The othur day, our furriend Stormie gave Brainball the I Love Yur Bloggie Award, and today, our furriend Karl gave the awardie to me, too! Thankies so much, Karl! I love yur bloggie, and you, too!

Brainball's doin' really, really good -- he's got almost one week left to take medisun, but not only has he been back to his Alpha Cat Patrols, but he's been playin', too! Here he is with the catnip bananer Henry sent Marilyn for winnin' his kontest! Marilyn's been sharin' her 'nip toys with the rest of us, and we're all havin' FUNSIES! In that pickshure, Brainball just got done bunnykikkin' the 'naner.

And here's me playin' with the catnip 'naner! Yeah, I'm kinda blurry inna pickshure... I'm a feller who likes to play FAST!

Happy Mancat Monday, effurykitty! Me and Brainball send love and kissies to our kittygurls, Sweet Ariel and Patches Lady (Patches Lady, look onna sidebar under Brainball's pickshure -- he made a new graffic fur him and you!). And Dorydoo sends winks to the handsum mancat, Earl Grey!
Don't furget -- Dorydoo's Burfday Pawtay is TOMORROW, Tuesday the 16th, and it starts at 12:01 a.m. onna bloggie!
You guys look good. I am quite glad to hear that Brainball is doing wel!
Hi My Sweet Mao,
I love this photo of you two handsome mancats.Congratulations on your award.Mom told me your welcome to stay over cause she knows your a true gentleman.
Mao you are as handiesome as ever, even as a blur of activity!
You and Brainball have a great bloggie and we love it! congratulations on this welll deserved snazzy awardie!
purrrs, Prin
I like that picture of you guys hangin' out on the desk together! Nip bananers look like fun. I gotta get me one o' those.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Just incases we can'ts get online tuesdays we will wish Brainballs the happyest of burfdays!!
~All of us~
I am very glad that Brainball is doing better. I am also glad that you guys are all enjoying the prize package that I sent over to Marilyn. It's so funny to see her in that basket!
I am so happy to see you guys, and so so great big joy to know Brainball is doing very good~!!!!! That is Big big big good~!!!!!!
I won't miss the birthday Dorydoo~!
Very cuddly picture, Mao. You'r a good brother.
I'm so glad Brainball is feeling better every day.
Hugs a bunches...G
Oh boy! We can't wait for Dorrydoo's Birthday party tomorrow! And, we're so happy you are feeling like your old self, Brainball!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Mao, you and Brainball look great together. :) I am glad Brainball is doing better. :)
Awwww, you guys look like you're both having fun with the 'naner and having a gurreat time hangin' out!
Congrats on a well-deserved award!
You furry handsome mancats you!
Congratulations on the award!
Congratulations on your awards, MaoMao and Brainball! I am so glad that Brainball is feeling better every day and that he is back to playing again.
I really can't thank you enough for all your support. My sister-in-law continues to improve.
Happy Mancat Monday to you two! I am so glad that Brainball is doing better. Catnip bananers are the best.
Nice nip naner! And Happy Purrthday to Dowydoo in advance.
I'll come back and wish her again tomowwow if mine Mummy is not too selfish and hogs the compooooter.
Nice pictures of you and Brainball :-) Even if you are blurry. You're one quick guy!
Aren't those the best toys on the planet? Its nice you can share Man Cat Monday together.
Two handsome mancats just hanging out and playing. What grate pikshers! Glad to hear dat Brainball is feeling so much better. Alla us just love dat nip nanner, even Sadie. Sadie is afraid of bananas...don't know why, she just is.
You guys look very handsome and mancatly in that picture.
Concatulations on your awards guys! We are really happy that Brainball is doing better.
Oh, wow, oh wow, oh wow, That is so nice, Brainball, so extra speshul! I am all a twitter and my whiskers are twitching.
We are all so glad you are feeling so good Brainball...icing on the cake, as Momma would say.
Happy mancatz Day to you both. & speshul thoughtz fur your award.
We lovez your bloggie too! You & your brudderz & sister iz furry good frendz.
Dr Tweety
You are both so cute... I mean manly ... together in that picture! Glad to hear Brainball is doing better.
Hi My Sweet Mao,
"Yes" it's been wonderful snuggling with you sweetie.I love you bunches
and your the best boyfriend.Mom told me to tell you your always welcome at our house...Love and Kissies Your Ariel
Handsome man cats!!!!
Hehehehe~!!! DoryDoo,
I made a birthday card for you~!
Please come and recieved it~!
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