I woke Mom up by trying to kill the pot of lip balm she keeps on her nightstand, and it made her so happy. I haven't done that since before I got sick.
I ate plenty of dry food and stinky goodness, and Mom fed me my yogurt from a spoon -- I have to eat yogurt because I'm on antibiotics. And guess what: I'm liking yogurt more and more, even without the Temptations tucked in it! Then, before I lay down for my recuperative nap, I rubbed all over Mom and Dad, purred my lion purr, kissed Mom's legs, and cuddled with Dad.

I'm taking my medicines and will continue on them for another week, though the daily regimen has become an irritant, and Mom and Dad are teaming up to get the meds in me. Because I'm a big Mancat (sixteen pounds), Dad holds me while Mom medicates me. But Dad has a firm, gentle hand and Mom has nimble fingers, so it only takes a couple of minutes, and when it's all over, I get my well-deserved praise and treats.
Keep your purrs coming -- they are working! You kitties on the Cat Blogosphere are the best friends a Mancat could have.
My beautiful Patches Lady, I send you my love and extra rumbly purrs.
Thanks, little brother Mao, for letting me blog today! And speaking of Mao: he wanted me to link to a sweet and thoughtful post by his girlfriend, Ariel -- she's collecting a list of couples on the Cat Blogosphere and is encouraging single cats to post comments there if they are looking for love.
And Earl Grey, buddy, there goes Dorydoo, making googly-eyes at you again!

You are looking real lion kingly there, Brainball. Glad to hear that you are back in your boots!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Hi Brainball,
It makes me so happy to see you getting better.Me and mom are praying
and sending a healing(Hug)to you...
Hugs and Purrs Ariel
Hi My Sweet Mao,
It was very sweet of you to put a link to my post.I would love to help single kitty's find love.
Meeting you has change my life and
made me a very happy kitty.I love
you bunches.Good night my Sweetie and sweet dreams...Your Ariel
Dear Brainball. We are so happy that your patrols are back up to the usual.
You look alert and ready for the job!
purrrs and headbutts
jjvxnfphBrainball,I must say you are looking like a real mancat again.You must be feeling better.Keep up the good recovery!!
Couples huh?Mmmmmmmm
Oh Brainball, you are looking good. I'm also glad you are feeling better! I like yogurt too, it is yummy for my tummy : )
Yay! You're feewing better!
Yogurt is wonderful stuff. I am partial to vaniller yogurt, it is my favorite. I love love love love it!
We feel so much safer now that you're back on patrol. We hope you continue to improve.
Alexi and all the cats at Krasota Castle.
I am so glad that you are feeling better and up to your regular patrols, Brainball. It's great that you have decided that you like yogurt after all. Keep right on improving until you are fully well.
Oah, Brainball,
I am so happy to know you are better and better, this photo is really mancat to me~!!!! You will recover to complete in very short time I am sure~!!!!
I will continue pray and purrr for you~!!!!
And Dorydoo's eyes are very dashing~!!! I love it~!
I am so happy you are feeling better, my mancat! I have been purring lots for you.
Sandpaper kisses,
Patches Lady
Way to go, Brainball. Bet it felt good to make that first full patrol.
Just be careful around that lip balm, Brainball! You don't want to get mistaken for a girl again!
YEAH Brainball! I am so furry happy that you are getting stronger and stronger!
Brainball, I am glad you are getting better! :) I am continuing to send healing purrs your way.
Oh, Brainball, you look so good. Well recovered. I'm glad our purrprayers have worked. We won't give up till you're 100%.
I'm really happy to see that you've got a girlfriend. Lady Patches is so sweet.
Dorydoo: You're so cute. Earl Grey is a very nice fellow.
Hugs to you all...cousin g
Hi Brainball,
I am pretty happy that you are feeling so much better now!
I send over some more healing purrs for you.
This is great news, so glad you're feeling better old pal. FAZ
p.s. I love yogurt and come running as soon as I hear the lid open, I bet you'll be like that soon.
I am so happy that you are feeling fine!
Aw, love is in the air. Glad you're doin' better ManCat! :D
Glad you're feeling better, buddy. And I'm glad you're giving your mom and dad a run for their money in the medicine department. heh heh I hope they're not chasing you down and wrapping you in a towel and making you a Brainball-burrito to give you medicine. That is soooo embarrassing.
*wink wink* to Dorydoo.
We are so glad you are feeling better Brainball. Mmmm yogurt is so yummy. We always beg some from mom.
Dorydoo is very cute being flirty.
i'm so happy things are getting better! i can't believe you are a 16-pounder and they all STILL thought you were a ladycat!!! hahaha...you are so manly too!
Yay fur Brainball! We'z still sending healing purrs to da big guy...
Looking good Brainball. Resuming duties is a sign that you are on the road to recovery. Keep taking those meds till they are all gone. We are going to keep purring and praying for you.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Just one more week of medicine. Try not to give your Mom and Dad too much of a hard time when they medicate you. It'll soon be over :-)
Brainball, we are overjoyed to hear you are feeling more and more like your ole self...Marie is tearing around, Donny is doing flips, and I'm just purring tons for you!
Brainball, we are so happy to hear you're doing better. Wow, that is a terrific picture of you there!!!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
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