Tomorrow will be his last day of meds, and I know he'll be glad, though Momma's got real good at givin' 'em to him!
Here's Brainball at the livin' room window, as part of his Alpha Cat Patrols.

He's patrollin', he's eatin' like a horse and drinkin' from the sinkie, he's askin' fur massages from Daddy, he's hangin' out on Momma's desk and follerin' her around the housie, he's rasslin' with me (YAY!), he's rasslin' with Dorydoo (YAY!), and he and Marilyn have nose-kissied (YAY!).
So that's why it's Thankful Thursday for us Ballicai and our beans. We all love Brainball so much. And Momma says he's such a good, good boy -- she's so proud of how he's dealt with efurrything.
And I'll repeat this announcemunt bekause it's furry impawtant: Please, efurrykitty, go to my sweetiepie Ariel's bloggie and give purrs and love to her Momma. She's feelin' sad and needs lots of kitty lovies.
Really, how could your beans have ever thought Brainball was a girl! This still cracks me up. He is such an Alpha malekitty!
It's hilarious, isn't it, Henry? hehehe My Momma hadn't nefur had a boykitty before Brainball and then that doofus first vet was in a hurry and diagnosed him as a GURL...
It was after Momma started workin' with feral kitties that she started thinkin', wait a minute, there ain't nothin' feminine about Brainball, and sure enuff the new vet confurmed her suspishuns... bwahahaha, beans can sure be slow!
It still cracks me up, too!
yay for Brainball!!! WOO HOOO
Yippie, Brainball is back to his old self. We'z gonna go see Ariel now and send some purrs to her momma.
I am very proud of Brainball, he is a very very good boy~!!!!!
Oh I hope Ariel's Momma starts feeling better! We are glad that Brainball is doing so much better though.
Yay for Brainball! I am so glad that he is all well. I enjoyed visiting Dorydoo's party. I'm just sorry I couldn't stay longer. I'll go visit Ariel and her Mom right away.
My brother and sister-in-law are home, safe and sound. Yay!
Yay, I'm glad that Brainball is felling better. :) I'm off to visit Ariel now.
Brainball getting back to his Brainballish self is a very good reason to be thankful. And hooray for no more medicine!
we are glad that Brainball is feeling better!It'S good to hear that he is back on his daily routine.
purrrs, Kashim
Being back to 100% is great. He looks all better and I am so happy about that!
Dude, my head is still spinning. What do you put in those niptini's?
It is so good to hear that brainball is better!!! :)
It's always good to have happy endings.Purrs to everycat!!!
Hi Mao! Thanks for the update on Brainball. I'm glad he's feeling lots better.
Hi, Dorydoo! Um, you wanna go strollering today? If it's ok with Mao and Brainball, of course.
That is great to hear that Brainball is doing so well! When things are right, life is good!
That is so good news that Brainball is back healthy 100%!!!!
We are so glad that Brainball is feeling better and that he will not have to take medicine for much longer. Captain Jack had to take four pills a day earlier this year and he hated it. It was not a fun experience at all! Yay Brainball!
Brainball I am soooooo glad you are at 100% SOP levels! That is wunderful noos. Brainball you remind me a lot of my brofur Ping. He is our patrol cat and he is also a orinch tabby. It am a furry gud fankful fursday.
Hurray for Brainball's recovery! It's good that he is wrestling and kissing and patrolling again, just like his old self.
We are thrilled that Brainball is back up to SOP. He is a super kitty and we know a germ can not keep him down for long!
We are so glad that all of you are so happy and content over there. Each of you are such sweet kitties. Marilyn is the cutest little thing, so femenine, just like Prinnie. Dorydoo is just a furball of fun, and you two guys have the place under control!
Purrrrs for a happy day!
so glad to hear that Brainball is on the mend - hope he feels all the way better furry soon!
*Happy Dance* *Happy Dance* *Happy Dance*
We are so glad that Brainball is doing better and back to himself!
That's great news about Brainball!
This is such good news. So glad to hear Brainball is back on full duty.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!! As sumbuddy I know wood say, "That's superdooper!!!"
sooper news brainball! ise gonna go over to see ariel's mum right now. good luck wiv yer last medicines tomorrow! xxx
Hi My Sweet Mao,
I'm so happy to see the very handsome photo of brainball.It's wonderful that he's feeling better.Mom's feeling alittle better today. Chantel convince her to go to lunch with her and afew friends.They even brought back some delicious shrimps just for me.Thanks for all the love and concern it's helping alot.Chantel is helping me blog today she's very sweet...Love and Many Kissies Your Ariel
Oh goodie gumdrops!!!! Dat Brainball iz one furry healthy kittee!!! I tink he doez not need dis doctorz ad-vice, but just his frend-ship.
We lovez you Brainball!
-Dr Tweety
So glad for Brainball! Very good window spot, seems I would enjoy it too! I will go visit Ariel, I have some purrs left in me!
I'm so glad Brainball is better!
Thanks for the purrs, I'm home now. The V-E-T didn't find the feather, so we are assuming it passed "naturally" and maybe something that was on it gave me an upset tummy. But I came home with some yuccky medicine because of it!
Brainball is lookin' good. Glad to hear that you got the Alpha Male back on patrol, guys.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Brainball, you look marvelous! Bright-eyed and ready to tackle the world. I'm so glad you're better. I hope you don't ever get sick again. You scared your beans really bad.
Warm hugs for my special friend-cuz, brother, hey! I can call you brother now...hee, hee,...G
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