Here's me and Brainball, from my side (I'm dreamin' about Sweet Ariel)...

And here's me and Brainball (or King Leonidas, as Momma's nicknamed him these days!), from his side (he's dreamin' about Patches Lady, and he's really glad that today's his last day of meds)...

And here's Dorydoo, all curled up and wavin' to Earl Grey -- see her little paw paddies? She had a great time strollerin' with him yesturday!

Have a great Friday, everykitty! We love you! We won't be bloggin' again until Monday -- Momma's got catchy-uppy work to do, to where she's gotta hog OUR computer (ptooey!) -- but we'll be back with a Meezer Mancat Monday Post, and we'll be visitin' yur bloggies in the meantime! We hope everykitty has a superduper weekend.
MaoMao, those are great photos of you guys! You look so comfy hanging out on the laundry!
We are sad you can't get on the computer this weekend but we hope you have a great weekend, too!
We love all you Ballicai, too!!!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Ooh, you all look *so warm and comfy!
Have a great weekend~!
And wish your mommy good luck at work~!!
I hope you guys have a good weekend and I will miss you! Can't wait for Monday!
You've got the cutest white feet, little Mao-Buddy! :-)
Have a furry wonderful weekend!
Oh,nice clean warm laundry! I like to curl up with laundry too! Have a good weekend.
You all look adorable but I think you are the prettiest of all, Chairman Mao! I absolutely love it how you have your hind feet all curled up, reminds me of Anastasia!
We will be pretty much off the computer too till Sunday afternoon...
So: have a wonderful weekend!!!
Your friend Karl
Hey, you guys, it must be laundry day around the world today. I've got a laundry postie, too.
Giggles...hugs and snuggly nose kisses....G
You all look very cozy and comfy, lying in the laundry. :)
I can tell you are having a good dream, MaoMao, because of the way your toesies are all curled up. I'm glad that this is the last day for Brainball's medicine, too. He will be very glad that's all over with. Dorydoo looks cute all curled up. Have a great weekend.
Nice nappy picshures. Oh Yaawwwnnnn! I'm gettin' sleepy. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
HAve a good weekend! COme on over if you want to play Thunderin' Elephants.
MaoMao you look so furry adorable in that first picture with your little pawzies all curled up. Everyone looks so comfy cozy with the fresh warm clothes....hope all of you have a wonderful weekend.
Fresh laundry is the best. I'm glad your mom leaves it out for you, I've trained the Woman to do that as well.
You guys look like you're havin' a great nap on the laundry. Warm laundry is great. Have a great weekend, buddies!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
You kitties look so cozy and comfy napping in the laundry. We love to nap in the laundry too. Sometimes we even jump into the basket and ride around on the clean laundry when Mommy carries it from one room to another!
Mao, those were some great pictures of you guys! (Mommy wanted me to tell you that she thinks King Leonidas is a great name for a responsible mancat like Brainball.) You all look so snuggled and comfy!
Congrats to Brainball on his last day of meds!
Mao those are great pictures of you all sleeping. **Y A W N** we are almost ready for another nap too.
I love the way your feets look all curled up!
Your friends,
Ooo, warm lawndry, der is nuffing like it! Mom's gonna be bizzy dis weekend too, part of it getting stuff done to her dat makes her happy. We'll see yoo Monday, Brainball can do a mancat post wif yoo...
Awwww. Look at all those sweet little curled toes and sleeping poodins!!! How sweet!
Thanks for all your purrs for Reno, Dorfie, and all of us here at the Forty Paws!
Luf, Us
nice naps all of you!
Oh you iz got da right idea fur today. We are joinin' up wit you on da lollin' about. Dis iz da only reazonable way to spend a Friday!
Dt Tweety
Mao, I love how all of your paws are curled up in that first photo. Have a great weekend!
those are wonderful pictures...oh Brainball, he looks so peaceful!! And King Leonidas is a great name for him!
Hi My Sweet Mao,
Awww you two look so cute napping.
I'm dreaming of you to my sweetie.
Me and mom send kisses and hugs to
you all...Love Your Ariel
All of you look so adorable in those pictures :-)
You're lucky your Mom lets you sleep in the fresh warm laundry. We only allow our cats to sleep in Daddy's clean laundry as I have allergies. Sometimes I have to run them off my pile of clothes because they can't tell the difference.
Yoo kerl up yer bak toze just like my buddy Rocky does! It's a sooperdooper way to sleep, Rocky sez!
I loves me some warm laundry!
Maybe we can teleport over these this weekend and have a group nap!
Nappies in the laundry is excellent!
No more meds - Hooray!
Warm laundry is lots of fun,but in my case it's my towels that I get to lie on ,not Mom's clothes. :)
Sleeping in the laundry is the best! Its just so cozy ...
See, I knew Mike just needed more friends. I bet he's running his pudgy little legs off. I'm glad you're having a good time.
Hug brothercat...G
You look pretty cozy dreaming about your sweethearts! Have a nice nap!!
You guys are so sacked out!!
Brainball buddy, glad to hear you're feeling better.
You guys look like you had a great nap. I napped in the laundry yesterday, too!
Nice paw pads, Dorydoo. I had a great time strollering.
Purrs and winks,
OK Ballicai-
Da Mini & I our havin a disco party tonight & you are welcome to view da blog video of our firstee date!
Love, your pal fur-ever,
Dr Tweety
Just coming by, saying hello.... The staff is busy but I managed to find a computer, so I visit some...
Hi My Sweet Mao,
Sorry about the deleted post.Mom should always check her spelling.
She's feeling alot better, all the love and kind words for everybody worked....Love and Many Kisses Your Ariel
Hi Sweetie,
Me again that's suppose to read from
bad typist mom...Hugs Ariel
Hi My Sweetie,
Everything's fixed and mom was able to post so we're back.I'm very happy cause I missed everyone.Mom says it good to have such close loving friends and says we're truly blessed...Love and Snuggles Your Ariel
Oh, I love the nickname King Leonidas. It really fits you, being so gallant and all.
Big purrs
Patches Lady
wow your laundry look so inviting! we and castle have to curl p on a towel on the sofa - the indignity of it!!!
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