We kitties don't efur have trubble sleepin, so that's why I say Mom oughta be a cat. See how relacksed I look?

Here's Brainball, our big Alpha Cat, sayin, "Get some sleep, Mom, or I'll make you drop and give me twenty!"

Here's Dorydoo, givin Momma her owl look. She doesn't get how annybody kould have trubble SLEEPIN. We kitties are ecksperts at that kind of thing. Sleepin should be EAZY!

Marilyn agrees. She's sittin on Momma's pooter, her latest and greatest favrit spot. And see, Marilyn's havin trubble keepin her eyes open!

Anyway, that's anothur part of why us Ballicai haven't been bloggin as much -- Momma's been too dang sleepy! But here's some good newsies -- last night, she slept good fur the first time in sefural weeks. Hopefully she'll sleep good tonight like she did last night, and her insommneeya will go away fur a while.
Sleeping good is important! I am glad you are teaching your mom how to sleep like a cat.
Awws your poor Momma! My Momma has those problems, she can't turn her head offs.
I think diet has a lot to do with it, I mean we kittehs usually eat goodz don't we? :)
I'm so sorry your momma has insommneeya. It's difficult for beans to function without sleep. I hope the insommneeya goes away soon. You are wonderful kitties to set such a good example showing your momma how to sleep like a cat.
Hi My Sweetie,
Mom says she understands what your poor mom going through.When she was in high school she had insomnia.She says it was horrible just lying in bed watching the clock.Sometimes she'd fall asleep in class and get in trouble with her teacher.I'm very happy to hear she got some sleep.My mom is still feeling sickie.She refuses to go to the doctor.She told Chet all they'll do is say you got a cold go home and rest.Yesterday he made her some chicken soup and gave me some in my dish too.It was delicious he's a great cook.I'm so glad you came over or a snuggle.Your the sweetest and best hubby in the world.I love you so much.I'm sending big(HUGS) to you all.Please Know that I'm thinking and dreaming of you.Good night....
Your Wife Ariel
We hope your Mom gets many good nights sleep. Our Mom gets up very early. Very, very early. Sometimes hours before us and we get up early!
You're right. Mom's should be more like us cats and fall asleep at the drop of a hat.
I sleep a lot. I always feel rested after I wake up.
Hugsabunches my favorite furry brothers and sisters...G
My mom has the same problem! She is taking some little blue pills to help out - she really hasn't slept much since she strained her back in February. I keep trying to tell her to just relax like me and she will sleep like a kitty.
I can't agree with you anymore~!!!
Sleeping is certainly very important~!!!!
You guys are great teachers~!!
Gosh, we sure hope yoor mom can kill da insomnia monster. Our mom killed hers for awhile by quiting her job...now sometimes daddy gives it to her.
I am having the same problem as your Mommy - at night that is! Even though I often fall asleep in front of the TV, if I go to bed I just can't sleep unless it's daytime! Then I will sleep until, sometimes, 4 o'clock in the afternoon! Duhr! I'm upside down! I think perhaps your Mommy has words for her book rushing about in her head which keep her awake. I don't know what my reason is; all I've got in my head are strange blobs! Hope your Mommy gets some good quality sleep from now on:) xxx
Insomnia is not good! My pet human has it too. Then sometimes she goes to sleep in the afternoon, only to wake up the next morning. She's weird.
I'll be purring and praying for your mom.
Skittles, The Huntress
Yawn. We have no problems in that area, just the talk of sleep puts us to sleep (and that goes for the human element too). Teach your mom how to purr...
poor mommy!!!
That is horrid for your mom!!!! The PM didn't sleep for more than 2 hrs in a row, about 5 hrs a night for about 4 years when the wee ones were babies. She kind of felt like she was going crazy.
She still has a trouble sleeping if she wakes up in the middle of the night and doesn't fall back asleep right away. Sometimes I find her up at 3 am sewing. Wide awake!!
Hope your mom gets lots of ZZZZZZZs soon!!
Purrs to all you Ballicai!!
High paw to Brainball, my soul brotha!
Just to let Marilyn know there's a little "salute" to her "other half" on our blog today... she's welcome to pick it up for posting if she'd like to do so...
How awful for your mommy! I'll keep my paws crossed that she starts getting a good night's sleep EVERY night!
Insomnia is no good. The Mom has had problems before, too. We hope she gets some sleep soon. It's good that she has you guys as such great examples of good sleepers.
Hi Dorydoo!
Whiskie kissies,
Oh dear, insommmmmnia is not good. My mum never has any trouble sleeping but my Cornish Auntie has the same problems as your mum.
Sending soothing purrs to lull your mum to sleep...purrrr purrrrrr purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Our mum used to get insommneeya too. She used to lie in bed furr hours waiting to sleep, then she would nod off furr a few minutes. About 3 or 4 months ago she wuz working on the compooter and wanted to finish what she wuz doing, and didn't go to bed until 1.30am. As soon as her head hit the pillow she wuz asleep and didn't wake up until the alarm went off at 7am.. The same thing happened the next night, but the night after, when she went to bed at 11pm, she couldn't sleep again. Now she makes sure she duzn't go to bed until 1.30 and it seems to work furr her. She knows it means she only gets 5 1/2 hours every night, but that's a lot more than she wuz getting.
We've tried showing her how to sleep furr 23 hours a day but we give up.
The most important thing for your mom, is to take care of her self and you kitties need to help her, that is your primary job.
Her job is to take care of you kitties and yours is to take care of mom.
blogging and commenting is at the bottom of the listie.
I hope your mom gets some better sleeps so she can be peppy during the day. My mom takes a long walk every day after dinner, that sort of helps.
((((bigsqueezyhugs))) from Prinnie
Your poor mom! She just needs to practice acting like we do!
Purrs to her,
We are sorry that your mama is having trouble sleeping. Our mom sometimes has trouble falling asleep, but once she asleep, she has no problem staying that way.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Yes, you just have to convert your mom to be a kitty. SS wishes to have a little of the problem - she falls asleep alla time, both day and night.
Yeah, we hear that insomnia can be sapping. That's Jan's excuse for always being tired. We're going to have to send her over to read this post. You're right. These humans need to be cats.
Our Mom has insomnia too and is sometimes up during the night reading cat blogs. I think humans secretly envy us cats for our ability to sleep anywhere!
Insomnia sucks! That's great she was able to sleep all Monday night. I really hope it will continue for her. Hugs for your Momma, cause I know it makes you feel bad all over when you can't sleep.
Oh man, buddies, I hope your momma starts sleeping regularly for good. I can't imagine getting less than 18 hours a day--that's base minimum.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
mommeh iz so jealous of our skills of kitteh seeps. I can seep alla tim. Mommeh glares at mez. stoopid mommeh. Jus be a kitteh den we can play alla tim.
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