And of course I'm gonna give her a kissie. I hope she won't mind my toona breaf, but then she'll have toona breaf, too. hehehe

And I wanted to say: efurrybody go to my buddy Jeter's bloggie on Sunday -- well, he's great to visit effuryday cuz he's such a kool cat, but he's havin' a real nifty-soundin' Squillion Kontest on Sunday, so don't miss it! Jeter's kool and Squillions are kool, so you know the kontest has gotta be kool, too!
Ooh, that sounds like a great plan. What could be better than Ariel and tuna sandwiches? Have a great time.
deer mao mao ...
go to mi blog blog.
laffin an laffin!
luv--yer grate frend--jh
wow have a wonderful day today Mao Mao I am sure you will!Better to have tuna breath than poo breath, right (like baby mao ha ha)? xxx
Tuna sounds yummy! Have fun with Ariel. :)
I have a feeling that she will really LOVE your tuna breath. FAZ
Hi My Sweet Mao,
I'm ready to go for tuna sandwiches.
Also I'd kiss you no matter what(blush).Your the best boyfriend
no wonder I love you so...Love and many tuna kisses Your Ariel
Hey Mao! I put the coffee stirry things up for you on my blog.
Happy week-end MaoMao. Tuna is wonderful and yummy, have a great time with Ariel
<3 Prin
Oh toona!!! I forgot about toona! I haven't had it in 5 years since the Woman was forced to stop eating it since the Awesome Man hates the smell. I miss toona.
We always have the fishy breaths, it is a kitty thing! Tell Dorydoo Fifi says Hi Big Sis and maybe she could teleport over so they can be monkey's together.
Oh, I am sure that Ariel will love your tuna-breath kisses!
Ooooooh! Tuna sammiches all day! That's great!
Enjoy and smooch Ariel real nice!
mmmmmmmmmmmmm, tuna... pardun me whiles i drool...
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