My Meezer Rule

When your Momma's feelin' anxious, cuddle in her lap. A whole, whole, whole, whole lot.
A Brainball update: he's still doin' good. He still sleeps inna kloset a lot, but he's gone on his Alpha Cat Patrols and he's been eatin' furry good. He efun played with a coffee stirrur today, and wowie kazowie, he's got his Big Tuff Alpha Cat Refleckses back! Just like a lion! Momma's anxious not cuz Brainball's gettin' worse; it's just that she's a worrywart and she loves him so much, like alla us Ballicai. So I've been givin' her lots and lots and lots of lapcuddlies today.
Daddy sang to Momma: "Don't worry, be happy." hehehe! He's my kind of guy.
Daddy sang to Momma: "Don't worry, be happy." hehehe! He's my kind of guy.
I say to my sweetie Ariel: I'm sendin' snugglies and kissies and I hope your momma is feelin' okay -- we Ballicai send her lots of purrs.
Brainball sez to his Patches Lady not to worry, he is doin' bettur efurry day efun if Momma bean is a worrywart. He sends floofy cuddles and rumbly purrs.
Brainball sez to his Patches Lady not to worry, he is doin' bettur efurry day efun if Momma bean is a worrywart. He sends floofy cuddles and rumbly purrs.
Dorydoo sez to Earl Grey that she had a superduper time at his and Tazo's Gotcha Day Paw-tay -- she loved goin' strollerin' with him! Neither EG or Dorydoo had efur held paws with anykitty before, and they both got so ecksited that they hypurventilated!
That is a great rule. I am glad that Brainball is doing better and eating his foods.
deer mao mao,
tell yer mom not to be ankshus ... i jus know dat da grate mancat brainball will be ok.
Any kitty that goes on patrols and plays with coffee stirrers is definitely on the mend!
I understand - the maid is a worrywart too...
And NO clothes whatsoever but photoshop clothes will ever touch me!!!! I think they are way better than real clothes anyways...
I do hope your Mom's photoshop skills will help you with some Halloween costumes!!!!
That is an excellent rule, Mao. :) I am glad that Brainball is doing better. My mom sends hugs to your mom - she knows how she's feeling as my mom is very worried about me.
You are such a good mancat, Mao. Your beans are very lucky, no, very blessed to have you give them so much love and attention.
I'm happy to hear Brainball is much improved. I love that has a ladycat already.
And go, girl!
Hugs and cuddles to all of you...G
That is an excellent rule~!!! Hug mommy is the best doing~!!
I am so glad that Brainball is better, I will continue pray and purr for him as always~!
And I am noticing that Dorydoo's Birthday is almost coming, I won't miss that~!
That is a great Meezer rule, Mao Mao. There is no better antidote to worry than a purring kitty in your lap. I am very glad that Brainball is doing so much better. If he is attacking the evil coffee stirrers again, then he must be feeling much better. Oooh, I think Dorydoo must be giving Earl Grey the goo-goo eyes.
You are a very loving and wise cat. FAZ
We are glad that Brainball is doing better!
Happy Wednesday to you all!!
Purrrs, Kashim & Othello
Hang in there Brainball (and Mom)... all will be well.
Good rule Mao-Mao!
Oh, the "Don't Worry, Be Happy" song always works!
Hi My Sweet Mao,
That's definitely a great rule.I been
cuddling with mom and it seems to make her happy.My mom's a worrywart
also they just love us so.I am very glad Brainball's on the mend.I am also sending love and kissies to you my sweetie.Have a wonderful day...
Love Your Ariel
Very good of you to comfort your mom (and get some scratches in return...) and I am glad to hear that Brainball is doing better, there is nothing more important than your health!
Our Mom is the same way. If one of us isn't feeling well, she freaks out! Dad tries to help, but he usually just makes it worse. heh heh
We hope your mom feels better soon. I think the cuddling should help.
*waving and winking to Dorydoo*
The Woman gets all flustered when one of us isn't 100% too. Snuggles are very important but I don't give them- I leave that to the meezers.
Very good Meezer Rule. Glad Brainball's doing better. Tell Dorydoo not to feel bad. I'd probably hyperventilate if I held paws with somecat too. I'd be scared to death another female would move in!
your bud Pepi
I'm sure your Momma feels a whole wot better after your cuddle!
Yay Brainball!!! We iz glad you are improvin' still. I yam over my as-tonish-mint over hiz change in life... & I yam lookin' furward to hearing all kindz of manly tingz frum Mao & Brainball floofy-boy. Come see what Delilah did today!!!
-Dr Tweety
It is good to hear that Brainball is feeling better and it is good that he is taking care of the evil coffee stirrers. Moms worry a lot about us, but that is just they way they are.
Yes, it's a tough job Mao, but someone has to do it! We cats have excellent insight into how our humans are feeling and do a very good job of helping them feel better!
That is a lovely rule although i can't say I would follow it. It might make the human think that I like her and then how could i discipline her? x
Mao, thanks for the update on Brainball's 'tocks. I'm glad things are um, firming up. Heh heh
Dorydoo, *googly eyes right back at you* I had a great time yesterday, too. I'm still hyperventilating, I think. :)
Um, that was me, EG, who wrote that last comment. My secretary is slipping. Grrr
Good rule!Cuddles are always such fun!!I am so happy Brainball is so much better!!
Dat's a grate rule. I luv my momma and my daddy!
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