And here's a picture of me with my best Gotta Kill the Evil Coffee Stirrer look (Momma's holdin it up ofur my head).

Voting has opened up for the Cat Site November Blog of the Month Contest! Vote for us if you want to, or vote for one of the other wonderful blogs listed! Here's where you register to vote.
(We Ballicai haven't been able to get registered because Momma can't get the wordie verification thing to work. But maybe some of you will have better luck than we did!)
Uppiedate: We Ballicai got registered! Thankies to Sweet Praline for the uppercase-lowercase tip, and Momma's eyes finally worked, too! hehe
Anyhow, thankies to everybodies who votes for us.
Hi My Sweetie,
"Oh" I just adore your video your so brave and very handsome.I would love to snuggle with you and give you warm nose kisses(blush)...Your Wife
We never thought about coffee stirrers being evil until we read your post today...we're gonna hafta watch out for them...they are evil...
Kill it! Kill it! Good job defending the house from the menace of evil coffee stirrers, Mao Mao!
Keeeelll it, MaoMao! That looks like fun!
Oh I don't think the coffee stirrer has a chance...
You don't look like you want to kill it. You look more like you'd like a cup of coffee with it. :)
Yes, our Rusty does resemble your Brainball. And they're both handsome guys.
Wow, what a lovely photo of you! And still this evil coffee stirrer! :-D
Mao!!! What a pawsome job you did attacking that evil coffee stir stick!! You're gooooooooooooood!
I'm happy to know that I am safe with you around!!
Purrs Mickey
It looks like you were just asking for more coffee (I saw you licking your paws).
We finally got registered on the website and think you must use both caps and lowercase. Just a thought . . .
You are a good killer kitty!!
That evil coffee stirrer doesn't stand a chance against you! You have lightning quick paws!
Ha, ha!! And good luck!
Thank you so much for your support! You Ballicai need to vote for yourself!!! Now that we got so many votes from our friends we will make our maid register and vote for you guys, hahahahahahahaha!
You are the sweetest and we love you!
(Awesome picture of you Maomao, and very good coffee stirrer handling technique!)
O my Goodness!! Momma says you are just so amazingly handsome and wants to steal you away!!! She melts every times she sees you.. that is sad for mez.. hee
She says she never noticed your big manly muscle arms before!!
Dude.. quit being so perfect!.. please? :P hahha
You are too sweet! We don't actually need any more votes in the contest because we are winners already: having such wonderful friends as we have, such wonderful friends as you guys - and as soon as the maid has the time to help us make another post we will stop crying, hahahahahahahahahahaha
That is very sweet of you playing with your mommy~!
You are so great and cooperate.
I don't play like you now, hahaha~~~ I always stare toys and doing nothing, makes Michico just calm down and doing her own things. hee hee hee~
Thankyou for raising our awareness of this important issue. We will not take the threat of coffee stirrers lightly ever again.
Now we're off to vote!:)
Get it, Mao Mao! I know you can defeat the evil stirrer!
It's good to see you in action, Mao. Nice work!
Defnitly an evil fing, out to get our beans! You needs ta put da bitey on it. It's so lucky yur beans haf you to protect them!
PS that werd furification fing gave Mom a hard time, too, but she's furry stubborn.
Evil coffee stirrers.
Luf, Us
Oh Mao Mao, yoor so rugged and handsome...
We don't ever have coffee stirrers, but we do think straws are evil, and have to attack them.
Great video of you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Mao you are a very good evil coffee stirrer killer. You hunting look is scary!
Hi My Sweetie,
"Tag" your it please go to my blog and see...Love ya Your wife Ariel
I love your mancatly blue eyes. And I will try to go figure out how to vote for you!
That coffee stirrer had it coming! Good job!
Mao Mao ... You are FIERCE! Those evil coffee stirrers don't stand a chance!
This is definitely one very ebil coffee stirrer. Good thing you were alert and on the job Mao. It's nice of you to protect the hoomans. Thanks for dropping by and wishing Leo n Fairy happy purrthday too. Sending you lots of purrs and hugs from us all..
Mao Mao you are SO handsome. My Mum adores you. Your Mom is very lucky to have you to protect her from the evil incarnate that is the coffee stirrer.
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