Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Us Ballicai have gone orange fur ASPCA Day! And of course, Brainball, our Alpha Cat, is orange alla time, hehe.

And this Thursday -- well, efurry day, ackshually! -- I'm thankful fur the love of a good bruther.

Me and Brainball enjoy hangin out on the window perchie togethur.

And I love to snuggle into his floof...

...and watch the goins-on outside.

As you can see, Brainball's fuzz is growin back real good, where he hadded to be shaved! And he's thankful fur that, cuz it doesn't itch no more.


One said...

Very nice your cats and beautiful photos!!! Bye, One

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Brainball and Chairman Mao~!
How sweet seeing you cuddle together, I bet Brainball's fur is very good to snugle with, so warm and so much furr and must be very soft~!!!!!
Must be better than the purring pad, hehehehe!!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
Furry nice pickshures, wif all that furs, it must be nice to snuggle.
Purrs, KC

Anonymous said...

wow - he sure is snuggly! you two are adorable together!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You two look so cute hanging out together. :) We aren't American, so we haven't gone orange, but we did support the ASPCA by buying a digital scrapbooking kit made for them. We also support a lot of local animal charities.

Anonymous said...

Cuddling on your perch looks so cute. And crowded. Perhaps you should order a bigger perch!!

Parker said...

Happy ASPCA day! Brainball's furs are growing back very well!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie,

You and Brainball look so sweet and cute together.Love is a great thing.I'm thankful for having such a great boyfriend and I love you bunchies.Mom's doing much better, her and grandma went to lunch on Tuesday.
Then the niece thingy came over yesterday she's sick and can't go to school.She's always drawing and coloring bright pictures.Mom has them hung up all over the house.Plus lately the niece thingy has been very nice and gentle with me.Yesterday mom let her feed me some treats.Thank you for snuggling
with me your the best...Love Ya Your Ariel

Anonymous said...

Brainball's furr looks pretty nice and fluffy! Very nice pics of you two!


Mao Mao
That is such a sweet series of pictures...we love to see all the love coming from both of you...


Tybalt said...

Mao, it is so sweet to see how close you are to your big brother. The two of you look very handsome on your perchie together!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You and Brainball look like great furiends!!
We are glad his furs are growing back.

The Furry Kids said...

Great post, Chairman Mao! You and Brainball look pretty cute there all snuggled up.

EG's sending whiskie kissies to Dorydoo.


Sunny's Mommy said...

Those are great photos of you snuggling up with your brother. It's so sweet!

Our cats don't do that :(

Ana said...

You look so cute together! Snuggly, fluffy pictures!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo haf a wunnerful big brofur, Mao, we just bet dat floof is great to snuggle in. We'z happy to see his fur is growing back, must make him feel good too.

Unknown said...

I love how you and Brainball are such good brothers to each other. The picture of you with your face in Brainballs fur make my Mum all mushy!

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Brainball looks as though he is getting in more peach fuzz!

Gretchen said...

I didn't know about orange day until late last night. Brainballs butt sure looks much better. His fur is growing back really fast.

For Dorydoo:
Sweet Dorydoo, I thought of you today when I was trying to pick friends to tag for a meme. I know it been done before, but not by you. So please come by and see what it is.

Hugsabunches to you all--sweet princes' and princess' floofy cuz'....G

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

You & your brudder look furry sweet all snuggly puss like dat! Your two headz togedder had da momee here in her "Ohhhhhhhhh, how sweeeeeeet," tonez. But dere you haz it. If you iz sweeeeeet, you gets da "ooooooohhhhhhhz!"

Dr Tweety