Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

When you've got a big, floofy sistur, MAO her into lettin' you use her tummy as a pillow!


Mosaic Cats said...

Oh Mao,
Can we borrow Brainball for a few nights?
There is nothing like a floofy tummy to see Mosaic Lady thru a fit of insomnia. If she can't sleep, we can't sleep, 'cuz she puts her head at the foot of the bed, all over our bellies, and messes with us till we wake up too. She almost crushed Annie to death with her fat head last night.

We will give her back. We promise (HA!)

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Woo-eee! That looks fun, Mao! Brainball probably makes a great floofie pillow for ya. We are not floofie but Mr. Chen is silky and Ollie is soft. We like to lay on each other sometimes. Very cute photo!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

lordjaders said...

Mr. Chairman, how nice to have such a floofy pillow. Wasn't that the 70's psychadelic style of fashion--floofy orrrange pillows?



Lux said...

Mom says she'd like to pillow her head on Brainball! None of us is floofy enough!

Anonymous said...

You look like you are wearing a brainball wig!

The Meezers or Billy said...

great rule!!!

Toby Snowshoe said...

I just love the fuzzy rules!

How do you get the cool purrsonal message under the 'leave a comment' part? I like it. I tried it in my HTML but couldn't figure it out.

Phoebe said...

Looks fuzzy comfortable and soft.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Excellent rule! I'm gonna try it on Casey and I hope she will be willing!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a good rule, Mao. I wish I had a sibling to use as a pillow.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Excellent Rule!!!!

I usually let Adan be my pillow, but I think Brainball is better pillow ~~ Hahahahaha, just kidding~!

Gretchen said...

I like your new hair. It's very becoming on you. *giggle*

I bet Brainball's tummy is very soft and comfy.


Karen Jo said...

That's a very good rule, Mao Mao. Brainball looks like a great pillow.

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweet Mao,

It's so sweet to see how close you two and Kisses Your Ariel

LZ said...

Sisfurs like that must be comfy. Mine has way too many bones to be comfy.


Daisy said...

That's a funny picture, because if you look at it right, it looks like you have gingery bangs!

Anonymous said...

That is very nice of Brainball to let you sleep on her. I wish I'd had a fluffy sister here..

Anonymous said...

That is very nice of Brainball to let you use her as a pillow. Lucy is floofy too but she does not like to be a pillow.

Jimmy Joe said...

Brainball sure makes a nice pillow. She's a nice sister. I hope you thanked her.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

The Furry Kids said...

Oooh, boy! Brainball sure looks like a good pillow.


Unknown said...

Mao Mao, you are so funny and cute! You look adorable with your head on Brainballs tummy. Brainball seems like a very good sisfur!

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Mao, that is so sweet, Brainball looks like a great pillow!
Your FL furiends,