You know you have a superduper big bruther when he lets you sleep on his butt!
Brainball's the bestest big bruther inna whole wide wurld.
And here's me and Dorydoo hangin out togethur -- she's a fun sistur! Sometimes she's crabby with me, speshully when I sniff her butt too much, but we love each other lots and play and spaz and rassle togethur.
Here's Dorydoo, all snuggly-wuggly onna bed.
And guess what! Our sweet cousin-sistur-furriend Gretchen is havin her fourth burfday this comin Thursday, May 1! And she's havin a tea pawtay on her bloggie. Go visit her and see what all goodies she's gonna have fur efurrybodies! My sistur Marilyn's gonna be her co-host. This'll be great fun!
Added Monday evening: And guess what else -- we founded out that Auntie Stinkie of the Fab Five is havin a burfday on May 1, too! She'll be turnin Sweet Sixteen. That's a wunnerful burfday to cellybrate, and Auntie Stinkie is onna the sweetest ladycats around!
On May 1, we're gonna be Pawtay Goin Ballicai! WOO HOO!
I cannots beleevz dat you gets to sleep on Brainball'z butt-pillow! Dat iz fallin' down heehaw funny!!!
We will beez dere fur Gretchenz birfday.. Its Auntie Stinkie'z Sweet Sixteen.. same day! But I tink we may haz a partee on anudder day..
Brainball's butt looks very soft and warm..I hope he doesn't move much..or object if you drool!
Mmmmm ... Brainball's butt does look furry inviting. I think that you should always snooze with him 'cuz he's so floofy an' comfy.
Oh, an' the party sounds like lots of fun.
I am soooo excited about the tea party!
4 is a great age! I remember good times when I was 4! I think that is the year I ran out of the house and went under the neighbors spidery deck... and mom was brave and went under there to get me...
4 is fun!
I love you kitties. What a fun bunch.
Pierro is always sniffing my butt. I hate it!
I bet Brainball's fluffy butt is pretty comfy. And I am always impressed by how shiny Dorydoo gets her furs.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Gretchen's birthday is going to be quite the too doo, isn't it?!
We will sure come to Gretchen's party!
But you, Mao, should go over and have a look at Ariel's blog.... Just saying..... Might give you ideas....
Ruis and my big day is May 30.... Just hinting....
KC said...
I agrees. Brainball's butt does look all softy an warm. Bet there's room fur a couple of more kitties there. Can I telerport right over?
Purrs, KC
I saw Marilyn's hat, but I hope you boycats don't have to wear hats, too!
There would never be any butt seeping here!
We're looking forward to Gretchen's party!
You do have the bestest big brofur around. Butt sleeping can be furry comfy. I luv tee parties. Some, if not all, of us are coming!
Headbumpies and nosekissies from Alexi!
Brainball as a pillow! Too funny. I'd let Shade do that too, but she never tried. Probably thinks it would smell. She has this idea that all Mancats stink!
Purrs, Goldie
Brainball is very sweet to let you nap on him! Our Birthday is the same day as Gretchen's! Isn't that cool? Gandalf will be 4 and Grayson will be 5! Hooray!!
Hi My Sweetie,
Awww that picture of you and Brainball is so sweet.I will definitely be at Gretchen's Party.
It's sounds like it's going to be so much fun and she's such a sweet friend...Love Ya Lots your Ariel
We really like that photo of you and Dorydoo together.
Brainball is a pillow...Brainball is a soft pillow! That was furry nice of him to let you rest upon him. Dorydoo is so cute...her eyes are just so adorable.
Mao, I think you are very lucky to have such a wonderful family! I have always wanted to rest my head on somecat's fuzzy butt, but alas, it is not to be.
You Ballicai are all such a great group of kitties! I agree that Brainball is a great brother and mancat. Purrs!
Brainball is very floofy and I be he is really comfy to use as a pillow. We don't like to touch very much when we sleep.
I can't wait for Gretchen's Birthday. It is also Auntie Stinkie's birthday too!
Brainball looks like a realllly comfy pillow!
Brainball is a great brother!! You'd never see my cats doing that.
All that cuddling and snoozing is making me want to do some of the same!
Oooh, a pawty! Sounds like lots of fun!
Napping on your siblings is super fun. heh heh
Dorydoo, you look just lovely this evening. Thank you for your kind words for The Mom. She's had a pretty sad day. I even sat in her lap for little bit tonight and I think that helped her feel better.
Dorydoo, do you want to come over tomorrow and cuddle? It's supposed to be cold here again and I'd rather cuddle with you than Tazo.
Whiskie kissies,
Brainball does look incredibly comfortable to sleep on!
Willow and I are looking forward to seeing everyone at Gretchen's Tea Party.
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Brothers make the best pillows!
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