Momma cutted down on the hosstilitiez real quick by clappin' her hands and nokitty got hurt, but dang, gurls can sure be temperramentle! Marilyn and Brainball don't spat too awful much, hardly at all, really -- and I guess we're lucky they don't spat more than they do cuz they're just so diffrunt, and I think their purr-sonalities clash sometimes.
But I love 'em both, so I didn't take anykitty's side. Just call me the Diplocat.
And speakin' of love, love and huggies and kisses to my Ariel! Me and my sweetie never spat, either *kissies*.
Now for my Meezer Rule: when your sisturs get into a spat, be a Diplocat. How's that? (hey, I'm a poet and I know it, sumetimes I efun show it!)
Mike has got mysterious powers and can do things no ordinary fluffhead can do. Especially now that he's figured out how to get the treats withouth asking...hee, hee.
Oh...my paws don't fit the keypad very well. It's supposed to be without. Sorry.
Hi My Sweet Mao,
I heard about the spat and I felt bad that Marilyn was upset.Yet I know they love each other and will make up.I would never spat with you just kiss and snuggle...Love and alot of Kisses.I picked you for a 5 things Meme.Please go to my blog to see.
That's a pawesome Meezer Rule, Diplocat Mao! ;)
That's a great rule, Mao Mao. Both your sisters look real mad in those photos. We'd be scared of either of 'em in that state. Glad nokitty got hurt.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Oooh. They both look so angry! Best to stay outta the way when ladies are angry with each other!
You're a good brother Mao. Sisters can be so territorial. If they could only learn how to share...
Whoa! That's a pair of angry sisters, all right. I wouldn't want to mess with either one of them. It's a good thing that you stayed out of it, Mao. I like your Meezer Rule and the rhyme that goes with it.
Hope you're sisters are behaving nicely to each other now...
PS: I've tagged you for a meme hope you like it! :)
That is too bad that they got into a tussle... hopefully they worked it out.... might just be horriblemones or something like pms.
Yoo know how sisfurs are. I stay out of it when the gerls start up too cuz if I try to stop them they end up turning on ME!~Speedy
Uh oh, Brainball's expression is a little bit mad. You are smart not to take sides, so you can stay friends with everycat.
deer mao,
i think marilyn felt reelee bad abowt da "tiff".
it'z good yer a diplocat. evree familee needz one!
luv--yer diplocat frend--jh
We's had no deelings wiv ladycats haffing spats, but it seems it's safest to keep out of the way.
furry poetic MaoMao!!! great rule - being a diplocat will come in handy when we achieve Total Werld Dominashun
When my sisters spat I stay out of it. Mom usually doesn't let it get too far but for the most part my sisters get along better than me and Trixie and Lucy.
That's a very good rule, Mao!
ha ha ha very diplocatic! I am impressed with this rule. i think I would be inclined to join in just for fun. he he xx
I think that being a diplocat is a great idea, especially with sisters. I hope they nuzzled and made up by now.
Hey Kitty Cats! Purrs and Squishy Love
Girls are so weird and are always fussing in this house. Oh no... wait, there are 6 of them now and only four boys. Adoption anyone? - Zed Monster
That is very wise MaoMao, sister are often times very moody and don't realize what they are doing.
Tell Dorydoo Fifi says Hi, Big Sis!
I like your rule, it's much safer to stay out of their way!
It must be the weather because it seems lots of us cats are getting into little spats. Did you see the boo boo that Rudy gave Parker?
Oh, I wish I could rhyme!
But I try all the time.
There are lots of hidden feelings in my latest e-book "An Ordinary Black Cat" available in www.catyourway.com If you happen to read it, please, let me know what you thought!
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