We give our Momma those looks too! Sometimes our beans just have too much stuff to do, or are too stressed out from work, but we know our bloggies should be their highest priority, right? Hee hee! The hairball plan may be the purrfect remedy to fix this situation! Purrs and headbutts, Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Awww...Lol You all look so cute how could she resist.I'm doing fine and mom comes home today.I really missed her yet she had better bring me a gift.I love you bunchies have a great day...Snuggles and Kissies Your Ariel
I like those looks and here you are blogging! Very effective. We miss you too. We can't always comment (mommy's work puter is right out front), but we always read you. What else will you demand with those looks? Toona? I think it will work.
Oh, those are great "help us blog" looks! Especially you two boys - those are great glares!
That will work for sure!!!!!
Purrs, Goldie and Shade
Look at your bright laser eyes ~ that oughta be enough to make your Mom blog!
Purrs to all you ballicai ~ have a happy weekend :)
We give our Momma those looks too! Sometimes our beans just have too much stuff to do, or are too stressed out from work, but we know our bloggies should be their highest priority, right? Hee hee! The hairball plan may be the purrfect remedy to fix this situation!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Hi My Sweetie,
Awww...Lol You all look so cute how could she resist.I'm doing fine and mom comes home today.I really missed
her yet she had better bring me a gift.I love you bunchies have a great day...Snuggles and Kissies Your Ariel
You do look a little bit crabilated at your mom! I do not see how she could refuse you anything!
It looks like your assistance (the kitty looks) worked!
Hairballs usually do the trick!
yeah, talkin' about being busy...our mommy been terribly bitten by the busy monster here:(
anyway, we're so glad to see you again:)
-meaouwy troops-
It's tough to get recalcitrant humans in line. Good luck to you.
I hope those "looks" work!!! I know that my Mom is complaining that there is not enough hours in the day!!!!
Purrs Mickey
You should hock hairballs on her pillow. I think she will help you then.
You have perfected the "help us blog" look. I need to work on mine. Not nearly as effective as I think yours will be!
I love the two boys telling your mommeh to blog. It looks like a real gang and you're really warning her!
Oh no! Not the dreaded hairballs! She'd better shape up!
Hahaha! You are three intense kitties! How can your momma ignore you now?
Oh no! You have the same "mom" problem that I have! My mom says she is too busy too!
I like those looks and here you are blogging! Very effective. We miss you too. We can't always comment (mommy's work puter is right out front), but we always read you.
What else will you demand with those looks? Toona? I think it will work.
You're in good company. My mom bean isn't helping me blog much either.
Hugsabunches dear cousins...G
The three of you look very intense. I hope your Mom got the message.
All of you look very mad. If I was your Mom I'd be scared and help you blog immediately. So, did you yak into her boots yet?
Wow, great glares! At least she listened to you at last. We didn't even have internet until Sunday.
We are glad to see you again.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
very effective.... I hope.
Here also... lots of non-compliance to promises... hmmmm
I hate busy Moms too!
Guess you are gonna hafta give your Mommy something to BLOG about but don't destroy the place! =^Y^=Ty
If I were your mom, I'd straighten up and get blogging. Or else switch to flip flops.
purrs and tail wags
I hope that your extra-sensory glares are effective, Ballicai! Our momma is in Seattle, so we're stuck.
China Cat & I had the exact same lack-of blogging help! I hope that your Mom helps you soon!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
Wow!! Those are wonderful "help us blog looks"! If they don't work on your Mom, our Mom says she'll blog for you!!
Your FL furiends,
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