Sunday, November 09, 2008

Easy Like Sunday

Wowie, look at this! Dorydoo and Marilyn are sleepin close together again, and this time... they're TOUCHING!

Here I am, sleepin on the fleece shirtie. It's so so so cozy. I'm glad Momma lays it out on the bed for us Ballicai efurry day.

And here's Brainball on Momma's computer, snoopervising her as she works on her novel!

We got a wonderful awardie from our furriends The Furry Kids! It's one of the sweetest awardies around. Thankies so much. We are honored!

Here are the rules for the awardie:
This lovely award is created by Crystal @ Memoirs of a Mommy in honor of Noah and the donor of his sweet little heart who ENCOURAGES us to SHARE THE LOVE! The rules for this award are to pass it along to some people whose blogs you love. They make you laugh, smile, leave encouraging comments on your blog. You would like to share some love with them because they have uplifted, inspired, encouraged or prayed for you. Please include this paragraph with the link to Memoirs of a Mommy so that everyone knows where this award originated from.

We're gonna pass the awardie to:

my wife and sweetie Ariel
our sister-cousin-furriend and fluffhead-brother-cousin furriend Gretchen and Mike
our furriends Caesar, Prinnie, and Pierro


Anonymous said...

Touching? Can it be? Did the sky just open up? Do you hear anything?

Forever Foster said...

Ohh you guys love each other:) Concatulations on your awardie. It is a very sweet one indeed:)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

So easy feeling~!!!
Just love it~!!!
I like to sleep in the fall as well~!!

Everycat said...

I love to sleep on my man's fleecy shirts. I think Brainball should take a nap, it's Sunday after all.

Whicky Wuudler

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Congratulations on your award. You guys look so cute together on that lovely blanket.

Cat with a Garden said...

They are very close to doing the ying-yang. Yay! A novel? Wow, you really got to snoopervise then. Have a nice Sunday!
Purrs, Siena

Ingrid said...

You all look so lazy, lol ! and Arthur is so bored !

Parker said...

Wow - touching!
They look like furry salt and pepper shakers!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I see Brainball has taken the computer away from Marilyn. I see some future fireworks in your home . . .

Ailurophile said...

You guys are certainly enjoying your Sunday. Concats on your award. It's as sweet as you kitties! Have a great day :)

The Island Cats said...

We think you guys like each other more than you'll admit...either that or you're too lazy to move! Heehee!

Congrats on your award!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Touching? Wow! You two are becoming so close! Maybe Marilyn is trying to steal some spotlight in your blog since hers is on hiatus?
Congrats on your award!

Cory said...

Yay, touching while sleeping! They look so good together. Congrats on your award and it's cool that you gave it to 3 kitties I haven't visited before. Fun!

Mickey's Musings said...

Look at thsoe kitties touching :) That was the Photo Hunt theme this week..Together ;) My sisfurs Georgia & Tillie were sharing a mat!!!!!!!
Congrats on you award and the super kitties you gave it to!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweetie,

This is such a wonderful award.Thank you so much it has such a sweet meaning very touching.You all look so comfortable in the photos.I'm teleporting over for a snuggle that shirt looks so cozy....Hugs and lots of love Your Wife Ariel

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concats on your award. Did Dorydoo and Marilyn realise they were touching, or did they have a surprise when they woke up?

Black Cat said...

Concatulations on your lovely awardie! I haven't seen that one before; it's lovely and so well deserved as you guys spread so much love, one can touch it! I have given you an awardie too, before I knew you had this one, but reading back, I think (unsurprisingly!) you've already received it!

Your pictures are so SQUEEEEEEable! To see Marilyn and Dorydoo sleeping together like that is a joy. Love you guys:) xxx

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Aw, look at Dorydoo and's like night and day, dey go together purrfectly.

meemsnyc said...

How cute that you can sleep so close to one another. That blanket does look comfy.

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

You guys all look so cute! And Brainball looks like he is quite the taskmaster for your momma. Congrats on your wonderful awardie!! You deserve it!!
Mr Chen & Ollie

Sunny's Mommy said...

Oh my goodness! They're touching backsides :-0 Was it a full moon or something?

You look so comfy snoozing away. Brainball is such a great mancat to give up his napping to help your Momma write her novel. I don't think many mancats would do that.

Congratulations on your award :-D It's very well deserved.

The Furry Kids said...

Whoa! Dorydoo & Marilyn are super duper close to each other. Cool! You guys look like you've been very busy at your house - napping and snoopervising take up a lot of time.

Whiskie kissies to my sweet Dorydoo!

Anonymous said...

Brainball, you keep a close watch on Momma so she keeps on working and doesn't slack off!