So I'm gonna spaz, and I hope you kitties will join me! You wanna know how I spaz? Well, here are just a few of the ways:
1. When Momma makes coffee first thing aftur gettin' up, I've gotta SNOOPERVISE. I jump up onna counter and RUNRUNRUN (with my butt inna air) ofur to where she's rinsin' out the coffee pot, and I get inna sink and bat around at the watur while she's fillin' up the pot.
2. The bathroom is my LAIR. Often I sleep in my lair, ecksept I ain't talkin' about sleepin' in this postie, I'm talkin' about SPAZZIN'. So anytime I kill an evil coffee stirrer, I take it into my LAIR to give it the big bitey.
3. And speakin' of evil coffee stirrers and lairs, I can't figyure out where they all come from. I kill 'em, but there always manages to be MORE of 'em. I think they've gotta have some kind of Evil Coffee Stirrer Lair. And I've simply gotta find out where it is so I can proteckt my beans! Which leads me to...
4. I go around and pull out alla the drain stops inna housie because I'm thinkin' that wayyyy down in there is where the Evil Coffee Stirrer Lair has gotta be.
5. My momma likes to drink tea outta plastic bottles that have them cool little plastic caps. And effury time she gets a tea outta the fridgie, I jump up on her desk and wait fur her to take the bottle cap off. She does and lays it onna desk fur me, and then... MAO-ABUNGA!!!!... I sneak up on it and then I POUNCE on it and knock it offa her desk, then bat it all ofur the floor like it was a hockey puck.
6. Playin' with my foodies is FUN! Especially my dry foodies. I bat a piece of foodie outta the bowl and knock it way far away. Then I stalk it, run up on it, and bat it way far away again. So I spaz all ofur the kitchen, tryin' to catch the piece of foodie. Then when I get tired of battin' that piece of foodie around, I eat it, and then I knock ANUTHUR piece outta my bowl and do the same thing.
7. Ambushin' my sisturs is FUN! Especially jumpin' on Brainball and grabbin' her in a headlock and gettin' her to rassle. I also love to play chase with Dorydoo. We've got to be bettur friends and we play chase back and forth, and it cracks me up the way she SQUEEKS. I know that I hafta stop messin' with her, though, when she screams at me, or I'll get a whap. Marilyn sometimes plays chase with me, too, but she's real gurly-gurl and she ain't much fur rasslin'.
8. I like climbin' up my Momma's leg! I've got bettur at doin' this to where I don't poke her with my clawsies and only poke at her clothes. Well mostly. Sometimes she still sez OW MAO, OW MAO and I know I've gotta be more careful.
9. I love racin' back and forth through the housie fur no partickular reason at all ecksept it feels GOOD. Just spazzin' fur spazzin's sake, and sayin' MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO alla way! What a rush! The only thing that would make it bettur would be if I had my own little kitty crotch rocket (racing moturcycle). Then I'd have to MAO extra-loud to MAO ofur the sound of the motur!
10. Ariel, my sweetiepie, my bee-yootiful gurlkittyfurriend with the rebel yell! Come spaz with me, come spaz, come spaz! hehehehehe...
We Ballicai will be participating in Silence & Remembrance, hosted by Kashim & Othello, and we'll light our candle on Saturday.
That spazzin sounds good. I like running around the house at 100 miles an hour. Eric duzn't like running, but he's allus gitting in the sink batting water efurrywhere.
Oh my, I spaz a lot too. I like to use the bathroom to sleep, though. I do not go there to play usually. My Lady drinks water out of those bottles with the fun caps. Those are some of the greatest toys in the whole wide world.
Hee-hee! Oh MaoMao, you are one spazzy kitty! We LOVE it! Ollie likes to spaz on his chair and in his tent. Mr. Chen likes to spaz on his mat and running through the house.
You will find that evil coffee stirrer lair - we know it!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
The bathroom is your lair?! I only go in there if The Blonde One is in there. She's the only one I trust. The others will throw me in the shower and turn on the water. *shudder*
Why can't the beans get clean without all that water?
Spazzin sounds great.
You are a very tender and understanding mancat~!!!
I enjoy seeing all the things you do~!!
You are one spaz-tastic dude! I save most of my spazzing for stringplay and featherplay, but sometimes, I have to ambush Nick or Kate, spaz-style. They do not appreciate it!
You look like you are going to be wild. Good idea!
You sound like so much fun, Mao! We'd have a ball together!
Now when we are running up and down da hall or da stairs we will tell mom dat we is spazzing Mao style. Cuz when we do it she always asks "what the h#ll are you doing?" Then she tells us what time it is...like we care.
Mao, I love spazzing too! But I don't call it that - I just call it playing and having fun! My mom doesn't drink coffee, and dad only drinks it at work, so we don't have any coffee or evil coffee stirrers in the house. I do love to play with the clear plastic caps off of Powerade bottles though. Since my humans run a lot, there are a LOT of those around!
Hiya Mrrr. Chairrrman!
I spaz out too sometimes! I sat in the arrrt niche tonight while the moon was full and prrretended to catch invisible insects that could have been crrrawling up the wall--but it might have been that shadow cat that sometimes follows me arrround. Peterrr Pan had one too--and I've been trrrying to set this one by me frrree, but it stays stuck to me!
Mao, you sound like an expet spazer. Sounds like you truly enjoy spazing, which is great.
Hi My Sweet Mao,
I enjoyed reading your list and learning more about my sweetie.
I'm also amazed at how much we have in common.I love to jump on the counter when mom makes coffee. She's always afraid I'll get hurt, yet I just loved to sniff the coffee smell.
I also like the bathroom cause it have a blue rug that I lay on where I take my toy mouse for a bitey.I also love bottle caps and hide them
in my closet.I like to ambush to usually it's mom's back she too Sqeeks.I also play with my food and
occasionally if I don't like my food I slam the food bowl against the wall.Plus running around the house like my but is on fire is something I do alot.So you see we were meant for each other...I love You Lots Ariel
Wow, you have a lot of spazzin' energy, Mao! I love spazzin' with the bottle caps, too. Sometimes Momma looks under the fridge and then she sees the bottle cap carcasses sitting in all of my leftover furs!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
spazzin iz fun mao mao.
today i wuz sorta spazzin ... runnin arownd after mi brudder matsui ... an whackin mi brudder mickey'z lushus tail!
we need to spaz to make us feel better!
Chairman Mao, I think spazzing sounds very fun! Especially the way you do it.
We want to teleport over and spaz with you! Mom thought we were spazzes, but she thinks you take it to a whole 'nother level. We'll be right over!
Earl Grey
mao, spazzin is cool - I will never be able to hear that word without thinking of you!
Spaz on dude xx
Spazzing is one of Trixie's favorite things to do. She is a one cat thundering herd of elephants.
Spazzing is fun, fun, fun!!!!
Mao Abunga???
Mommy spit diet coke on her screen!
Mao - you are about the cutest little guy out there. Mommy really wants to give you a big hug. Are you really as adorable as she thinks you are???
Man, Mao, you got that spazzing thing down! Thanks for telling us how you do it, because I can't wait to try it out on my humans...
Dear buddyguy MaoMao, you know what? it is good that I am old and you are young... because the two of us together could cause some serious destruction.
I still do a fair amount of spazzing, olde man spazzing that is...
Prinnie is a girlie-girl and she gets very mad when I try to rassle her.
finally: every morning and every evening I yell out your name because you are a very cool kitty
Headbutts, Caesar
Great job with the spazzin Mao! I didn't know there was an Evil Coffee Stirrer lair in the sink. I'll have to go check now. Fanks for the tip bud! ~~ Pepster
My, my, Mao, you sure burn a lot of energy. I'm out of breath just reading about your spazzies.
Your spazzing sounds fun!
I do that sometimes too except that mine mummy has never weft any evil coffee stiwwers for me!
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