Terrible and skeery news -- fire at Momma Laura's apartment komplex. Go to Lilly Lu and Iris's bloggie and the Cat Blogosphere bloggie fur details and updates. We Ballicai are purrin with alla our might.
Oh, what a terrible thing to happen. My heart is breaking that those babies have to stay in that apartment, alone and scared. I'm purring and I went to their site and left my purrs, too.
We read about the fire in their blog. We are so scared and worried about them. Hope all is safe.
We are so worried. We hope that there is a miracle when we get up in the morning.
KC said...
We's purring as hard as we can and purraying, too, fur a MIRACLE.
Oh, what a terrible thing to happen. My heart is breaking that those babies have to stay in that apartment, alone and scared. I'm purring and I went to their site and left my purrs, too.
We are purring and praying hard for them.
We is purrin' and purrayin' hard for them. We puurrin fur a miracle.
We've been purring and praying since yesterday. We're hoping to hear they're safe soon!
We just heard and feel sick. We are joining everyone in praying for a miracle.
~Shade and Goldie
Hi Sweetie,
This is such sad news.I'm so worried and I'm praying their all okay...Hugs
Your Ariel
I am purring and purring for them, and I hope we will learn some good news soon.
We add our purrayers to yours and hope for a miracle.
Purrs Mickey
dis is fery sad. we is purrayin fur a miracle too.
Oh my goodness - fire is scary!
Mom watched the news report on the internet. HOW SCARY! We really hope that they're alright.
Purrr. Purrr. Purr. We are all purring so hard.
We have been so worried. We actually spent most of the day in the chat room waiting to hear more news!
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