Before I came inside to live, I hung around with Daddy a lot in the garage and helped him with projects. I was really good at helpin' him with projects. I'd sit in his lap while he sanded stuff, I'd help him measure all kindsa things, and I helped him find hardware doo-dads like bolts, rivets, and nuts (nuts? wasn't I lookin' for them things a few months ago??) by knockin' 'em out from nooks and crannies where they was hidin', hehehe. I was a superduper garage kitty!
I live in the house now, but I still like helpin' my Daddy when and where I can. We boyz have gotta stick together. After all, there's just so dang much estra... estrij... (how do you spell that, Momma??) okay... estrogen in this house from alla them girlz. *sheesh*
Also, I wanna let you know that my momma put Moonlight on Catster. You'll see his badgie in the sidebar. He was a feral kitty who lived outdoors, but Momma tamed him and got really close to him. He's at the Rainbow Bridge now. If you're a Catster kitty, go say Hi to Moonie. He's a superduper great little fella.
Mao, that is a very handsome photo of you! And it is very mancatly to help out in the garage. I am glad the guys are stickin' together.
hey mao,
before i came inside to liv ... i yoozed to hang arownd mi dad in da parkin lot. (i diden't sit in hiz lap, tho, i jus waited fer him to feed me an mi brudderz an sistahz)
duz dat make me a "sooperdooper parkin lot kitty"?
wut'z "estrogen"?
luv--yer frend--jh
It's always fun to help the parents with their chores! I left a little treat for Moonlight.
Hey there Mao. I find it hard to believe that one as refined as you was ever an outdoors cat. I am glad you have your rightful home with dutiful humans. You deserve it x
Mao, you look very comfortable lying on the jacket. It sounds like you were a very helpful garage cat, although I'm glad you live in the house now.
Yoo look very mancatly theer. It's good to help in the garrij.
Sounds like your a very manly kitty.
It's nice that you help you dad your very sweet.Moonlight was very cute
I'm going to go look at his Catster Page...Hugs Ariel
Oh, we luf to go into the garage. We really like to sniff everything, especially the monster machine wheels. We like to roll on the floor and get dirty too. Yup. Man Cat stuff.
Luf, Us
you are definitely mancatly, maomao. i'm glad you came in the house, though. it's probably more comfy. and the best part is your dad's in the house too!
You were a really good garage cat, but I'm glad you are in the house now, too. You are very mancatly to help your Dad.
I'm not allowed in the garage in case I get locked in by mistake and left in their for days. FAZ
I've tagged you for a favorite's Meme
please go to my blog and see.
Oh I know just what you mean by sticking together with the MEN. I do the same thing with my Tall Man.
I'm going to drop by Catster to say "meow" to Moonlight
Mao, lovely photo of you there. Ollie is a huge project helper, too. He's never been in our garage yet - he'd probably go nuts in there. You and him would be good project cats.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Nuffin' wrong wif being a daddy's boy! I like sittin' on my daddy's lap cuz it spreads out more...plus he has that natural manly smell. I like to nap wif him and stick my nose in his armpit - yep, us dudes gots to stay together! (P.S. Sabi is a momma's boy!)
Very nice photo Mao. I agree, we men gotta stick together. It is nice your daddy has a male buddy to hang out with. My daddy says that Estri, Estry, Estrogen is dangerous sometimes and we men need our garages....and basements....and mowing of the lawns...
PS sorry we haven't been around much lately, daddy has been using the compooter at home and mommy has been working bunches. we read all the posts we missed today tho!
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