And for another thingie, alla us Ballicai got another wunnerful awardie from our furriend Black-Cat: the Friendly Blogger Awardie. Thankies so much -- we are honored!

And still another thingie -- Momma got her author copies of her novel in the mail yesterday. She said something like YIPPEE SKIPPY! And she thought I might be innarested in checking out her book. Well, here's what happened:
Here's a pickshure of me with Momma's book, just in case the movie is wonky.

Guess I'm not much of a reader, but I thought it tasted purretty good, hehe! If anybody would like to check out Momma's novel, it's a love story, and it's on Amazon.
(Momma? MAO! That'll be ten Temptayshuns a piece, please, since we Ballicai letted you share our bloggie!)
Yipee Indeed!!!!
10 temptations? Is that all? You should have asked for at least 15.
And if you review the book, you should get a month's supply.
Congrats on the awards. And on your mom's book. That must be very exciting. And tasty.
Congratulations on your awards! Yes I think it looks like a long book. You should get more than 10 temptations.
ConCATulations on the Works of Heart Awardie! I can't thinkie of more deserving recipients coz you are such loving pooses and purples! Glad you like the Friendly Blogger Awardie too! I've been hearing on the radio that there are bloggers who say Nasty Things! Huh? They certaintly aren't on the Cat Blogosphere! I can see you love your Momma's book MaoMao! If I needed any further recommendation (which I don't coz I'm sold already) your video and picture would so do it! :) xxx
That is sooo awesome! We think you treat your Mom's book with the utmost reverence and respect - just as a regal mancat like you would do. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!
BTW - we also agree with JFF - you need to ask for better payment!
And congratulations on the awards.
AND next week is CCSI 5 week!!!!
Concatulations on yoor awards...glad yoor mom's book tastes good. Bet it din't taste as good as temptations tho.
Maybe your mum can do a talking book version for the Ballicai... or read you Dickensian installments every night before bed...
Congras on those awards! And congrats to your mom on her published book! That is so great!!!
Haha! You are wise to sell your blog space, Mao:)
It must be a very exciting time for your mum.
We tinkz itz kewel dat youz momma iz an author! Our momma wrote sumpin' taday on our bloggie but we don't tink dat it iz "book worthy" cuz she waz so hissing when she wrote da wordz.
Wonderful ! and congrats to the awards !
Mao Mao, you did real good making sure the book feels and tastes good! And congratulations on your awards, too!
Hello dear friend!
Congratulations for the awards and about your Mommy's book! We visited her blog and its amazing!
Fabulous pictures!
Purrs and love from Brazil
Luna ( and mommy Léia )
Wow. So much excitement. Congrats to all of you.
Yay! Your momma's book looks very tasty. We can't wait to taste the one we ordered.
Yay, awards...you are all very deserving of them! And hiphiphooray for the mommies book, too!
Wow congrats on your awards! You Ballicai deserve it. And many congrats to your Mom too on her novel. You look furry cute there MaoMao, giving the book your snoopervising..Purrs and hugs to you all :)
Dearest Mao,
I'm so happy for your mom that's great news.Also congratulations on your awards there's no one who deserves them more.You and your family are the best.So sweet and kind.Now for the sad news yesterday was my last post.You can read it on my blog.I will miss you very much and if you wish you can always email me...meowgal42@yahoo.com.Your always be my Hubby forever and I will always love you big bunchies...Love and sweet nose Kisses Your Wife Ariel
Congratulations to your mama again. As for tasting it, you just had to make sure that it really did contain your mom's blood, sweat and tears, didn't you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Contratulations on the awards. I think you handsome next to your mom's book. My mom bean got her book today. She's all happy she gets to read the story again. I loved you video...how did the book taste. I got my picture taken with it but I didn't taste it. I think mom bean would've freaked out or something.
Yeah, I think 10 temptations isn't enough pay.
Big hugs and loving headbutts to everyone of you cousins...G
Wow....that is wonderful news! Your mommy wrote a book! How exciting. Our Mommy must get it to read!
Congratulations on your award :-) It's very well deserved.
And congratulations to your Momma on receiving the author's copy of her novel :-) That's very exciting!! I can tell it's a great novel because it's your Momma's :-D and it's nommable!
Congratulations on your awards.
You might have watched the latest CCSI caper already (we are beyond being organized!) - but of you didn't - you got to check it out!!! It is done totally different than the others and just way cool!!!
I am going to tell my mom to check out your mom's book. Mom needs a good love story right about now.
Hey, all you guys, did you have a nice Memorial Day weekend? Ours was quiet, except for Jan yacking. And cleaning. And ...well, guess it was a noisy weekend. No wonder we didn't get much rest.
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