MaoMao, Dorydoo and I would like to pass the I Love Your Blog Award to:
MaoMao's Sweet Ariel
My Lovely Patches Lady
Handsome Earl Grey
Kind and Gracious Miss Peach
Our Friend, Sister, and Cousin Gretchen
Well, it was a week ago that I got so sick, and in that time, I've gotten much better. I even wrestled with Mao last night!
Medications are a trial, though -- and I still have a week of them left (harrrumph!) -- but I know Mom and Dad will get them in me. They love me and want me to keep getting better, but ugh, those pills taste awful. But by golly, I'll hang in there, like the tough Mancat I am.
Here I am, resting with my sweet little sister, Dorydoo.

After a round of medications, I teleported over to the Piney Woods to visit my Patches Lady! We had a great time together, and I met her sisters, who are very nice. She lives in a beautiful place, and she showed me around. We even saw two vishus deer! If they had shown inclination to be a problem, I would have protected my beautiful Lady, but they stayed at a safe distance.
My Lady and I shared the sweetest nose kiss. Here's a picture her Mom made:

And more exciting news -- my sister Marilyn received a fabulous prize package from Henry and Clyde for winning their 100th Post Contest, and she shared the goodies with us -- among them was a catnip bananer! Pictures are on Marilyn's blog.
And yet more great news! MaoMao was just awarded the Sweet Award from our wonderful friend Adan! Thank you so much, buddy!

We're going to pass it on to Henry and Clyde Helton, because not only are they two of the sweetest fellows around, they are wonderful friends.
Thanks to MaoMao for letting me blog again today! Mao will be back tomorrow. And don't forget Dorydoo's birthday coming up on the 16th!
Brainball, Oh, thank you for the I Love Blog Award.
I'm so tickled you are doing so well. I love the nose kisses picture of you and Lady Patches. I be you weren't scared one bit of those vicious deer.
I got a Sweet Award from Adan, too. I'm getting ready to post my 99th post.
Big, warm fuzzy hugs, to you and all the gang...G
That is one of the sweetest nose kisses we have ever seen! And congratulations on those awards!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
And congratulations!!!
You certainly deserve those awards!
The kiss picture is beautiful, I love it!
Take your medicine, get ever better!
Your friend Karl
Congratulations on all your awards!
Congratulations on your awards! :) I am glad that Brainball is feeling better. :) Very sweet nose kiss. :)
Congratulations on your awards. I am so happy that Brainball is feeling well enough to wrestle Mao and go visit Patches. The nose kiss picture is sweet.
Thank you so much for your kind wishes and purrs. A Ballicus blanket was exactly what I needed to feel better. All the purrs seem to be working. My sister-in-law is improving and may be discharged and be able to come home Tuesday.
Oh Brainball you are such a sweet mancat to give me an I LOVE YOUR BLOG awardie! I am just humbled beyond words really I am. Mommy has promised to put all my LOVE on my bloggy this weekend even if she is really busy with a box full of clothes. I don't know what she is doing yet but I don't think I like it much. So I am going to give her a hard time and NOT come down off the fridge box at all!
Guess what, I had a wonderful walk in the garden with sweet Mickey the panther! I brought me flowers from his:)
oh I am so happy....
Love Peach who conCATulates you on your award also!
Concatuwations Bwainball!
aw, you all deserve those awards thoroughly.
I am glad you are better now Brainball although i think your humans are probably still reeling from the realisation that you are NOT a girl! haha
Love that nose kiss picture it is adorable!
Hi My Sweet Mao,
I'm so glad Brainball is taking his pills and is getting better.Thank you for the award it's very sweet.Mommy's babysitting the niece today yet she promises to put it up as soon as she can.An Congratulations on your award
your blog is great and always makes
me happy...I love You Lots Your Ariel
Oh how I love to read happy stories.Keep doing well Brainball.glad you had fun
Congrats on all yer awards too.You are ALL sweet & I love your blog too ;)
Boy you guys have had one busy and exciting week with all of that going on. FAZ
So glad you are feeling better Brainball and that you had a lovely visit with Lady Patches. That picture of the nose kiss is so cute:)
Concatulations too on the awards - well deserved:) xxx
Concatulashons on da awards! Dis has always been one of our favorite places to visit and we'z so glad Brainball (da big mancat) is feeling better. He and Patches Lady make a furry handsome couple.
Congratulations on your LUV award! Great choices you made to give it to ...
Oh, that nose kiss is just adorable!!!
Congratulations to everyone on your prizes and awards :-) I love the nose kissy picture of you and Lady Patches. It's beautiful.
Brainball, congratulations on your awards! Thank you for passing it to us, too. That is awesome.
We are so glad you're feeling better. Keep taking those medicines so you can get all healed up!
Hi, Mao and Marilyn!
*checks breath in paw*
Hi Dorydoo!!!
Have a great weekend!!!
Seems there are lots of exciting things going on in the Ballicai house ~ glad you are getting better Brainball ~ concatulations on your awards :)
That is an exciting Saturday, guys! Congratulations on your awards. I'm glad you're gettin' better, Brainball.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Just visiting peace globe bloggers tonight.
We will have another BlogBlast For Peace November 7, 2007. You are cordially invited to fly your peace globe and write a Dona Nobis Pacem post that day. Thank you for participating in the past. It will be a fantastic day in the blogosphere! Click here for the scoop and please spread the groovy peace vibe on your blog if you would.
How To Get Your Peace Globe November 2007
Aw, you guys! Thank you so much for the award. This is really cool.
Congratulations on getting the award. You really deserve it.
Oah~!!! Congratulations and Congratulations for 2 award~!!! You certainly well deserved~!!! Because you are really great~!!!!
That are all great news and nice photos!
glad yer feelin better brainball. wow ... it haz been kwite a week fer u. i hope dat dis week yer definitlee a manCAT ...an not a man-d-o-g! ( i wood be laffin an laffin if dat happened!)
luv--yer grate frend--jh
Chairman Mao, you have your OWN award now... I awarded the "I love your blog" award to YOU!
See at my blog.
P.S. I honestly had forgotten that Brainball had gotten it already... but then, a cat deserves his OWN award, right?
This is great - I am so happy you are feeling well and that you have a new love in your life!
Oh drats and rats.
We was going to nominate you four kitties. Welllll congratulations on this fabbie awardie. completely well deserved for sure.
Happy Week-end
hey ballicai buddies! what a super saturday indeed! you deserve everything nice - especially brainball cos he spent 6 years as the wrong ex - my meowmie STIll finds this funny! xxx
Hi My Sweet Mao,
Me and mom have been visiting the blogs of our friends. Mom's still very sad about our old blog and all the lost memories.As some of the photos she posted on the other blog she no longer has.I've long since forgiven her yet she still get's misty eyed.Somehow the new blog just isn't the same,mom liked to go back in the archives and read old posts.She even thought about giving up blogging yet I told her I'd miss
all my friends especially you.If you can please teleport over for a snuggle...Love and Many Kissies Your Ariel
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