Brainball: MaoMao, simmer down. Yelling won't help. You're hurting my ears.

Dorydoo: *sigh*. Just look at Mom. Typing away on that novel. She's forgotten all about our blog.

Marilyn: Well, I'm going to sit on Mom's computer and stare at her until she remembers.

I think she needs to pay more attention to you. I hope that her novel gets done quickly.
It looks like all of the kitty stares may be working!
Oh my! Oh my! We miss seeing you guys! Tell your Mom to type faster!
Your FL furiends,
We hope she helps you blog a little more often. It must be very exciting for your Mom, writing a real novel! We have fun with The Story Game every week, so your Mom must really be having lots of fun!
That is a loud roar of disapproval, MaoMao. We hear u and hope ur mommie's get her time management back on track soon. And keep staring, Marilyn. Temptations for the kitties!
Maybe she is going to be finished soon. Maybe you could come up with some agreement or YOU guys could help write the novel. Yeah, that makes sense!!!
I have noticed that a lot of cat bloggers are writers. I think there is a higher percentage here on the CB than in the average population. Well, but writers don't walk around wearing a hat saying "Ask me about my novel" so how would we know if they were writers.
Sorry, I am rambling.
Purrs, Goldie
Shhh guys, do not be so hard on your Momma.
Something Momma taught me long timez ago when I was a baby is to know where your food comes from ;)
haha Mao Momma wanted to touch your cute little teefs!! :)
whap her. it might be the only way to get her attenshuns
Staring hard at your mom should do the trick!
We miss you guys too ~ hope those mighty teefs provided necessary intimidation...
beautiiiiful kitties. Does the white furbaby have different color eyes?
they are all super uber cool.
that is the thing about having many cats- they conspire and each work a leg of the task until completion!!!!! ours do the same.
I think Marilyn has the right idea. We stare at our mom until she gives us what we want! Yelling also helps too.
Wow!!! That was a huge scweam Mao had!
I hope your mommy's novel is going well! My mommy says it is exciting that we are the friends of a real novelist!
I say it is a terrible shame that you kitties aren't getting more attention.
I guess that's the difference between us kitties and beans.
PS: Mommy loves your RAWR, Mao!
(sigh) It's sad isn't it, that they always seem to have time for what THEY want to do. But where is our time for visiting & commenting?!
I don't see how she can ignore all that. Mao, have you sharpened your clawsies on her butt lately? heh heh
Dorydoo, you look lovely.
Purrs and whiskie kissies to you,
Marilyn, Wouldz you lets me know if dat starin' trick works??? I needz sumpin' to dis-log da momeez here fingerz.
But den again, if yer momee gets famouss, den she can stayz at home wit you & worship you!
Sometimes Moms get busy :-/ I wonder if you keep yelling, Mao, will it work?
Oh, you're all so cute. Best wishes to your mom with her novel!
Sometimes we have to remember to our beans who we give the orders in house!
Moms... they are sooo inattentive.
Mine is also a slacker.
purrrs to my favorite Ballicai
*sigh* Our mom haf time fur doing what she wants and even fur doing stuff she don't wanna do but never enuff time fur us and our blog or visiting frends. We really need to get our beans trained better.
Well, as long as she doesn't forget about you!!!!!!!!!
Maybe she is close to finishing ;)
By the way,that is a pawsome yowl Mao!!!!! Love the tongue & fangs!!!!!!
I bet it will be a good book!!
I miss you ,but I understand busy!!!
Mom is getting busy too.
Purrs Mickey
Excellent teamwork! Maybe while Marilyn is sitting on the computer, she could help your mom finish the novel by walking on the keyboard a little when your mom isn't looking. I'm sure your mom would appreciate the help.
I feel your pain. I've had to endure the writing of four novels...think of all the attention I didn't get because she was writing them!
Sounds like your mom is hard at work. But you need attention to. We hope she gives you extra treats and chin scritches today.
We gave you a couple of awards.
Hi My Sweetie,
Lol...Your so adorable.I was getting worried yet I know your mom busy.Writing a novel is alot of work
and your mom is a terrific writer.I'm sure she hasn't forgotten you all(Hug).My mom's sick with the nasty flu.She grumpy cause her throat hurts and she can't sleep.Honestly humans are so annoying when there sick.I'm trying to be patient and understanding.Yet she's driving me crazy.One minute she's hot next she's cold.I'm so glad Chet is helping us or I might run away.Well Sweetie if your not scared of nasty flu germs your always welcome over here.I love you all bunchies...Your wife Ariel
sheessh. Wats takin her so long? Meh goodness. :)
That was a big yell Mao. We could hear you all the way across the pond.
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