Friday, November 16, 2007

Seven Things Meme

I was taggied by Jimmy Joe fur the Seven Things Meme! Here are the rules:

* Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog
* Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself
* Tag 7 random people at the end of your post & include links to their blogs
* Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Okeydokeys, let's see...

1. When I get really superduper spazzed out and ecksited, I BARK. That's right. BARK. I sound like a little doggie. And whenefur Momma and Daddy hear me bark, they know it means I'm gonna be, within the next nanosekond, runnin a squillion miles all ofur the housie.

2. I love wearin a kollur! That surprised Momma and Daddy. I efun love the little bell! I like how it sounds when I spaz. It gives good musickal backup fur when I say MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO!

3. I find really funny places to sleep. Places where most anybodies wondurs how I can possibly be comfurtable. Like on toppa Momma's tennis shoes.

4. My big bruther Brainball and me are best furriends and love to play, snuggle, and snooze togethur.

5. Me and my sistur Dorydoo are great furriends, too, and we play chase all ofur the housie! And when we play, I love to hear her SQUEEK!

6. Marilyn and I don't play too much cuz she's oldur and not much into that kind of thing, but we get along good as long as I respeckt her space. And sometimes we nose kiss!

7. I love my Momma furry much, but I'm an eckstra-espeshul Daddy's Boy.

Lotsa kitties have already been taggied, so I'll just say anykitty who wants to play along, please do!


Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Dear Mao,

You iz a furry good boy. dat iz what da momee sez. & da fact dat your daddy'z boy, dis iz also furry good. My frend Delilah iz da dadee'z gurl. Dadeez mustee have der nice kitteez to hug and hold. & You looks so furry happy in hiz lap!!!

-Dr Tweety

Boy said...

Gosh! You bark!!!
I think I must wearn that too! Mine Mummy says I sing too much. Maybe I should vawy it with some barking!

Lux said...

I wish I could hear you bark, Mao - I'll bet that's funny!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Dear Chairman,

it's very cute of you, I would love to hear you bark time to time, if your mommy have some time, ask her record a film of your barking:)

You are really match to Brainball, you 2 are the best brothers~!!!!

Great to learn more things about you.


Mickey's Musings said...

Mao,those were good facts! It is so nice you get along with your siblings.Georgia & Tillie are way younger than me so we don't play much.
A barking cat,imagine that!!! heeheehee :)

Anonymous said...

You bark?! That would scare me!

I think you look very cute with Brainball in that photo!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Mao, yoor such a sweetie. We'd love to hear yoo bark too. Our little woofie, so mom sez, tried to meow like Punkin. She was da cat dat came before.

Karen Jo said...

I would love to hear you bark sometime, MaoMao. I find it interesting that you like your collar. So many cats don't. You look extra comfy cuddling with your Dad.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Great list, Mao. :) You bark? Wow. And you like wearing a collar? I wouldn't, because it would rub my skin raw. But I do have a microchip implanted in my shoulder muscle.

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweet Mao,

You bark how cool I'd love to hear that.You do look very handsome in your purple collar.Plus we have another thing in common I love to sleep on top of my mom's sneakers.
Today mom's going into the city to
have lunch and do some shopping with some friends.Me guess I'll just sit and watch the birdies.Have a great day today...Love and Many Kissies Your Ariel

Anonymous said...

Hee-hee, we have never heard of a kitty that barks. You are very unique Mao and those were great things about you.

We really like your smile in the last picture!

Monty Q. Kat said...


You have to get that on tape!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I bark too!!
mearr! mearr mearr!


Daisy said...

That's very neat that you can make a barking sound! I wish I could hear it.

Sunny's Mommy said...

That's all very interesting! But you bark?!! Wow I've never heard of a barking cat before!! You're really special :-)

Tybalt said...

Mao, my mommy found me just this morning sleeping on top of her shoes!

I am beginning to wonder if we are kitty soul brothers. >.>

Unknown said...

Ah Mao Mao that was a very good seven things meme. I really like the picture of you and your Dad together.

Your Mum should make a video of you barking so we could hear it, I have never heard a cat bark before.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Momma wishes us Piney Woods Girls would snuggle. Well, I would, but nobody wants to snuggle wif me. Patches always batts me if I get to close.


Leona said...

Barking- wow that is something we haven't tried yet. Guy squeeks like a mouse and I have a meow that sounds alot like Im saying MAAAAAAAA.

The Furry Fighter said...

fanks for those facts but i am very surprised that you likes yer collar! i hated mine - even though it was very very pretty x

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yoo bark???? Wowie how'd yoo do that?

Tyler said...

Ah Mao you are such a wonderful kitty! I can't get over Brainball being a boy. It just doesn't sound right. Oh well, maybe one day I'll adjust. I wish you were my brother, cuz your just too cool.

Gretchen said...

I forgot to tell you that I loved your 7 meme...

Hugs again...G

The Cat Realm said...

Those were 7 great things to learn!!! You are such a character, Mao. Barking, and sleeping on top of shoes... very funny. And it seems your relationship with Marylin is like mine with Mrs. OZ.
And as much as I love the maid - I am the butler's boy... Thanks for telling us these things about you!

Black Cat said...

Great 7 thingies MaoMao and I, too, would love to hear you bark, so it looks like you'll have to get the staff to stop writing for a mo and make a video. BTW, you have the most gorgeous smile:) xxx

The Crew said...

Mao, that's very Mancatly of you to admit to the entire world that you bark. I'm also a Daddy's Boy, and PROUD OF IT!!
