my wife Ariel, to Dorydoo's sweetie Earl Grey, to Marilyn's sweetie Mickey Mantle, to Brainball's sweetie Patches, and to alla our furriends. We Ballicai love you and we're sendin purrs all around!


Quill and Greyson said...

How exciting!! Great news.

Jans Funny Farm said...

That's wonderful news for your mom!

And we've had a couple of nice days when we could open the back door and look out the screen too. But now it's going to rain.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Ballicai, and super-big congratulations to your mum! Do keep us posted on the publication details...

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy Valentine's Day

The Island Cats said...

Congrats on your awards! And congrats to your mom! That's furry exciting news!!!

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!

The Cat Realm said...

HURRAYY!!! That is wonderful news! You will have a famous and rich Mom, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Happy Valentine, my friends!
We haven't been around much lately, even without our maid having ANYTHING being published, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
Karl and the gang

Gretchen said...

Just wanted to give you all bunches and bunches of Valentine's Day hugs....G & M

Karen Jo said...

It's great that you got some weather warm enough to have the window open. Congratulations on your awards and many congratulations to your Mom on her book. That's just wonderful. Happy Valentine's Day!

Ingrid said...

Happy Valentine's day to all of you and a special purr from Arthur to Marilyn, he melts when he sees her eyes !

Cat with a Garden said...

Those are great news! Happy Valentine's Day to the Ballicai!

Forever Foster said...

Happy Valentines to all the Ballicai and the Ballicai mum!

What fantastic news about your mum's novel. We are very excited for her!:)

ZOOLATRY said...

Happy hearts day to all the Ballicai and very big congratulations to Mom!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Wow, Wow, Wow!!! That is so exciting that your mom's novel got accepted for publication! We hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day.

Anonymous said...

Open windows rule. Congrats on the awards and on your humans book deal.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Quasi said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Ballicai! Especially to you, Marilyn. I wish you could come by for some treats -- heh heh.

Samantha & Mom said...

WoW! Congratulations to your Mom!! That is so exciting to have book published! Congratulations on your Awards and Happy Valentines Day to you all!!
Your FL furiends,

Daisy said...

Happy Valentine's Day and HUGE congratulations to your mom!

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweetie,

I'm so happy for your mom it's nice when the news is good.Congratulations on all your awards you deserve them cause your the best.We might be taking a few days away from blogging as mom's feeling depressed and needs a break.Yet I still visit and I'll be thinking of you always....Love and Kisses Your Valentine Ariel

Fat Eric said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

It is so exciting about your mum's book!

Just Ducky said...

Happy Valentine's Day.

Boy n Beethoven said...

Happy vawentine's Day! How wonderful about your Momma's book! Concatuwations!


Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweetie,

I tagged you for a meme.Please go to my blog and see.Grandma's visiting today she's taking mom to lunch.Mom's depression was getting to her so grandma wants to cheer her up.I hope alls well with you all...Love You Your Wife Ariel

Sweet Purrfections said...

Congratulations to your mom.

Happy belated Valentine's day.

The Furry Kids said...

Dear Dorydoo, I am sorry that I missed Valentine's Day. The Mom had some lame excuse about being really sick and having a fever and blah blah blah. There's no excuse. I hope you can forgive me. Anyway, please give your mom a big old congratulations squeek from us.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Wow, open windows and a published book! We'll buy it when it comes out. This is so exciting!!!

Girls, I hope I don't have to share my perch when the blurpy thing comes.

The Furry Kids said...

We tagged you for a meme. Please stop by our bloggie tomorrow if you have a minute.

Sunny's Mommy said...

Congratulations to your Momma!! That's wonderful news :-D

Black Cat said...

ConCATulations on your open window, your great awardies, and most of all to your Mom for the publication of her book. YAY!!! :) xxx

Hansel said...

I luf da open winnas tooos!