Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Wowie Wednesday!

Dorydoo here! First of all, I'd like to ask that everykitty send purrs to Gretchen for her Mom Bean. Her Mom Bean had surgery on her shoulder yesterday. Let's wish her a smooth recovery.

Now for the Wow: Look at Marilyn and me: we're taking a nap together! Usually we tolerate each other, but we don't tend to get in each other's space. But today is different. Don't we look cozy?

I'm thinking this blog-sharing thing will work out fine. *grin*

And in the spirit of blog-sharing, here's a great picture Mom took the other day of MaoMao. Doesn't he look regal? He looks much more regal in this picture than when he's trying to sniff me and Marilyn's butts. *ahem*

And Brainball wanted to share his long floofy tail with you. He's quite proud of it, you know.


Mickey's Musings said...

Dorydoo, you are so cute ;)
Mom is surprised when my sisfurs Tillie & Georgia sleep like that too :)
Mao looks pawsome as usual as does Brainball!!!
I'm sure sharing a blog will be just fine !!
Purrs Mickey

Unknown said...

WEDNESDAY! I think you Ballicai have jumped the gun, unless you guys moved a long, long, long way away. It is still Tuesday at 4:45 where we live and Mum will be home from work in 20 minutes.

I love all the pictures. I can't believe you and Marilyn are so close together!

Cory said...

We think Dorydoo and Marilyn got a yin/yang thing going on...

The Cat Realm said...

Thanks for telling us about Gretchen's Mom - we didn't know!
Mao looks AWESOME!
Lots of purrs,
your friends from The Cat Realm

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh that is just too cute of the two of you!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Mao Mao sure looks regal and I love Brainball's floofy tail.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Oh my gosh! You and Marilyn are ALMOST touching! That's actually a really cool picture of you two...kind of artistic looking. Mao Mao looks absolutely gorgeous too. And Brainball, we love your floof!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think 2 girls sleep next to each other is very good improve.
Me and Lego finally have something improvement as well :) Last Saturday he also slept next to me. But We haven't cuddle yet. I think it really takes time.
Chairman Mao and Brainball are very dashing as usual!

Anonymous said...

Oh man Brainball that is a lot of licking for something that is so hard to hold down!
We likes you all sharing too!!
Too bad you is so dark Dorydoo, Momma stupid computer can not see you :( I bet it looks super sweet too!!
Mao, well Momma just loves the shape of your manly face and your wonderful colours :)


Anonymous said...

Lots of purrs for Gretchen's Mom and a fast recovery.
Nice pickshures, too.

Ingrid said...

Black and white together, that really looks nice ! and what a bushy tail !!

Forever Foster said...

You are doing a wonderful job at sharing the blog!:) Our mum was impressed with the picture of Maomao. He looks rather like a king:)

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

You and Marilyn look sweet almost touching!!!

The mancats of the group look as dapper as ever!!

A special shout out to my twinsy, Brainball!

Purrs Goldie

ZOOLATRY said...

Watch out, the two of you are almost touching!

And that is the quintessential portrait of Mao. Superb.

(not to exclude Brainball, with the magnificent tail...)

Anonymous said...

Ballicai Unite! We think you're all going to enjoy sharing the blog! You can take some time off when you want and know that another Ballicai has your back! But not for sniffing, MaoMao!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Those are great shots of all of you!

Cat with a Garden said...

Pawsome pictures of ALL of you! I'm glad you're sharing now.

Daisy said...

Hahaha! It is hard to look regal when you are butt-sniffing!

Tybalt said...

You are all looking great! It is good to know all is still well in Ballicai land. :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

What handsome mancats! We think it's great dat yoo and Dorydoo are sleeping next to each other, mom keeps waiting fur Sadie and Zippy to be able to do dat. Da only time dey can be peaceful together is if dey is at least seperated by a whole couch length.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dorydoo,

You and Marilyn look so cute napping together so sweet.I think my Mao looks so handsome and Brainball's fluffy tail is gorgeous.I will send hugs and love to Gretchen's mom for a speedy recovery...Hugs and love to You all Ariel

The Crew said...

We all share our blog and it works out OK. As for sharing sleeping space, only certain ones of us do that.

Your friend

The Island Cats said...

See, sharing can be kinda fun! Whether it's your space or your blog!

Anonymous said...

Mao you look so dignified in your portrait! Dorydoo, my sister and I don't sleep together ver often either even if we are on the same bed. I really love Brainball's floofy tail! Very impressive!

Lucy Belle said...

So sweet!! I love that you have a fur friend that you can be with.

Sunny's Mommy said...

Wow! You and Marilyn are so close! That hardly ever happens here.

That is a great picture of Chairman Mao :-D But he sniffs your butts? Do you whap him then? Butt sniffing is not the polite thing to do.

Jimmy Joe said...

Wow is right! You are a very good-looking family. And your Beans are so lucky that they get pretty cat furs in all shades: black and white and lots of different earth tones.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Motor Home Cats said...

Wow Dory and Marilyn, you two are practically touching. Mao, that is a great picture of you, and Brainball, we love your floof.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade