Thursday, February 19, 2009

MaoMao's Second Gotcha Day!

MaoMao here -- today's my second Gotcha Day! I've been with my fureffur fambly fur two years. Wowie, they've gone so fast! I'm a lucky little feller, and I love my Momma and Daddy and my brother and my sisturs.

Alla us Ballicai hope you'll bear with us -- we've gotten way way way behind on our vizziting beckause Momma's been sooooooo buzzy. But we love you, alla our furriends, and we're gonna try to make our rounds as soon as we can!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Chairman!!! I am so glad you decided to join the Ballicai!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy Gotcha Day!!!!

Cory said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day Mao! You are so handsome!

Quill and Greyson said...

HAPPY GOTCHA DAY MaoMoa, sorry I was shouting.

Max said...

HAPPY GOTCHA DAY MAO!! Two years goes by fast, doesn't it?

The Island Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Mao! Hope you have a great day!!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day Chairman Mao! May there be manny manny more...

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Happy Gotcha Day Mao Mao! Gotcha days are better den purrthdays!

Karen Jo said...

Happy Gotcha Day, MaoMao! I love the way your photo shows off your blue eyes. I hope you have lots of treats and snuggles.

Toby Snowshoe said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Mao! You da bomb!!

Motor Home Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day!

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Cat with a Garden said...

Happiest Gotcha Day, MaoMao! We too love your eyes!

Forever Foster said...

Happy Gotcha Day! We wish you many more happy years with your family!:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Mao! As formerly homeless cats, we understand how great it is to find a forever home. May you have many more happy years!

The Meezers or Billy said...

HAPPY GOTCHA DAY MAOMAO!!!!! - Mine gotcha day is tomorrow!!! - Billy

Ingrid said...

Two years already ! wow ! time is going by so fast. Rosie will be with us 2 years in June.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Happy Gotcha Day MaoMao! Let's head over to the M-Cats Club later and celebrate with a nip-beer.
your bud Pepi and his crazy sisfurs

Sweet Purrfections said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day! Your parents are very luck that you found them! I hope your day is great!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Gotcha Day! I'll bet is has been two wonderful years. Here's to many more!

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweetie,

Happy Gotcha Day (kiss).I hope you have a great day and lots of treats and snuggles.Your the best hubby in the whole wide world and I love you with all my heart.I made something just for you and your special day.I hope you like it....Love and soft nose kisses Your wife Ariel

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, Mao! We are happy you have such a great home.

Alexi said...

Happy Gotcha Day, MaoMao. We're so glad you and the other Ballicai are our furriends!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, Mao Mao :-D

ZOOLATRY said...

Wow... a very special day for you (and all the rest of the family)... was a grand and glorious day when they "gotcha"!

Daisy said...

Happy Gotcha Day, MaoMao! I can't believe it's been two years already!

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Mickey's Musings said...

Time passes when you are having fun ;) You are looking as handsome as ever too !!!!!!!!
We understand busy Mom's!!!!!!
We do not visit everycat like we want to!
Have a super day!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Rosemary B❤️ said...

This photo of you is beautiful. You remind me of Caesar, just that chill, laid back pose... Oh I bet you are a wild boy but here you look good as gold.
Two years, and we are so glad that we know you. Happy Gotcha Day MaoMao. YOu are a great friend.
Moms get busy, we have to let them do stuff.... sometimes.
Love always, Prinnie

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Gotcha Day Mao. We hope you are having a great one.

Just Ducky said...

Happy Gotcha Day MaoMao,

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Happy Gotcha Day! We hope you have a wonderful day.

Kiera said...

Happy Gotcha Day Mao Mao!

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 2nd Gotcha day Chairman Mao and many, many, many moooooore!! Hope your day was filled with fun and lots of treats!
Your FL furiends,

Kimo and Sabi said...

Happy Gotcha Day Chairman!

meemsnyc said...

Happy Gotcha day Mao!!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Happy G'Day, MaoMao! Thanks for stopping by our bloggy. Teri visited your mum's new blog, and that was fun. You guys are lucky to be woodsy cats and have a mum that sits and writes a lot, too. I bet your mum smells real good too when she comes in from a hike in the squirrels and leaves!

Teri and the cats of Furrydance

Anonymous said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day Mao! We really love your Gotcha Day portrait.

The Furry Kids said...

Happy Belated Gotcha Day, MaoMao!!! We're sorry that we missed it. The Mom is out of control busy here, too. :(

Dorydoo, I'm glad you liked your present. I thought that fabulous show gull looked fabulous. Have fun!

Whiskie kissies to you,

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Sorry we are a day late, MaoMao. Our computer is giving us grief!!!

We hope you had a wonderful day with lots of treats and cuddles!!

Purrs and {{hugs}},
Goldie, Shade and Banshee

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
snowforest said...

Hope you had a very very happy gotcha day Mao - sending you many many hugs and love! Take care :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Gotcha Day Mao (we know we are a little late, sorry)!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh MaoMao I am so happy that you have had a wonderful home for two years now! There is nothing better that is for sure. conCATulations!!
I would like to ask my dearest sister Marilyn something....Marilyn are you home....I am getting married to my Mickey and would love to have you say yes to being one of my Maids of Honor. If you say yes, I would be so happy! We have not set a date yet but it will be this spring.
With love and excitement, Miss Peach soon to be Mrs. Peach Armstrong

Gretchen said...

Aww, you had a Gotcha Day? I didn't realize it, because my mom bean is too busy to help me blog and visit, too.

Tsk, tsk, what are we going to do with our humans? Congratualtions on being in your forever home for two whole years!

Big (((((((((((((((Gotcha Day Hugs)))))))))))))))))cousin. Love you...Gretchen and Mike

Anita said...

We hope your gotcha day was a fantastic day and we want celebrate with you more and more gotcha days!
