Whenefur Momma and Daddy get stuff, they always give the boxes to us Ballicai. We love alla our boxes, but the other day, Daddy gotted some new boots, and his boot box ROCKS.
Me and Brainball share the box cuz it can be opened out with a kompartment for each of us. And Brainball's been munchin on the box. He loves munchin on boxies.
Here's me in the box:

Here's Brainball in the box, yawning:

Here's me and Brainball together:

And here's me sayin' to Brianball, "Enuff sittin around. Let's play!"

So me and Brainball runned off and rassled, then Dorydoo got into the boxie. She likes it bunches, too.

Marilyn hasn't hung around in the boot boxie, but here she is chillaxin on top of her favorite box.

While Momma tooked the pickshure of Marilyn, me and Brainball and Dorydoo got into a three-way Ballicus rasslin rumpus, and we flipped the boxie closed. Then Brainball claimed it in the name of Catdom.

Happy International Boxie Day, effurybodies!
Those are great! I love the picture of both of you in the box at the same time!
Oh that must be a most excellent box!
Those are great pix! Pixel has a tiny little Amazon box he manages to squeeze into somehow. I wish I knew why cats liked boxes so much!
Happy International Cats in Boxes Day,we loved all of your pictures.
It looks yike youz got a "bunk box" in a couple of youz phtotz. WOWZA! Youz guyz is so creative!
A box with a story. We like that a lot!:)
We like how you two were sharing that box....well, almost sharing!!!
Now this is a first: a double decker box... kind of like kitty-cat bunk-beds!
As usual, you all look quite special. Happy Box Day to one and all (humans also).
A box built for 2! How cool is that?
That boot box is a great box to share.
We love your box pictures! It's great that it lets boths of you in at the same time! What a great box!
Boxes are so much Fun !!!
Everybody is really cool in these pictures!
purrs and love
Luna(from Brazil)
you are some good box babies!
Great box pics, everyone!
You have a very interesting family! And Brainball won the box.
Happy International Box Day! You are very lucky to have a double-decker box!
Happy IBD! You all are too cute in/on your boxes :)
What an interesting set of pictures of you guys. You look adorable as always. Boxes and kitties are the perfect combination! Happy International Box Day.
Brainball looks like a mighty lion claiming that box in the end :)
Box, boxes and Ballicai!
Happy International Box Day! Your pictures are great!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy IBD!
That's a cool boot box. My mom bean had forgotten all about box day. Maybe next time.
WuvU G
That does look like a great box. Afterall, you can all share it - some of you at the same time. We can see the bite marks. Tiki and I (Tavi) used to do that when we were kits, but not anymore.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
What a cool box!! One made for two!! Great to see you all!! Happy IBD!
Your FL furiends,
Oh you cats look great in your boxes.
Great box-pix. We're enjoying all the IBD posts. This was a very popular idea...
International Box Day is the perfect day for Boxicai to celebrate. That boot box looks very comfy and fun.
Boot boxes are great cuz they are strong enough to hold in the biggest cat! And we see you like to nibble on boxes, too...just like us!
A box for every cat, and every cat in its box, that's what we say!
That said, it's proper that catly Brainball ended up with possession of the box.
Great box pics!
I have posted a new part of my story.
Great boxes! Boxes are better than some toys!
WOW!!! That is a cool duplex box ,heehee WE would like a box like that!! Good to see you all having fun too :)
Thank you for your kind words and purrs for Mickey!
It is so nice to have so much support from our friends :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Those are very great box shots!!
Oh, such lovely boxy shots and videos! Perhaps I should have entered Simba. He's not so much in a box as into one...
A package is winging your way. I'd be surprised if even Dorydoo could get into it, but then if she's anything like Alfie Houdini, Escapologist Extraordinaire, you never know... :) xxx
Hello Mao Mao. I'm sorry that I haven't visited in a long time. I hope you're having agood summer.
It has taken me a while to come and visit. things have been busy here too. I hope you kitties are doing well. I sure do miss you... remember the good old days? well, you are great friends always, never forget that okay.
Love always and big hugs too
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