MaoMao: I'm gonna be sharin more bloggie time with my siblings, Brainball, Dorydoo, and Marilyn, since this is, as Momma reminds me alla the time, the Ballicus Blog, meanin all four of us Ballicai. Marilyn will be bloggin ofur here frum now on cuz Momma's gotted way too buzzy to keep up two seperate cat bloggies. And please bear with us while we get caughted up on our vizziting. We're way, way behind!

Brainball: Blog sharing sounds good. As Alpha Cat of the Ballicai, I've always thought I should have more of a voice on the Ballicus Blog. Mom continues to be busy with multiple projects, but she'll do her best to help us blog at least once a week.

Dorydoo: I'm glad about the blog sharing, too. MaoMao shouldn't hog the blog just because he's a Meezer and talks way too much. House Panthers like to have our say, too. (And MaoMao's not nearly as photogenic as I am. *grin*)

Marilyn: I'll miss posting on my own blog, but I know Mom's very busy, and it's nice over here, too. My blog will remain in cyberspace for anyone who wants to check it out and read my poetry. *smile*
Sharing blog time is hard, but we know you can do it. Looking forward to hearing from all of you.
We share and we haven't killed each other yet. :)
Blogsharing sounds very environmentally furrendly too but I can't think why. FAZ
I think it's nice you're gonna have an all-in-one bloggie! Hopefully your mom will find more time to help you.
Purrs, Siena
P.S. I too hope you had a good Halloween!
GUYS - we are soooooo excited! We just found out that we are in the SAME contest!!!! We hope you guys will win! For us it was just such an honor to be picked!
You guys! Concatulations! We will hop right on over to vote:D
Congratulations that your blog is famous~!!! I am so exciting and happy for you as well~!
Congratulations on your nomination! We went over and registered at the Catsite, but couldn't figure out how to vote. I'm not sure if they've posted the poll yet, so we'll check back again later.
Sharing isn't too bad. Is it? I suppose I don't give Mike enough blog time. I'll try to do better, after my mom bean can write again. Meanwhile, we're going to go silent here after Monday. We'll put up our peace blogs and hybernate while mom heals.
Congratulations on your contest.
Hugsabunches, cuddles and warm furry fuzzies...my Ballicai bundle...Gretchen
Hi Marilyn I just wanted to show Arthur your new place ! With MaoMao I will have some understanding difficulties, because he still meauws in baby language, and that is not in my dictionary, lol !
Blog sharing is good - 'cos humans aren't as good as us cats at multi-tasking! Hahaha!
Congratulations on your nomination! Sharing is a little bit hard, but I know you all can do it because you get along so well.
I think it is a very nice idea! Not only for your Momma to make things easier, but so we can come and visit you all at once as a famibly! As it should be!! :)
Congrats on your nom-nom-ations too!
I hopez they is very yummo in the tummo! :)
We think you will all do quite well sharing! Mom would not have even considered letting us have our own blog! She is even letting her office kitty Feather have some blog time!
Sharing is OK, I have to do it all of the time. You are all looking very wonderful today!
Smooches to you for displaying the Diabetes badge!
I heard at Marilyn's blog how busy your mom is, and my mom is the same! We cats have to think of something to get our moms un-busy!
Wow! That's cool about your blog being nominated!
We share our blog...we just make sure mom let's us all have a turn...and sometimes we post together...it's worked out okay so far!
Hi My Sweetie,
"Wow" that's such great news.I love your blog and all of you.I will go vote.It's nice that your all going to share the blog your all so sweet and I love learning more about all of you....Hugs and Much Love Your Wife Ariel
Hi My Sweetie,
It's me again.Mom went and registered yet she can't figure out how to vote for you....Help !!!!
I have always hated sharing a blog. But the human didn't give me a choice.
Oh we are so happy to see you all. We has to go votes fur you dat iz fur sure. We justee wouldn't be content wit out da Ballicai catsez.
Dr T
I'm glad I don't have to share, but it's hard to keep up with one blog. Concats on your nomination.
Hi guys!!! I know all about busy Moms!!! Poor beans have complicated lives,not at all like we kitties!!! We have the best life!!! It's nice to share,we do,and we get to see all of you at the same time :)
Purrs Mickey ,Georgia & Tillie
We share a blog. It's ok most of the time as long as somebody doesn't get all blog hoggy.
Dorydoo, you look lovely in that photo.
Whiskie kissies to you,
PS - We gave you guys an award.
The three of us share a blog and it's not too bad. We usually let Speedy talk tho, he's young and haf more energy den us. Dat gives us gerls more time fur beyooty sleep...hahahaha
Concats on your nomination. You guys totally deserve it! We iz glad Marilyn iz here too to blog with you guys. Sometimes it can be tough to maintain multiple blogs. I tried starting a blog about mammals but couldn't find the time to maintain it. Maybe I'll be able to return to it someday. Purrs and hugs to you all..
It is very hard to share a blog, we should know! The trick is to try and take turns, which is hard. Our mom has trouble enough keeping up with one bloggie so your mom must really have been busy with two!
We share a blog and it's not too bad.
Some of us talk too much, but that is expected.
We will be able to keep up with all of you now!
~ Anna Sue
Welcome to the Ballicai blog, Marilyn :-)
We think sharing will be good for all of you. We will, of course, miss Marilyn blogging by herself, but we totally understand a busy mom. Good luck to her with all of her projects.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Congratulations on your nomination and good luck!
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