She's beeyootiful, feisty, and ackrobatic, and though alla us Ballicai are smart, Momma sez Dorydoo's the smartest kitty she's efur known. Dorydoo can figure anything out. She opens containers and cabinets and doors, and if she had opposable thumbsies, she'd take ofur the wurld.
Here's Dorydoo at eight weeks old:
And here she is at nine weeks old, on Momma's lap, touchin paws with Brainball fur the first time (Momma was cryin happy tears when she tooked that pic):
And here's Dorydoo at three months old (as you can see, she and Brainball have bekome bestest furriends, they have adored each othur since, and Brainball helped the beans raise Dorydoo -- whatta great roll model, and lookit that protecktive big paw of his):
Here she is at four months old:

And here she is at five months old:
Here's Dorydoo is at six months old (wowie, she's lookin more growed up!):
And here she is at nine months old:
Here's Dorydoo at one year old, an official Ladycat, hangin out with Brainball onna perchie:
And here she is at two years old:

Here's Dorydoo last year, when she was three, givin Momma the raspberry:

And here's a video of Dorydoo, at four years old, gettin wacky with Momma's footsie! She loves the smell of Momma's foot loshun (beeswax and lanolin) and can smell it efun when Momma's wearin two pairs of socks. It makes Dorydoo act like she's on catnip! Isn't she a funny gurl?
Happy Burfday, Dorydoo! We're so glad yur a Ballicus. You are preshus and sweet and soft and loveable and beeyootiful. You are our little gurl with the great big purr, and Momma and Daddy and alla us Ballicai love you furry furry furry much!
We Ballicai gotted a wunnerful awardie from our furriends at Forever Foster! Thankies so much. We are furry honored!

Happy Purffday!
Happy, Happy Birthday, Dorydoo! You are one of the luckiest kitties ever!
Happy Birthday, Dorydoo!
We think it's wonderful you have such a loving and protective big brother.
Happy Purrthday Dorrydoo!
Happy Happy Birthday DoryDoo.
You look just so sweet~!!
I love the last video of you, rubbing and rubbing and rubbing, that is just too cute!
Happy Birthday Dory. We hope you have a wonderful one. Congratulations on your award.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Happy Birthday Dorydoo! Your baby pictures made our mum go 'squeee'! You have grown in to a very beautiful ladycat.
Happy Birthday Dorydoo!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
The Woman LOL'd at the picture with your tongue out. It's a great pic.
Happy Purrthday Dorydoo! We is glad yoor a ballicai too.
Happy Burfday!!!! Wow, I loved looking at how you grew from month to month! It was neato! I hope you have a wonderful Burfday today and get lots of scritchins, stinky goodness, and even some nip!
Purrs, Gizmo
Aww poo. It wont let me see the video. Says it's not available now, to try again later...Guess I will come back and check it out laters!
Happy happy happy Birthday Dorydoo! Thank you for all the pictures - what a CUTE kitten!!! And such a beauty now - we are very happy to be your friend! Have a wonderful day, filled with treats and nip and play and attention and feet!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin and Karl
Happy Birthday, Dorydoo! I loved looking at all the pictures of you growing up. I couldn't see the video, either, but I will try again. Congratulations on your award.
A very Happy Fourth Birthday to you Dorydoo!
What a sweet kitten you were and so lucky to have Brainball as your loving protector. You are one elegant lady cat now too!
Happy Purrday, Dorydoo! Gosh, u DO know that ur name is just as adorable as the kitty herself, right? hee hee
We love ur growing up photos, and we love U!
Hugs and kissies,
Dorydoo - Happy 4th Birthday! We hope you have a wonderful day!
Smooches to you from all of us here in O Hi O!
Happy Purrfday Dorydoo! Fanks for da nice picshure show of yoo growin up. Yoo were da sweetest lookin kitten an yoo are da most beautiful girl now. Yoo were meant to be in such a happy home wif all such nice secure an lovin family.
Happy Happy 4th Birthday Dorydoo! What a wonderful collection of pictures to show you growing up, and we just loved the video of you with your Momma's footsie ... that was so cute! Have a wonderful Birthday, furriend!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Happy Birthday DorydoO! You was a beautiful kitten and is a beautiful Ladycat now. We hope you hav a great day!!
Happy purrthday, Dorydoo. You've grown from a darling kitten into a beautiful young lady.
Oh, and congratz to you all for your latest award!
Happy Happy Birthday Dorydoo! Those are such cute baby pics of you!
Happy Purthday, Dorydoo! You were a cute kit...and now a good-looking girlcat!
Wally & Ernie
Happy Purthday Dorydoo!
Concatulations on the award!
Happy Birthday sweet Dorydoo! You look so much like our little Percy ... even though he is a little boy cat ... he's really too pretty to be a boy! ;o)
It looks and sounds like your Brainball is a wonderfully loving orangie just like our Redfurd too! Redfurd is aka Uncle Goob, Big Brofur Goob too! PURRS!
Happy Purrffday Dorydoo! Hopes yoo gets lotsa extwa scritches an treets today.
Happy Birthday Dorydoo! We loved the video of you and your Mom's footie!
Happy Birthday, Dorydoo! What fun looking at you growing up in all of those pictures.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Happy Birthday, Dorydoo!
Where does your mom get that lotin from?!
Purrs, Siena
Hi My Sweetie,
I just got the computer.Grandpa and Grandma are staying with us for the week.I want to wish Dorydoo a very Happy Birthday.Her kitten photos made mom and grandma smile and we all love the cute video....Hugs and Snuggles Your Wife Ariel
Happy Birfday, Dorydoo! We luv your little ktten picktures.
happy birfday! you are cute.
Happy Purrfday Dorydoo! you was a really cute baby, and in your 4 month pikshur we see that you hadded stripes in your furs! how cool!!!!
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 4th Purrthday Dorydoo and many, many, many mooooooore!!! That is a cool video of you! Hope your day is great and filled with lots od love and treats!
Your FL furiends,
Happy 4th PurrDay, Little Kittenhead :-D I loved seeing all your photos from when you were a tiny little kitten and as you were growing up! Loved your movie, too :-D
Dorydoo Happy 4th purrday to a wonderfully beautiful young lady cat....we just loved all the pictures of you -- you have only grown more lovely with the passage of time.
It's me again I made something for Dorydoo on my blog hope she likes it...Hugs Ariel
Happy Birthday, Dorydoo! You sure grew up to be a beautiful and adorable girl.
Happy Birthday, are beautiful.
You have a beautiful black coat!
Don't forget to stop by and read...
The mystery toilet guest! ...Part Two
(((HUGS)))Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernie's Voice
Happy Birthday sweet Dorydo-
Congratulations on making it to four. I'm four, too. Just about five months older.
You have wonderful pictures of you at different ages. You are a very pretty kittygirl.
Birthday hugs...Grethcne and Mike
Happy Happy Happy Birthday, Dorydoo!!!
It was sweet to see you as you grew up!! You turned into quite the ladycat!!!
Have a wonderful day with all the rest of the Ballicai!!!!
Purrs Goldie and Shade
Precious then, precious now... what a wonderful portfolio of her growing up days... Dorydoo, you are one beautiful kitty girl and we wish you a really big happy, happy birthday!
Awwww...what cute pictures!
Happy happy purrthday Dorydoo! Hope you get lots of treats!
Happy, Happy Burfday Dorydoo!
We gotta get some of that lotion.
~ The Bunch
Happy Happy Happy Birthday, Dorydoo!!! I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Whiskie kissies to you,
A furry happy birfday, DoryDoo.
Love & Purrs,
KC & The Sherwood Bunch
pee ess: DoryDoo got mores beautiful each year!!!
Hippo purthday to you!
Hippo purthday to you!
Hippo purthday dear Dory Doo!
Hippo purthday to Ya--oooouuuu!
You are a lucky girl because you have a great family!!!! I live the bond you have with Brainball too :)
Purrs Mickey
Happy, happy birthday Dorydoo! It's a good thing your mom wears double socks!
Happiest of Happy Birthdays to you "Little Kittenhead". Love, Monkey & Cooper
Thanks so much for the bday wishes for Coopie.
Dorydoo is so beautiful - I'm glad I made it in time to say a Happy Birthday! :)
Happy Burfday Dorydoo! Those are some very adorable pictures and video. We really enjoyed seeing all of the kitten pics. We hope you had a wonderful birthday!
My dearest little Dorydoo! I wish you a most belated happy birthday...I am grounded that is why I am late with my wishes.
I am so proud of how you are growing up to be such a sweet sleek house panther lady...even if you do have some burping contests at parties:))
All my love your Peachy sister
Many happy purrthday wishes to Dorydoo - she's such a sweet and bright girl - and we knew that she had to be furry intelligent too with those bright eyes and inquisitive looks!
Hope she got many many all the pictures and the video!
Hi My Sweetie,
I tagged you for a meme.Please go to my blog and see...Love Ya Your wife Ariel
Dearest Dorydoo! We wanted to leave you a Happy Birthday message yesterday, but right after we typed our message, the computer went *poof* and went to a blue screen and mommy freaked out and her laptop was at work so she couldn't use that one.
We are so so sorry we couldn't comment yesterday. We saw your adorable pictures and ood and aahd but couldn't hit "publish your comments"
Bendrix even got all "oooo cutie" over your baby pictures.
I am so glad you have such a wonderful loving forever home and such loving siblings.
Happy 4th Birthday!!!
Happy Belated Birthday Dorydoo!! We love all those photos of you over these last four years!! Sorry we didn't get by to wish you happy birthday on your big day - mommy has been hopeless lately....
Many happy wishes!!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Happy Purrrrrthday Dorydoo!
I have a gif for you! Muahaha!
sorry i missed da purfdeh. Me waz sickies. I glad yoo were borned.
I forgot to thank you for celebrating my Gotcha Day with me - it meant a lot to me and really saved the day!
Thank you!
Happy Belated Purrthday!
happee belated birfday frum mi brudder mickey an me!!!
we hope u hadda grate time!
Happy belated birthday, Dorydoo! Hope you had a great day!
Thank you for following our story of the "Sugar Glider" was fun for us.
(((HUGS))) Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernie's Voice
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