Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Wunnerful New Furriend!

We Ballicai made a wunnerful new furriend today. Her name is Chase, and our furriend Monty Q. innerduced her on his bloggie!

Chase is a furry speshul kitty -- sweet, strong, and curageous. She was in a bad accident when she was youngur and bekause of that, she doesn't look like other kitties. But that doesn't matter. She's a beeyootiful kitty girl both inside and out, and she works hard as a therapy kitty to help the beans. She also has a loving, fabyoolus Momma who takes great care of her and gives her lots and lots of kitty kisses!

Chase, we and our beans love you! And we're sendin' you great big kittyhuggies.

We Ballicai also wanted to say that we're keepin' Skeezy's Mr. Tasty Face in our thoughts and purrs. We hope Mr. TF is feelin bettur furry soon!


Anonymous said...

We met Chase also. Isn't that an amazing story?

Anonymous said...

I met Chase as well. I couldn't believe it. She is amazing.

Chase and Mel said...

Thank you again for such nice words. Please keep in touch.
Mew Mew,

Mickey's Musings said...

That is a nice post Mao!!!!
Chase really is a special girl with a wonderful family! I can see her doing wonders as a therapy cat.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, we went over to meet Chase. She is a speshul kitty! What a great home she got.

Karen Jo said...

Thank you for telling us about Chase. I will have to go meet her. I also hope and pray that Mr. Tasty Face gets better soon.

Christine and FAZ said...

A therapy kitty - that sounds like a very interesting and important job Chase has. Hope all is perfect in Mao land too? FAZ

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Chase is a very special cat. She is amazing and inspirational!

ZOOLATRY said...

Yes, we agree. Chase is one special kitty...
and to all the Ballicai we are sending Happy Turkey Day wishes.

Daisy said...

I met Chase yesterday and she has touched my heart already. I cannot wait to get to know her better.

Parker said...

Chase is a great kitty - I went over and said hello to her yeaterday. She really is amazing!

Anonymous said...

It's always great to make new friends! Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweet Mao,

I met Chase and her story truly touched my heart. She's an amazing kitty.I'm so glad she found a wonderful loving home.This is such a sweet post and I love you lots...Love and Many Kissies Your Ariel

Monty Q. Kat said...

I feel bad I called her a 'him', kinda like a reverse Brainball. D'oh!

...and I learned bein' diret and whapping a straw in front of the human isn't a good thing. More research needed.

Tara said...

We met Chase too, and agree, she is a very special kitty.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We haf been to visit chase too and she is a wunnerful and brave kitty.

Lux said...

Bless Chase's heart - that's amazing ...

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I met Chase, too.

It's very nice to meet him~!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Hi Mao,

Tanks fur introducin' us to Chase. Dat iz one amazin' cat & I yam tinkin' it must take a great deal of tena-city to get through an ordeal like dat.

Dr Tweety

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

We're going to go meet Chase immediately! Isn't it great to make new friends?? We're also purring for Mr. TF!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Thanks for the link to Chase's blog. You're a great group of kitties, yourselves! If the humans were as good as you are at seeing past the things that don't matter, the world would be a nicer place!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Chase is a very sweet kitty and she has been through a lot of trauma. Now she is loved so much. Her heart is happy

Thank you so much MaoMao for directing us to her bloggie. She is a wonderful new friend!

The Cat Realm said...

I went over to Chase right away! What an amazing cat, thank you for telling us about her!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Haven't been over for a while. Just stop by to say 'mieow' to efurrykitty.

Gretchen said...

I visited Chase's sight but only for a second or two. You know how that goes, mom bean wanted the computer. I think that poor little cat is amazing for its courage. Wow. I'll go back and visit her again soon.


The Furry Kids said...

Hi Ballicai! Whiskie kissies, Dorydoo!


The Crew said...

Thanks for introducing us to Chase. We'll go over and say "hi" right away.

Scout said...

Wow! Chase’s story is amazing! Thanks for linking to her.


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Thanks for introducing wonderful Chase, I've been over to say 'mieow'. SS is so happy that you like her college kitty pal.