I showed up on Mom and Dad's back porch as a stray cat. They fell in love with me and took me in. At the time, I had to learn to get along in a household which already had two cats (Brainball and Dorydoo). Then two months later, MaoMao joined our family -- and I was in a four cat household!
It's been challenging for me, but over time, I've adjusted well. I get along fine with my siblings as long as they allow me my space.
And I'm a people cat! When people come over, I'm the first Ballicus to greet them, and I love getting rubs and scritches from them.
Mom calls me a Velcro Cat and a Lap Fungus -- any time she's sitting down, I want in her lap. In fact, I am dictating this post from Mom's lap. So that should give you some idea of how much I love cuddling with my beans.
I just realized: I've been a part of the Cat Blogosphere for going on a year and a half! The CB is a delightful place. I want to thank all of you for being my friends.
Lap Fungus. =snicker= I like that one.
I hope you have the awesomest day!
We hope you have the best day and the most treats and the constant attention that you deserve! But then - that's how every day should be, right?
And what a wonderful picture of you, Marilyn! You remind me of our Mrs. OZ - she is a total Velcro Cat, and gets along fine with us as long as we give her her space, and greats visitors, and is mostly white, hahahahahahahahahaha!
We are very happy to have met you, and the other Ballici, and now we will look around the house and see of we can find some party treats - as it is your Gotcha Day we naturally assume there is a party going on here, right???
Your friend Karl.
And Mrs. OZ, Tintin, Naughty and Luna.
Yes, please add us to the chorus. Happy Gotcha Day, beautiful Marilyn!
Hi Marilyn!!!! Happy Happy Gotcha Day! Your momee iz furry lucky to haz such nice cats livin' wit her & iz your brudderz & sissie Dorydoo.
Da momee here haz a speshul place in her heart fur all white kitteez. Da one who came before oevfur here waz da all white Princess Ozma.
I didz bring a small 670 pound ham... in case other catsez wants a snack or two.
Much love,
Dr Tweety
Wow, Marilyn! Congrats on finding such a great forever home and happy Gotcha Day!
Oh beautiful Marilyn, Happy, Happy, Happy Gotcha Day! May you have all the lap time, cuddles, fuuds and scritches that you want and so deserve! Luvya lots :) xxx
Happy #2 Gotcha Day!!
You deserve such a good home. We know how much you are loved by your beans and Brainball, Dorrydoo, and Mao. You also have gobs of furry friends who love you, too.
Have the greatest day ever!
Bunches of Kisses and Hugs...Gretchen and Mike
Happy Gotcha Day My sweet sister in-law.I'm so glad that I got to become friends with all of you.Your all so special and mean so much to me....Hugs and Purrs Ariel
P.s I love you Mao
Happy Gotcha Day Marilyn!
Have a wonderful Gotcha Day Marilyn, you are a lovely Balicus indeed and we are glad you have such a great loving home. My Mum says you can be a fungus in her lap anytime.
Whicky Wuudler
"Happy Gotcha Day to Marilyn!"
Happy Gotcha Day!
Happy Gotcha Day! I'm so glad that you and your beans found each other.
Happy Gotcha Day!
I'll make a post for you later, I'm preparing it, when I'm done I'll post it to you :)
Happy Gotcha Day, Marilyn. I have almost been with my mom for 13 years. I hope you continue to have many more years in te Ballici family.
Have the happiest Gotcha Day, Marilyn ... you sure are a sweet girl!
Happy Gotcha Day, my beautiful furriend! It really does seem much longer that we have been furriends. The Ballicai were some of the first kitties to welcome me into the CB.
Velcro kitty - I like that. I am not much of a lap kitty. Only rarely would I stay there for more than a few mins.
Happy Gotcha Day! Lap fungus, dat is a funny nickname...We is glad yoo found yoor beans cuz we really like knowing yoo.
Happy Gotcha Day! Yowie...
Happy Gotcha Day!!!!
Love & Purrs,
Missy Blue Eyes
Faith Boomerang
Mommy ML
Happy Gotcha Day Marilyn! What a great place you have! You are very lucky!
Happy Gotcha Day, Marilyn! We hope you have a very happy day full of loving with your family:)
Happy, happy Gotcha Day to you, Marilyn. You sweet, beautiful, regal fungus you!
If only all fungus were so divine.
Wishng you a wonderful day of treats, laps and love!
We are so happy that you have found such a wonderful forever home!
Purrs and {{hugs}},
Goldie, Shade and Banshee
Happy Gotcha Day, Marilyn! I am so glad that your Mom and Dad took you in when you showed up on their porch. I hope you have many more wonderful gotcha days with your family.
My beloved beautiful sister! How fortunate you were the day you stepped on your forever porch! How fortunate I am to be able to call you sister.
Everytime I look at Hunny Bunny, I think of you and wonder if you guided her to my doorstep?
I wish you a wonderful day with unforgettable moments.
You are such a special part of the cat blogosphere and so many love your gentle heart!
I will come over later today and bring you some catmint tea and fresh baked tuna muffins....
see you soon....your sister Peach
Oh Miss Marilyn a furry happy Gotcha Day anniversary! And many many many more to come.....
hugs and purrs
Miss Abby & Boo
Happy Gotcha Day, Marilyn...we don't think you look like fungus....
Hope you have a great day!
Happy Gotchaversary, Marilyn! There is no place as wonderful as a Forever Home!
Happy Gotcha Day to you!!!!!!
Hi again!
I have posted a gift for you on the birthday blog:
Have a happy Gotcha day!
Happy Happy Gotcha Day Marilyn! We are so happy you are part of such a wonderful, loving family!
(((((Hugs))))) to you on your special day!!!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Marilyn, Happy Gotcha Day! That's alwasy something special to celebrate. And purrs to your humans for gotchaing you in the first place.
Happy gotcha day!!!! Yay! We are laughing...lap fungus?! Too funny! Looks like you found the right place to call home!
Aaah, magical, mystical, majestically beautiful MARILYN!
A most happy happy day to you dearest.
Happy Gotcha Day Marilyn!!!!
Happy Gotcha Day Marilyn! You definitely deserve all the love and attention today. We are very happy to have you as a friend.
What a day to celebrate. Happy Gotcha Day lovely Marilyn. FAZ
Happy Gotcha Day pretty Marilyn.Hope you have a great day.
Happy Gotcha Day, Marilyn!
Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, Velcro Girl :-D (I think that sounds nicer than Lap Fungus :-p)
Happy Gotcha Day Marilyn! We hope you have a super wonderful day!
Happy Gotcha Day Miss Marilyn!
Happy Gotcha Day, Miss Marilyn!
We love you Ballici cats, you have always been so special to us cos of the love you showed to Stormie...
You share you Gotcha Day with Timmy's birthday :)
We hope you are all well and healthy...you have a wonderful family, your Gotcha Day is super-special xxx
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 2nd Gotcha Day Marilyn and many, many, many moooooore!!!
Your FL furiends,
Happy Gotcha Day, Marilyn!
You really found a good home for yourself. A girlcat need to look after herself!
Purrs, Siena
December 1st is a good day to be gotted - it is my gotcha day too : )
Have a great day dear friend.
Many many concatulashuns on your gotcha day. You are a very puretty girl kitty just like our Fairy! We'd like to send you and your kyoot and fun siblings many purrs and hugs from all of us here! Have a great day :)
I gave you guys an award that you can pick up any time :)
Happy Gotcha Day !!!
Kijiki and family
Happy happy Gotcha Day Marilyn! Hope you get lots of treats!
I am a Lap Fungus cat too!
Happy Purrfday Marilyn! You are SO BEEYOUTIFUL! We are so glad that you have a great home with nice siblings and grate parents!
Luf, Us
Whoops. We meant Happy Gotcha Day.
Luf, Us
Happy Gotcha Day, beautiful Marilyn! I hope you have an extra special day filled with treats and hugs and kisses.
Happy Gotcha Day Marilyn. We are so glad you found such a great forever family. We hope you get lots of treats and even more lap fungus time today.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
OK Here I finally am with the tea pot the fresh baked tuna muffins and a shawl to keep us warm while we eat and meow about thing as they are and as the should be....so many kitties share this date with you. A true special begining to the holiday season!!!
Love your adoring Peachy sister
I am so glad you are a Ballicai cat!
happy day all of you <3
Purrrs and love always, Princess
Happy Gotcha Day cutie pie!
happy gotcha day little one!
Happy Gotcha Day, sweet Marilyn! We're all glad that you found such a great forever home.
Please tell Dorydoo that I'm sending her lots of whiskie kissies.
You picked the bestest family to adopt you ;) I can see that you are so happy too and that is just super!!!
Velcro kitty??? Lap fungus????
Hahahahahahaha, your Mom is funny :) Yup!! You are in the right place!!!
Purrs Mickey ,Georgia & Tillie
Happy Gotcha Day!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy Gotcha Day, Marilyn! I hope you get lots of extra love and attention today! Oh, and treats would be good, too!
Hi My Sweetie,
I tagged you for a meme please go to my blog and see...Hugs and Kissies Your wife Ariel
I am so so sorry I am so far behind on everything... It does not mean that I m so very very happy for you!!
hehe you sound like a smoochy girl like I iz a smoochy boy, I can see how very much loved you are :))
It is so wonderful to celebrate that special day when you meet your forever family:))
Happy Gotcha Day!
You are so adorable!
Love the woofie and the 3 felines!
Do not miss the party of the year!!! Happening RIGHT NOW - for Ruis birthday! Belly dancing included, hahahahahahahahhaha
Karl and Ruis at The Cat Realm
Happy Belated Gotcha Day, Marilyn!! Hope you had a great day.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
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