The flashy box.

Brainball sez: Mom, you're easily amused. You know that, don't you?

Dorydoo sez: You'd better not be coming in here to put hairball goop on my paw.

Marilyn sez: Can't a ladycat get her beauty rest around here?

Me, MaoMao? I'm just givin Momma the paw.

I don't blame your mom for getting out the flashy box!
Our bed today got taken apart and put in the washy drying musheens today. But I diddint care. I had a grate nap going on.
And I got Temptayshuns when I woke up!
You all look so cute there. My human gets all sniggly and squeegy when we do that too...
aww guyz it's so much better laying together, it pleases the hoomans but also you get a hot totty :)
I can see my Momma sqeeing for that too!! Too much cuddly cuteness! :)
Our mum would have been running for the camera too. Mum's are pests like that! You all look so snuggly up there.
-Fui, Suey and Evie.
Marilyn, you look just like me when you sleep! That is so cool!
HI there, Mao! It's me, Joey! You all look very comfy on the bed. Monica, Phoebe and I like to sleep on the bed too. Denis and Tracy think it's funny when they find us all there. You have to come over and see the present that Pablo sent to me!
I love the artistic feline arrangement--so feng shui. Of course they don't want to be disturbed. They're trying to channel harmonious energy into the room.
Great shot of you four!! I am sure your mom and Dad can squeeze pretzel like in there to sleep. Or there's always the couch.
Purrs Shade and Goldie
Goldie sending a ::high paw:: to his twinsy!!
Wat a cute ensemble! :D
Purrs and Hugs,
Mao you look very sleek all stretched out. Dorydoo has got very shiny furs too. Marilyn deserves all the beauty sleep. And Brainball the alpha kitty is giving the flashy box some well deserved laser eyes for disturbing your peace!
MaoMao, you sleep a lot like Gandalf. He has to stretch his legs and paws out several times to get them placed "just so"!
Hi My Sweetie,
Awww you all so cute I don't blame your mom for getting the flashy box.
I love you all and I'm sending hugs...Your Wife Ariel
Something needs to be done about beans with flashy really is annoying!!! 'Specially when you're trying to nap!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Nothing better than a bed full of kitties! You all sure are sweet ... even if you don't like the flasy box! ~ Purrs ~
Our mom said squee too...what is with dem. Dey is so easily amused.
That is a great photo right there. We're having a house trashin' party today and you all are invited. EG has saved some temptations and 'nip just for Dorydoo.
You've get to let the beans have their fun. Maybe we need to learn how to use the flashy box and sneak up on them and see how they like it!
The Ballicai Slumber Party... can we come? We gots jammies and cuddle toys...
How nice dat is dat yoo are all on da bed at once! More safe and secure dat way. Efurryone can see what da ofur one is doing.
There's only one kitty here, so Mom only wishes she could be able to take a picture like this.
Mao Mao, I think your paw is saying "Stop!" We are sleeping here!
at least the "squee" gave you warning. next time run! unless you're really comfy...
Who could resist? You all look so cute!
That is a grate picture of all of you! I love family portraits.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Aww, all on the bed together. You look so comfy and happy with each other.
Hugsanches my dear cousins....G
What a wonderful picture! All of you look so adorable.
Flashes are gonna happen, ya know? And you Ballicai can't help but look good!
You are all so cute, how could your Mom resist! I love her songs too. Don't all beans make up songs for the cats they serve? I know I did:) xxx
You know what's coming HAHAHA! Cute pictures of all of you :-)
all look at alla yoos!
Sweeeeet! Our staff is still trying to get the three of us into one picture, hahahahahahahaha! And after what they did to me today they NEVER will!
Can you believe it: they forgot my Gotcha Day. I even had to put up my OWN post. I need new help.....
Mom caught us all together on the bed the other day too. It happens so rarely that she was happy to get a picture. You look like you are enjoying your naps.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Hi My Sweetie,
Please vote for me in the Catster contest.Mom so wants to win....Hugs and Snuggles Your Wife Ariel
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