Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sweet Boyfriend Award!

Maggy and Zoey at Zoolatry did a bee-yootiful art portrait of me! Check it out:

Aren't they wunnerfully tallented? Thankies, Maggy and Zoey! I appreshiate you so much, and I am furry honored. You are such sweet kitties!

And guess what! My bee-yootiful gurlfurriendkitty Ariel made an award fur me today. It's called the Sweet Boyfurriend Awardie!

I am so happy that she made this awardie fur me. I just keep smilin' and smilin' and I feel all happy and warm! Ariel's the bestest sweetiepie efur, so kind and warm and fun and romantick, and I am so lucky to have her as my girlcat -- and future kittywife!

And alla you girlcats who have sweet boyfurriendkitties: Ariel sez you're welcome to use the awardie for your mancats by changin' the name on the ribbon. Isn't that sweet of her! That's my Ariel -- a sweetheart to everykitty, and my sweetheart fureffer.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Maggy and Zoey are very artistic!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Hey Mao, congrats on your Sweet Boyfriend award - that is a very nice girlfriend you have there to create such a thing for you. Also, the beautiful art portrait is very lovely, too!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Lux said...

You really made out today, Mao - two really precious gifts!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Wow, a big day all around, Mao! Congrats!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Yes~!! You are very sweet ~!
Congratulations~! I always like seeing your relationship with Ariel~! That is really lovely for always~!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a very artistic portrait of you, Mao, and a very sweet award from Ariel. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweet Mao,

I love the portrait it's very beautiful what a sweet gift.I'm
so glad you like the award.You
are very sweet and I'm glad your
my boyfriend....Hugs and Many Kisses

Daisy said...

That is a great portrait of you, Mao! And the award from Ariel is so sweet. This is a lucky day for you!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Mao's haffing a really good day! Yoo deserve a furry good day.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

That is a very lovely portrait of you Mao, Goodness... you are handsome!

that is a sweet awardie too!

Parker said...

Mao - I hope you print that off and frame it - it is very lovely!

Anonymous said...

That is a really nice picture of you Mao. And you gots an award for being a great boyfriend too!

Tara said...

What a great day you are having! A great picture and a wonderful award!

LZ said...

Oooooh, you deserve it!!! Maybe I should award it to my Mao. I wouldn't even have to change the name!! Congrats!


The Cat Realm said...

I am speechless! That portrait of yours is BEAUTIFUL! Maggy and Zoey are very talented! And how nice of Ariel, she truly is Sweet Ariel!
I wish you a wonderful day!

Karen Jo said...

The portrait of you is stunning. Maggy and Zoey are very talented. I like Ariel's award for you, too. Have a great day, Mao Mao.

The Crew said...

How sweet of Ariel. I'm sure you're a great boyfriend and deserve an award.

Gretchen said...

Thats a very beautiful portrait of you Mao, I think you and Adan have been dipping into Michio's water color paints.

You have a sweet award. Ariel is very thoughful.


Tyler said...

Mao, I left you an award at my site http://tylerstattles.blogspot.com/ I don't have a lot of time cuz mom has Back to School Night tonight. So we'll add linkies to your blog later ok? Thanks for being such a wonderful cat.

ASTOR CATS said...

That's a real nice photo of you - such a handsome guy...

Ariel is a nice girl cat to have as your girlfriend.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Samantha & Mom said...

That is a wonderful picture of you Mao that Maggy and Zoey made for you! And Ariel is so cute to make that Sweet Boyfriend Award for you and to let us share it!
Your FL furiends,