Here's Dorydoo,my house panthur sistur. If she's lookin fur a book, she's lookin fur a book on physics, astronomy, or cosmology.
And here's Marilyn, my whitester sistur. And if she's lookin fur a book, she's probably lookin fur a really good classic novel or a book of poetry.
And while the gurls are takin turns hangin out on the bookieshelves, me and Brainball, the mancats of the fambly, are takin turns on the purr pad on the window perchie. Zzzzzzzz.....
I think it's very interesting of you 4, because girls are on the bookshelves, and boys are at their napping spot.
What is that mean? Girls are more idiosyncratic ? Hahahaha~~~~
Well I am kind of like I am a boy, I can admire girls very elegant up there and I can relax nap here, hahaha~~ But I think 4 of you are all very graceful.
You sure have cute feet, Mao! But what's this with you boys avoiding the books? Don't tell me the girls are the only intellectuals in your house!
Girlcat places and boycat places. It looks like everyone is very happy.
I'm waiting for mom bean to go to bed. She takes forever and I've been waiting a long time for her to get settled in so I can sleep on top of her legs.
Sweet dreams my Balicai family...I love you all...G
The girls must be bored as all you boys do is sleep!!! Hee Hee!
Purrs, Shade
Dear Mao Mao - Mommy wants to kiss your pawsies!
You all look very cozy and comfy! :) That last photo of you is so precious, Mao! :)
Hi My Sweetie,
You all look cozy.Grandma says you look so adorable in your napping pose
and I agree...I love you bunchies Your Ariel
MomBean wants to know if the chin is the smootchy spot.
You all looks vera comfy. Momma wants to rub Chairman Mao's belly!
You all look so happy! I think I would enjoy reading a book (about Circus tricks) and then taking a nap.
You are all way too cute. My mommy squees everytime she sees pictures of you!
Those sure are nice picktures of all you kitties. Bookcases are great places to hang out cuz you is up high and everything.
Dats a nice window sleepin spot. I'd rather do that than reed innyday.
This is definitely a SQUEE-worthy post. hee hee
EG's sending whiskie kissies to his lovely Dorydoo.
Yoo Ballicai all look comfy...Speedy has gotten into reading wif mom at night recently...or maybe it's just laying on her lap.
You all have a lot of hang-out spots! You must be getting really smart reading all those books!
What gorgeous sisfurs and brofur you have! It's nice that they're book selections are so well rounded.
There are some scary books on them shelves!
You girls are very smart, reading up on stuff! But napping's not a bad idea, either!
You iz da mostee bestee read cats I haz evfur seen. Doez you pix up on da story linez by oz-moses? I do dis freeqwently when I sits on Saveur. I justee soaks it all up!!!
We iz sorry dats we haz not been commintin' muchee lately. It iz da momee & da daddezz beggie gardun time... it's all abouts weedin' so dey can eats.
Dr Tweety
Aww, you have such a good-lookin' family!
I like bunnygirl's joke about the girls bein' on the bookieshelves cuz they're intellectuals!
Dorydoo looks especially wise up there with the books. She will let the boys snooze, but she will improve her mind. And she's pretty, too...
All of you are such book worms, heehee
This is a perfect place to relax and every now and then lift up your sweet head and have a look around.
yooo look soo coot mao layin like dat.
Such cute pictures of all of you. Maybe your bookshelf could be turned into bunk beds for all of you.
Sassy & Momo
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