Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"We're Here" Wednesday!

MaoMao: Alla us Ballicai are still here! *whew*, we're sorry we've been scarce. Momma's been superduper buzzy cuz she's got a novel that'll be published in May, and she's workin on another one (you can read updates at her web site). All of that is nice fur Momma, but we Ballicai miss our furriends!

Marilyn: What, Mom's actually helping us blog today? I'm amazed! Somebody pinch me. I might be dreaming!

Brainball: Comfy fleece shirt and a yellow jellybean for a pillow... zzzzzzzzzz.....

MaoMao: Okeydokeys, I'm goin back to sleep now. I've been on vakashun in Hawaii with my sweetiepie and wife, Ariel, and we hadded a great time. So I'm havin sweet dreams!

Dorydoo: Well, since Mom is helping us blog, I will pose prettily for the flashy box!

Speaking of boxes, here's what our box looks like now. Both Brainball and Marilyn like to chew on it then spit out the cardboard. Momma sweeps up piles of cardboard every day. Soon it won't be much of a box at all, and Momma will have to throw it away and get us a new one!


Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Hi everycat! Nice work on the box. It's kind of like performance art. You should have a live webcam on the box so we can see the artists at work. I'm sure you could get a grant for that sort of thing...

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Concatulations to your momma on gettin' her novel published an' already starting on another one! Yowza! Published authors are pretty fabulous, Ballicai!

I was noticin' that Brainball is munchin' on his belly furs just like Sparky Fuzzypants ... Does this happen all the time or just when he's stressed out? Mr. Pants has munched on his back leg furs, too. Nekkid bellies ... argh!

I'm glad that you an' Ariel had such a great time in the Islands!


Quill and Greyson said...

So excited for your Mom!! I can't believe you did that to that box!

The Island Cats said...

Oh it's great to see all of you! Wow! You sure did a number on that box! Pretty soon there won't be anything left of it!

Congrats to your mom on her book...and good luck on the next one!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Glad to see all of you back!

Motor Home Cats said...

We love the job you've done so far on the box. Tavi likes to do that with paper - any paper, even ones Mom doesn't want him to munch on (especially ones Mom doesn't want him to munch on). It sounds like you all have been keeping busy while Mom keeps busy.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

ZOOLATRY said...

That is one very interesting box there...

(hi and hello to all of you!)

Forever Foster said...

Our mum has managed to help us post each day, but has fallen behind in helping us visit our friends. Slacker!

It sounds like a very exciting time for your mum. And we must say, the Ballicai ladies are looking particularly luscious today:)

Ingrid said...

That's exactly the same situation here. The cats are sleeping all around and I am working !

Elin said...

Gud luck to your momma!!

And u all are cutey too!

kiss kiss hug hug!!

Cat with a Garden said...

Hehehe. What it says on the remains of your box was program: Big smile!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

Fluffy and Bonkers said...

Nice work on the book! It's fun to write! No better way for a cat to make a living.

We understand the busy part, too.

Makes us feel real lucky to have done our book. Best of luck with your latest.

Be cool,
Fluffy & Bonkers

Anonymous said...

It's great to see all of you again... and good luck to your human mom with that second novel!

Gretchen said...

I'm glad to see your mom is helping you visit. So is my mom bean. I'm kinda glad cause it's been a long time for me to go visiting, too.

You've so much to be proud about with your mom's book getting published and coming out in May.
My mom bean is so happy for her and says she can't wait to read the book in print...whatever that means. Personally, I don't read print.
Actually, I don't read at all.

Have a warm snuggly day my ovely, furry cousins in ET. And lots of hugsabunches for you all...G

Sunny's Mommy said...

It's nice to hear what you've been up to :-) Marilyn, you don't really want to be pinched, do you? How about a chin scritch instead? Mao, I saw your vacation picture and it looks like you two had a wonderful time!

Daisy said...

Hooray for your mom! That's fantastic.

I'm glad to see you have been keeping busy with that box.

Fat Eric said...

Ooh, that box looks furry loved. We are excited about your mum's book!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have put a lot of work into that box.
Good luck to your mum.

Cory said...

We are so happy for your mom! That is so cool...but we are even more happy to see you all again!

Mickey's Musings said...

Hi guys!!!! You all look so happy and comfy :) We love to see happy kitties!
We do not get around to as many friends as we used to either! Mom is busy too. Good luck to your Mom with her book :)
We giggled at your box!! Hahahahahaha
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Anonymous said...

That box looks perfect. Most have taken some time. And then come to think of it - maybe not.

Sounds exiting with the novel. We just hopes she still has time to help you blog.

Hansel said...

what a nice box you have there! And we've been kind of scarce too! Mom's are always so busy these days.

We're so proud of your novel makin momma!

Anonymous said...

We're very excited for your Mom to have her book published! We understand about Moms being busy, we haven't been able to visit anyone all week!

Love your work on the box!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Would someone explain to Buddy for us that after you rip and chew, you SPIT IT OUT! He swallows it. Probably has a cardboard stomach by now.

Glad to see you again.

Black Cat said...

It's lovely to see your lovely faces again and all of you looking so purrfectly cosy and happy!

I was thinking of making coffee before I visited. Glad I didn't coz it would now be all over the screen and keyboard! Bet you don't know why, heh heh...

I'm so thrilled for your Mommy getting her bookie published.

Okay, coffee, here I come... :) xxx

Karen Jo said...

Congratulations to your Mom on her book and starting a new one already. Marilyn and Brainball really did a number on that box. I'm glad you had such a good time in Hawaii with Ariel, MaoMao.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Yellow jellybean? hee hee, you got my attention!
That box is funny. I don't chew boxes at all.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

And wow, congrats to your mom!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweetie,

First congratulations and hugs to your mom.You all look so cute and cozy posing.I'm having such fun on our vacation and snuggling with you is the best.I love you all bunchies...Your Wife Ariel

The Creek Cats said...

Hi everyone, thank you so much for you kind words after the passing of our Cal. Also thanks for the kitty hugs and purrs!

Bogdan, the editor said...

We are impressed by the dedication to the box-chewing.

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweet Hubby,

I have given you all an award.Please go to my blog and see...Love you Bunchies your wife Ariel