I'm layin' on a bag in that pikshure. I'm really bad about tryin' to get into bags. I even try to get in the poopy bags when Momma's cleanin' our boxes. Oopsie, maybe I shouldn't say that on my bloggie, I don't want to gross out my bee-yootiful girlkittyfurriend. But she's a real adventurous girl so I think she'll understand. The whole world's my kitty toy, and hey, sometimes a fella just wants to play poop-hockey.
That picture really does show off your blue eyes, Mao. I like it.
Misterrr Chairrrman thankyou forrr saying hello to me. I like yourrr picturrre too. My man bean, the Master of the Universe has blue eyes like yourrrs.
Yer a vary hansum mancat, Chairman!
Mao, you are funny! My mom thinks you are very handsome. You do have lovely blue eyes!
Nice to meet you! :)
That's a great photo of you - very handsome!
You are such a handsome mancat. Ariel is a very lucky girl.
Hi My Sweet Mao,
You look very handsome and the picture gave me the vapors.Don't worry about the poop-hockey like I said before I love everything about you.Your my sweet Mao and I adore you...Love and kisses Your Ariel
deer mao,
reelee nice eyez.
luv--yer grate frend--jh
wut'z "da vaporz"?
Haw! Poop hockey! We luf it! Nefer herd ov dat. We gotta try it now!
Luf, Us
Mao you are very handsome and a really funloving blue eyed boy!
You are one good looking mancat, Fiona likes to get in the dirty poop while momma is trying to clean our boxes too.
Your Friends,
Ali & Fiona
That is a very handsome picture of you, Mao! I never played with poop before. I might have to try it.
Hi My Sweet Mao,
I tagged you for First Five Days Meme.Please go to my blog to see...love and kisses your Ariel
Your eyes are very beautiful,
just like blue crystal.
I'm not Ariel, but I think you're pretty darn handsome!
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