But don't worry, even if we have to post infrequently for a while, we aren't going anywhere. We love our furriends on the Cat Blogosphere too much!
We wanted to post about the beeyootiful Chrissymouse cards we've received. Here they are, in a group, from Mom Laura, the Hotties, Daisy Mae Maus, Gretchen and Mike, and my wife Ariel:

Here's Brainball checking out the card from Daisy Mae:

Here's Marilyn checking out the card from Gretchen and Mike:

Here's Dorydoo checking out the card from Mom Laura and Lilly Lu:

Here's Marilyn checking out the card from the Hotties (the House of Mostly Black Cats):

And here I am, so happy to get my card from Ariel, my sweetie and wife. Here I am looking at the outside:

Now I'm readin the inside. I love you, too, Sweetiepie! See the smile on my face?

We gotted a beeyootiful Christmas card from the Furry Kids! Dorydoo's swooning ofur how handsome her sweetie Earl Grey is.

Thankies so much, our sweet furriends! We love you!
Merry Christmas, effurybodies!
What lovely cards! Here's to a Happy Christmas to you all too!
Whicky Wuudler & Family
You kitties got some great cards from some purrrrectly wonderful friends.
We love you so much MaoMao and all of your furrr siblings.
We hope you have a very happy joyful holiday, take it easy on the eggie noggg and the cookies!
love and purr, Princess
Good to see you again. Neat cards!
Such lovely cards! Merry Christmas!
As the Woman keeps count: Humans 4 Cats 9...
You got some great Christmas cards, MaoMao. Have a great Christmas.
Lovely cards! I've received: 3, sent: 0. ::sigh::... Luvza:) xxx
They are very nice cards and must be lovely surprises filled with lots of love and wonderful smells.
'hehe I can see you smiling lots and lots Maomao.. Momma says you is just a little love bug! :))
What beautiful cards you got!!
Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee
ps~ We had our blogaversary and were going to have the "whose whose" between Goldie and Brainball but we now can tell you guys apart!! You guys still are soul bruthas though!!
Purs Shade and Banshee
Oh so cute...MaoMao, you really are smiling at that card from sweet Ariel!
Hi my sweetie,
"Wow" so many cute cards.I'm so glad you like my card.The niece help mom make it for you.Mom showed her your blog and told her you were my hubby.
She said "Wow" she's lucky he's cute and has beautiful eyes...Lol.She's 6
years old and very smart indeed.So she decorated the front of your card and she was very picky cause she said it had to be perfect.It's starting to get very cold here we're suppose to get snow soon.The niece really wants it cause she wants to make a snowman.Yet I don't like snow to cold.Mom told me your always welcome over here so come and we'll make catnip tea and snuggle in my tent and dream
sweet dreams...I love you always Your wife Ariel
Isn't getting mail fun??!? We gots some cards too! We wonder what the mailman thinks when mail is addressed to us...
This is so sweet! Wonderful Chrissymouse cards!
Luf, Us
those are some great cards! I would have sent you one but I don't have your address. It is fun to get more cards than the humans!
Heh Dood, you really are smiling!
What great cards! Whimpurr was too lazy to get involved in the card swap this year .... *sigh*
What beautiful cards you have! Have a great Christmas1 My SS is bizzy and I don't get to visit much.
Those are some beyootiful cards! We saw yoor smile at Ariel's card. We hope yoo and Mrs Mao get to spend some snuggle time together this hollyday.
Hey, cousins, those are pretty Christmas cards. I'm collecting some, too.
We're gonna get snow tomorrow and it's going to get really, really cold. Hope we don't lose power. Pa bean won't be able to use his new electric blanket, which I lovest to lay on. Mmmmmm, so nice and warm.
Merry Christmas to you all, too.
Warm snuggle hugs...Gretchen
You got lots of wonderful cards. Those are such sweet pictures of all of you checking out the cards.
That is a furry nice collection (we hopes we gits ours out in time)!
Thank you for sharing your cards with us. Receiving Christmas cards is a wonderful thing.
Happy Holidays!
Nermal, Nico, Virgil, Westley, & Mags.
Those are some great Christmas cards! I have received some too and must get mom to take a picture of them!
What great cards!! We are loving getting some in the mail, too! This year our mommy helped us make some and we would like to send you one. Can you please email us with your snail mail address at chenandollie [at] gmail [dot] com? FANKS!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Come to mine purrthday on 17 dec! I is going to become a BIG MAN CAT then!
Wow it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas over here with all the mail you got.
I know how busy you are right now and understand that. I always have you all in my heart forever as families do specially at the holidays....stay warm and happy knowing how loved you are. Everytime mommy looks at Hunny Bunny, she thinks of you too!
Your adoring sister....
What beautiful cards you got! It is fun to get mail!
Mao you are watching that card very intently. I love the smile on your face. Brainball, Dorydoo and Marilyn all look great as always. Sending you many purrs and hugs and hoping that you have a great week..
Those are all beautiful cards you received :-D I can see how happy you are reading Ariel's card, Chairman Mao ;-)
Mom is saying that we have more cards than she does. We just laugh.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Isn't it great to get your own mail?!
Merry Christmas To All The Cats!
Do visit my blog, I've post some cats
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