Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hello Efurrybodies!

MaoMao here. Wow, Momma's been furry slow on the uptake, helpin us Ballicai blog. She's been hoggin our compooter like crazy. We Ballicai are thinking that we need a compooter of our own. Only thing is, we'd still have to learn to type!

Here's Brainball and Dorydoo, sharin a nappie in Daddy's chair.

And here's Dorydoo, sunbathin and stretchin on the perchie.

Here's Marilyn, lookin furry kolor-koordinated on Daddy's itty bitty white pooter.

And here's me, lounging onna window perchie, watchin Momma and Daddy's garden grow.


Anonymous said...

Well, you certainly included the whole fambly in your bloggy post. It was good to catch up wif alla' youz. Get your own 'puter an' hire a secretary, dats what youz should do!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think 4 of you are doing great~!
Holding very important things by your own, I think Chairman holds the view is very clever, I would like to do that, too!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Is there any catnip out there?

The Florida Furkids said...

You're a great example of team work! We sometimes think we need our own 'puter too.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Island Cats said...

H! It's so good to see all of you!! We've tried typing ourselves, but our claws keep getting in the way!

BTW, your garden looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

We love those pictures of you all! Our Mom says she has been "too busy" to post and even visit our friends! If you all figure out how to work a computer let us know so we can too!

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello dear friends! I miss you all and so glad see you guys fine!
Great pictures and what a fabulous green garden!
purrs and love
Luna(from Brazil)

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Always nice to see what you've been up to, Ballicai!

The Meezers or Billy said...

wow! that's a great garden!

you all looks wonderful!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hate it when my human gets too busy! But I love checking on all of you.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Sure good to see you again. Hope you are staying cool and enjoying watching mom and dad garden.

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweetie,

It's so nice to see you all relaxing.
The garden view is very pretty.Our trip was fun yet I'm happy to be home.Mom's aunt who we were staying with has a closed in patio.Everday we would eat lunch and sun ourselves.
There's a black male cat named Midnight and he would come by and stare at me softly meowing.Mommy thought it was cute yet I told him I'm married to the best mancat in the whole world....Love and sweet nose Kisses your wife Ariel

Daisy said...

You have an amazing vegetable crop! I'm glad to see you are all happy and doing well!

Black Cat said...

Yuo am chillaxing gud, jest liek we hav bin tuday. It am so hot tha Noo Mummy and uss hav bin layzing on tha bed moast of tha day. Tha Noo Mummy sez she karn't effun blog or vizzit much coz she am too hot an herm brane arn't werking. Doh. Yuor garden am grate. Owrs am a jungel. Wen tha NM stopz beeing lazee and gits herm akt togeffur, she sez she wil poast pikshurs of owr ferst venchers intu tha jungel. Doan't hoald yourm breffs!

Yuo am sum of owr ferst komenters and we luvs yuo. We am velly glad to now yuo. We hoaps yuo injoy tha toys!

Mutch luv, Alfie, pluss tha Sandy Brat Simba and the Noo Mummy Blakc Kat (tho she am nyther blakc nore a Kat, tho Unkle Pinky sez she am at leest 45% Kat, heehee!) :) oxo oxo oxo

Mickey's Musings said...

We know what you mean about Moms being too busy to help with the blogging. Our Mom is the same.
We need to negotiate some new rules ;) heehee
Your Mom & Dad's garden looks good too :)

Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Motor Home Cats said...

We think you should just steal your daddy's itty bitty computer to blog on. You will need to learn to type tho. It's nice to hear from you.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Cory said...

Whoa, Jonesie is very impressed with your garden! That looks like a much neater version of ours!

Good to see you all...and if you want I can give you lessons on how to type. It may look like gibberish to the human eye, but cat's will know what you mean.

Quill and Greyson said...

Nice to see you cats!!

Gretchen said...

hee, hee, you all look so relaxed and happy. You must be having a good day.

Your mom bean's garden looks awfully yummy. If you're a veggie eatin' cat, that is.

Hugsabunches, furrycousins, G

Sweet Purrfections said...

I think you made up for not blogging! Hee! Hee!

Great to see all of the Ballicus Kitties!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

WOW that is a really marvy garden wowow I would love to walk around in that garden.

love and smooches to all of you

Just Ducky said...

Happy 4th.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

What are we going to do about our moms?? I still have the same problem with my mom.
You all look great. hee hee, we are laughing at Marilyn on that itty bitty puter!

Ailurophile said...

Good idea to get a computer and maybe even hire a typist. Pretty pictures of all you adorable kitties. Thanks, as always, for stopping by and your kind words of support on my blog. They mean a lot. Have a great week :)

Nomi said...

It's far too hot to type so I let miewmie do it for me while I stay cool.

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Happy Belated 4th!

Tiki and Mowzer said...

you look very cozy, watching the garden grow.

(thanks fur joinin' da klub)

The Furry Kids said...

Hi guys! The Mom has really been slacking off on letting us visit our friends lately. I can't believe that I missed all these great pictures of you guys! Especially Dorydoo! Is there room on that perch for me too?

Whiskie kissies to Dorydoo,

Luzinha said...

hey, MaoMao, dear, you're and all of you are lovely and beautiful cats! and I have a cat that looks like you!

adorable ones! all the best!