Here's all four of us...

And zoomin in a little closur, here's Marilyn, Brainball, and Dorydoo...

And still a little closur in, here's Brainball and Dorydoo snugglin...

And here's me, in the tent.

We're enjoyin some good zzzzzzzz's, and Momma just loves to hear alla us purrin together.
Happy Sunday snugglin, effurybodies!
Remindur: Dorydoo's purrthday is comin up soonies, on October 16! She's gonna turn four years old. That's hard fur Momma to believe. When Dorydoo furst came here, she was an itty bitty kitten, and Momma still calls her Little Kittenhead!
Oh dat iz purrty sweet!!! Da momee tinks Dorydooz baby name iz justtee sumpin' to squee abouts. Ackshoelly, I do too. & dat tent iz da cat'sez pjz! How comez I don't haz one.. or a yeller jelly been???? You haz a furry nice momee, dat iz fur sure, puttin' dat nice flannel shirt on da bed justee fur you. We lovez you & missez you.
PS: We haz an announce-mint at our bloggie, come see!
Love, Dr Tweety
It;s so sweet that all of you like to snooze together! Have a wonderful Sunday!
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! You are all so adorable and your Mom is very kind to put all your favourite things on the bed for you! Do they stay there all night too? Just wondering...
Thanks for your lovely comment on my doodle:) xxx
verree nice ballicai ... u wood never get mor dan 2 catz onna bed in dis howse.
jus sayin.
You guys are spoiled in the best way there is:) Family cuddles are the best ever.
Our mum still calls Suey little kittenhead, too! But then, her head is still very small!:)
Snuggle, Snoozie Sunday for the Beautiful Ballicai!!!
You all look so comfy and cozy there - can't wait for Dorydoo's purrthday - we think she's still the smallest among you..but with the brightest eyes!
You guys look so so sweet!!!
Your mommie is very good to make sure you guys have all your napping equipment nice and handy!!
Purrs Shade and Goldie
How comfy and cozy! I really like that jellybean, I think I'd nap by it too!
There's some major snuggling going on there. The only time the four up us nap so close together is when there's a warm electric blanket on the bed.
That looks so cosy and warm! The mum is going SQUEEE and I just want to come and join the nap pile!
With all you on the bed, is there any room for your mom???
Hi My Sweetie,
I just wanted to drop by and say how much I love you and you all look so sweet and cozy on the bed.I will definitely be there for Dorydoo's birthday....Hugs and snuggles Your Wife Ariel
MaoMao, all of you look so comfy and sweet sleeping together on your Momma's bed, and it is so wonderful how she is so thoughtful to put the shirt, jellybean and tent on it! And we are so happy that you and Ariel are as happy as two bugs in a rug since you are husbandkitty and wifekitty! We hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
That is so sweet! I see Marilyn has gotten off of the computer!
Awww, that's nice, you're getting closer together on the bed. Except, poor Marilyn needs more room you guys, she looks like she's falling off the bed.
It's been a cold snuggleup in my bed with my fluffheads kind of day here.
Hugsabunches to the four best friends in the world! Gretchen
Your June 2008 peace globe has been placed in The Peace Globe Gallery.
You are officially peace globe #1021.
BlogBlast For Peace ~ November 6, 2008 is going to be awesome! Please spread the word on your blog. Hope to see you there!
Oh man, you've got it made. Our Mom never puts our cube (tent) on the BED for us!
What a happy family photo. No wonder your mom squees. (What's a squee?)
That's great how you all sleep close together like :-) Our kitties don't do that :/
I hope meh sisfur will let meh cuddle like dat one dehs.
Fall must be the best season sleeping cuddle together.
Easy and breezy but not too cold~
Hi guys! We have something on our blog for you:)
You guys look pretty cozy there. The Mom is super duper SQUEE-ing right now.
Dorydoo, is there room for a grey tuxie on that bed?
Whiskie kissies to you,
What a snuggly sleepy day! We never sleep together all snuggled up. It would make Mom way too happy if we did that!
hehe Brainball and Dorydoo cuddles are like little inside out Jaffas :)
Momma says they is also like that coz they iz so sweet she could just eat you Guyz! :)
Sorry guys,that was Mom!! We do not sleep together ,so she loves to see kitties that do!
I can see that you are enjoying it too :)
Purrs Mickey
Birthday coming up ;) cool!
Mommy SQUEEEED so big at that picture!!!
We can't wait for Dorydoo's birthday. Will we be seeing baby pictures???
Thanks for the nice brithday wishes for my mommy!
You are all so sweet together! We don't sleep together at my house......don't know why.
You all look so cozy and happy! I think Harley might try dragging his tent onto the bed now.
Oh goodness.
Happy 4th Brithday to Dorydoo kittenhead!
I hope her birthday tomorrow is filled with happiness.
You four are such great poosies. I lvoe you all!
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