Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture.
Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture.
Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their bloggy tellin' them 'bout it.

hehe, this is a picture of my big brother Brainball sitting on Daddy's desk. The pic is a little bit blurry, but it sure shows off Brainball's toe floof! And he looks furry Lion-Kingly, don't you think?
For the meme, we'll tag anybody who wants to play.
Momma recently got a new pair of hiking boots, and guess who got the box! That's right, us Ballicai. Here's Dorydoo and Brainball sharin it, and as you can see, Brainball's been munchin on it, too. He loves munchin on cardboard.

And here's Marilyn chillaxin on another box (Mom keeps lots of boxes around for us). Marilyn munches on cardboard, too; she just hasn't gotten around to munching on this box.

In the meantime, I was on Daddy's desk nibbling on the phone antenna! But I don't understand Momma. She told me to stop nibblin, but first she had to take a picture of me doin it. Beans! Go figure.

We Ballicai apologize for not blogging and visiting as much. Mom's been really, really busy. Please bear with us, and we'll try to catch up on our visiting as soon as we can! We love and miss all of you, our great furriends.
Marilyn says Thank You to efurryone for making her Gotcha Day so wonderful, warm, and happy.
Boxes are so much fun. We also like paper bags, and the canvas ones from the grocery store. They give lots of opportunities to ambush beans.
That was a great photo of Brainball for your 6th photo:)
Boxes are so great! I'm moving more towards th clothes baskets now because I can see mom between the cracks. I've missed you, but my mom has been pretty tired and busy lately also.
That is a great picture of Brainball. We love his toe floof. The boxes look like a lot of fun too.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Boxes are a blast! We also like laundry bags.
Brainball looking leonine and splendid there with his fine tufty paws.
We love boxes too, but we only seem to get to keep them for a couple of weeks.
Brainball, your mane amazes me.
Purrs your soul brutha, Goldie
Brainball has some very amazing foot floof. I love boxes. I hope that I get lots of them for Christmas.
Great foot floof, Brainball! We love boxes, too. It's nice to see you again, guys....
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
That's a great mancat picture of Brainball! We're gonna play that game!
Aren't boxes the greatest?? We gonna help mom put up Christmas decorations today and we know there'll be lots of boxes doing that!
Brainball is one floofy lion, all right. Have fun with the boxes, and make sure your human mom doesn't work too hard!
Hi My Sweetie,
Brainball looks very handsome in the photo and his fur is gorgeous.Mom gives me boxes to there alot of fun to play in they also make agreat place for a nap.I love the photo of you nibbling the antenna your so cute....Hugs Your wife Ariel
Yes, Brainball looks Lion-Kingly...but we are laughing because it looks like you are trying to floss your teeth with that anteneae!
Oh wow that is some toes floof and a half! I wish I gits toe fluff so I could tickle the Mommas face when she was sleeping!
You guys sure went to town on the second box picture, I live cardboard too! You Momma is so cool to keep all them boxes for you :)
Nothin' better than a box, that's what I always say!
Look at all those fun boxes. How lucky you all are!
Hello to all cats Ballicai! We've missed you! You sure like cardboard!
Boxes are such fun! You kitties are so beautiful!
Brainball has some amazing toe floof. Those boxes look like a lot of fun. I think your Mom took a picture of you munching on the antenna, MaoMao, so she could show you what not to do.
Cute toe fluff!! I love a box!
We are furry sad Mao... now dats da momee usez doze ree-sickled bagz, we nevfur gets to see Costco boxez anymore. Doubull hairballz! At leastee you gets to uze doze nice boxez.
Delilah likes to chew on wood & iron. What iz up wit dat???
BTW: LOVED Brainballz floofy toez. Da momee here almostee came unglued when she saw dem.
& fur bizzy momeez evfurry where: We cats say takes it EZ! Do nots worry. If you do nots help us blog, we will justee poop in your hat or mebbe peez in your purse. It iz simpull justice.
Dr Tweety
Boxes are a lot of fun. You guys look adorable as always with your bright eyes and cute looks. Brainball is very floofy and indeed like a puretty handsome lion. Dorydoo is a sleek panther and Marilyn is very puretty too. You look mischievous and cute as always Mao! Have a great week :)
we love boxes too!!
Ooooo...boxes. Shoe boxes are the best. They have the best smells and all that TISSUE paper!
I like the meme, I might try to do it soon.
Warm fuzzy hugs...G
Our cats got a new boot box, too. Ollie claimed it.
PS: Nice toe floof, Brainball :-D
SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Brainball, that's just such a lovely Lion-Kingly photo of you and if you would wake me up with tickles from those floofy paws I would be such a giggly, happy Black Cat!
Marilyn, I'm very glad you had a great Gotcha Day. You sure got gotchered by a terrific, loving family:)
MaoMao, be very careful what you chew. Some things have 'lectricity in them, and 'lectricity can bite really, really bad. It likes to nom kitties, "nom nom nom!!!", but I can see your lovely beans know this, so take heed of what they say, coz you are very much loved:) xxx
That is a cool meme :) It is noce to see all of you looking so fine :)
WE understand about busy Moms!!!!!! Maybe things will settle down after Christmas :)
Purrs Mickey
Michico says that she wanna bug Brainball~!
How come that all the cats who play this game seem to ONLY have cat pictures in their picture folder????
We might take you up on that "we tag everybody" - hahahahahahahahaha
Glorious picture though of Brainball!
Thank you so much for coming to Ruis birthday party! It wouldn't have been the same without you!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin, and Karl
We don't get to blog visit much either. But I really like your 6th 6th!
It figgers. The black kitties always get the boxes first.
Boxes are great fun and I check out every one that comes in our hours. Mao do antennas taste good? I've never tried one before.
Please stop by our bloggie, we gave you an award!
First, Happy Belated Gotcha Day Marilyn!
Brainball, Disney drawers couldn't draw a more Liony character than you in that picture!
Enjoy those cool boxes you got. hmmmm chewing them, I've never tried that before....
You guys know how to have fun...we love to play with boxes, paper bags...anything we can hide in and pounce on each other.
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