So here I am, Marilyn MonREOW, back on the Ballicus Blog! Sometimes, I like to sit around with my tongue poking out of my mouth. No particular reason. I just enjoy it. But it always makes Mom say SQUEE and grab the camera. Why, I can't fathom. I don't take pictures of her when she sticks out her tongue.

No Silly Saturday post would be complete without my little brother, MaoMao. Here he is, in the bathtub, getting ready to attack the shower curtain!

We Ballicai would like to apologize for our delay in blogging! Mom is very busy, but we're going to do the best we can. *smile*
That must be a human expression. We hear that a lot around here too.
Marilyn, you're cute with your tongue sticking out.
Mao Mao, Don't rip the shower curtain. (Jan is making us say that.)
Mom likes to see little pink tongues too :) heehee Yours looks very nice too!! Good to see Mao having some fun!! That keeps you young ya know ;)
WE features Brainball this week in our T13. Miss Peach guessed it was him right away!!!
Purrs Mickey
Good help is so hard to find.
You look very cute ther Marilyn. And so does Mao with his laser eyes and cute face all excited for the pounce. Yep hoomans can be silly at times. It is best to ignore the flashy box then or turn away at the last moment ;)
Have a happy weekend!
You and your little pink tongue makes our mum go SQUEEE too, Marilyn! You look beautiful, even when you're blowing raspberries, which is quite a feat:)
We loved your together Tuesday post, too:)
Marilyn you look gorgeous with your tongue on show. Humans like cat tongues very much. MaoMao, those are some very good devil red eyes you have. I hope you gave the shower curtain a good seeing to!
Whicky Wuudler
Haha! Marilyn are you giving us a raspberry??!??
Have a great weekend!
Too funny, we've seen lots of cute little tongues this morning giving us the raspberry! Only our Madison does that from time to time and it makes mom want to give him what ever he wants...just don't stick that cute little pink tongue back in your mouth...too cute!
deer marilyn.
i want u to know dat it'z not mi brudder'z fault dat he hazzn't been bloggin ... it'z mi mom'z fault ... an, wen he saw dat byootiful pikshur uv u ... he wuz swoonin.
da end.
Cute tongue picture, Marilyn! Maybe you are just trying to keep your tongue cool?
Marilyn, my mom does that too when she sees me with my tongue out!
Lookin' good, Mao!
Dere Marilyn:
Do you think Brainball will still love me, even though I have lost all the furs on my tum tum? I am furry worried as Momma says it looks awful!
I stick my tongue out too, but Momma nefur is quick enuf to get a picher.
Pee Ess: Please give Brainball a big hug from me.
Sorry, my Mommy lost it looking at your photos!
Hi Marilyn,
Awww I agree you look very cute sticking your tongue out.Mao is so funny and handsome...Love and Hugs to you all Ariel
Oh Marilyn, we can see why yoor mom squee's and gets da camera. Yoor so cute like dat. Mao Mao, dat advice dat yoo gave about not sniffing yoor sisfurs butt if dey is chillaxin'...very true.
You look very charming with your tongue sticking out, Marilyn. I like to play BOO! out of the bathtub, too, Chairman Mao!
YOur buddy, Jimmy Joe
Mao, do you drink the bathtub water, too? That's Pixel's favorite.
hahaha Narilyn you iz lucky all yoru MOmam does is take pictures.. my Momma likes to touch it.. what is it with hommans needing to touch everything.. YOu are mega photo worthy though!!
Mao Mao I have not seen a picture of you yet where you do not have the innocent look.. I bet you could get away with anything, including shredding the shower curtain :p hehe
Thank you for coming over to mine party guys! It was gweat fun!
tes does that all the time with her tongue. And, she won't go near the shower.
However, Hans, likes to just lay in the bathroom. I guess it holds fond memories of when we first got him.
Marilyn you made us laugh! You look like you are thinking very hard.
Hahahaha!!! You iz makin' da momee here go "SKWEEEE" tooz Marilyn! & looks at your brudder Mao... he'z gots da red eyez of shower curtain massacre! Go gets dat plasticky ting Mao!!! You tellz 'em!!!
Marilyn, your sweet little pink tongue is absolutely precious. MaoMao, our shower curtain has been taunting me lately, so I'm sure you're shower crtain has it coming too.
Marilyn you have a very cute little tongue! Our mom laughs at us when we have our tongues sticking out too.
I hope Mao has a good time with the shower curtain!
Marilyn, you look very, very beautiful. Mao Mao, that shower curtain thing sounds fun. I'm going to have to try it.
Whiskie kissies to Dorydoo,
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