Thursday, November 06, 2008

Dona Nobis Pacem

"If we just worry about the big picture, we are powerless. So my secret is to start right away doing whatever little work I can do. I try to give joy to one person in the morning, and remove the suffering of one person in the afternoon. If you and your friends do not despise the small work, a million people will remove a lot of suffering. That is the secret. Start right now."

~Sister Chän Khöng

November 8, 2008 Blog Blast for Peace


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Peace to you~!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Great Peace Globe.
Peace to you, too,
Love & Purrs,
KC and
The Sherwood Bunch

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Terrific peace globe. We are purring for peace!

Forever Foster said...

That was a wonderful quote to go with your globe, and we think it is very true indeed.

Anonymous said...

We are Purring and Purring for Peace! We try to make 3 people happy in the morning!

ZOOLATRY said...

It begins with one small act of kindness...
peace to all of you.

Parker said...

Purrs and smooches and prayers for peace!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Purrs and peace to you!

Cory said...

Wonderful quote and it's something all of us kitties can do every day.

The Island Cats said...

All it takes is a lot of little steps...

Peace to you!

Ingrid said...

Peace and love ! from Arthur Rosie and the siblings !

Tybalt said...


Purrs for Peace!

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweetie,

"Wow" what a great globe.Love and peace to you all...Love You Your Wife Ariel

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Nice Peace Globe!
Peace and Purrs to you...
~ The Bunch



Let's begin with one candle and each spread the light of peace...

purrs for peace

Lux said...

That is a great quote, and I love your globe with all of you on it. :)

Peace to you, my friends ...

Unknown said...

Peace, purrs and love to all of you!

Cat with a Garden said...

Peaceful purrs to all of you!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Oh beoootyfull!!!! Peaz to da Ballicai frum da Fab Five

Unknown said...

Peace and Purrs to all the Ballicai and their beans!

Mickey's Musings said...

Peace to you and your family :)

Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

We love your Peace Globe! And that is a brilliant quote! Willow and I are purring for Peace too!

Peaceful Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

The Cat Realm said...

What a nice peace globe! Peace to you! And the whole world. We hope one day it might happen...
Mrs. OZ, Tintin and Karl

Ailurophile said...

This is a very thoughtful saying. Peace and purrs to all of you sweet ballicai from us all here!
Enjoy a happy and comfy weekend :)

The Furry Kids said...

That's a great peace globe!

Whiskie kissies to Dorydoo!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Peace to you!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Those are wise and lovely words. Great peace globe.

Mimi Lenox said...

Now that's quite a secret.
Peace to you and yours,