The fireworkies started goin off in our neighborhood the night of July 3. Me and Dorydoo and Brainball were sleepin on the bed, and Marilyn was sleepin on the weight benchie. When the boomies started boomin, they didn't bothur Marilyn much beckause she's partially deaf.
But me and Dorydoo both got skeered. Dorydoo ran and hid undur Momma's desk, and I went and hid inna baffroom.
But Brainball rushed out, ready to take on those boomies. The booms made him nervous, sure, but he didn't hide. He got into patrollin mode and patrolled and patrolled all ofur the housie to make sure efurryone stayed safe and snug. And he did the same thing onna night of the Fourth.
I'm so proud of him. So's Momma and Daddy. Momma called him her Big Brave Lion Boy and hugged and kissed him and thanked him fur takin such good care of us and lovin all of us so muchies.
His Gotcha Day's comin up on August 1! He'll have been gotted fur seven years. The vet guessed that Brainball was about three years old when Momma and Daddy adopted him, so they figure he's about ten years old now.
When Brainball was youngur, he was a lot more fiery. Like a Feline Alexander the Great. When he lived with the neighbors, he was an outdoor kitty, and he got into fights for territory with othur cats. He still has a scar on his eyelid from one of those long-ago fights. But he always came out the winnur cuz he was the biggest and the baddest. Then the icky neighbors abandoned him, and Momma and Daddy tooked him in and made him an indoor kitty.
Here's one of the furry first pickshures of Brainball in existence, taken back in 2001, the year he was adopted. It was tooked with a primitive digital kamera, that's why it's so grainy. But you can get an idea of what he looked like when he was a young, feisty and fiery mancat. He was just as handsum then as he is now. This pickshure is furry purreshus to Momma. She lost bunchies of old pickshures of Brainball and kitten pickshures of Dorydoo in a hard drive crash back two years ago, and only a few of those older pickshures are left. She still kicks her own butt fur losin those pickshures.

As the years have gone by, Brainball mellowed out a whole lot. And when Momma and Daddy adopted Dorydoo, Brainball fell in love with her. He's a Gentle Giant and loves alla us Ballicai and is the bestest Alpha Cat we could efur have. He loves gettin massages frum Daddy, and he's Momma's helpur. From day one, he loved to help her do alla the housie chores. She sez she doesn't know how she efur got by without Kitty Assistance.
Here's a video of Brainball cuddlin with Dorydoo on his favorite shirt. They're furry furry close. He helped Momma raise her frum a little kitten.
And here's a pickshure of Brainball washin Dorydoo's head:

So this Mancat Monday, we wanna celebrate our Brainball. We'll be cellebrating him on his Gotcha Day, too. But ya can't celebrate a good Alpha Cat too much, that's fur sure. He's King Leonidas Ballicus I, but he's also our Good Ol' Brainball, and we love him bunchies.
(And we Ballicai still can't believe Momma and Daddy thoughted he was a GURL for so long. Beans. SHEESH!!!!)
Alla us Ballicai are furry ecksited about my engagement to my sweetiepie -- my FIANCE -- Ariel, and I'm the most ecksited of all, hehe! Me and Ariel will set a date soonies, but whenefur we have the wedding, effuryone's invited!
Us Ballicai have some furry sad news to report. Our dear bunny furriend, Tidbit, wented to the Rainbow Bridge Saturday. Please go vizzit her fambly, and give 'em lots and lots of purrs and hugs. Tidbit was a purreshus bungirl and will be furry missed.
Rest in peace, sweet Tid. You are loved, and will always be.

I agree that Brainball is a great Mancat!!! It is too cute to see how he cares for Dorydoo :) The rest of you too during the bangers!!!
Congratulations on your engagement Mao!!!!!!
Happy days ahead. WOOT!!
So sorry about your friend.
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss: I'm tagging you for the ColdBox Meme. It will be on my blog when I publish it ;)
We absolutely loved hearing you talk about your brother Brainball, MaoMao! It is so nice to learn about him, and see how much he loves all of you Ballicai kitties! And our Momma has this big old smile on her face since reading this! Thanks for sharing!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
What a mighty mancat Brainball is/was! Those firepopers can be pawfully scary!!!
Brainball is really a great big brother,
look at Droydoo,
she looks so relieve and happy with Brainball~!!!
Brainball is a very handsome kitty and evidently very nice to have around the house. we're glad he was rescued by your folks.
We went by Tidbit's earlier. It's a sad day for his family.
What an awesome Mancat! I bet he made you all feel so safe while he was patrolling. A Mancat's work it never done!
Thanks for visiting us on our Tummy Tuesday post. I'm glad we could share cute bellies with you and make your Momma go SQUEE! All of the pictures on your site have done that to me!
Kelly, Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
Brainball is a wonderful brother! He's such a good lookin' fellow, too! It's good that he patrolled during the Fire-cacklers..they're were furry scary!
Brainball is so brave to take care of all of you that way! He's sensitive, too!
Congratulations on your engagement to the lovely Ariel! :)
Whut a nice story bout Brainball. He is indeed brave. I diddint heer fireworks but if I did I hope I kooda bin as brave.
Bwainball sounds wike the world's gweatest bwother!
Hahahha - reading this wonderful praise of Brainball we were thinking: did they forget they thought he was a GIRL for YEARS???
Don't worry - we will NEVER forget and ALWAYS remind you, hahahahahahaha! O.k., o.k., you did finally mention it...
Thank you for coming by and leaving such wonderful words for us - we are doing o.k. - listening to Emil right now (we are having a big thunderstorm, hahahahahahah) and still trashing Mr. Hendrix's house at the same time!
Brainball, you are an awesome mancat! I hope to be like you! I wasn't scared either, I actually wanted to follow Dad out to watch, but he wouldn't let me...
Good ole Brainball. It must be really nice to have an older brother to watch out over things in your house and family.
Congratualations on your engagement to Ariel. It's gonna be a wonderful wedding, I'm sure.
I'm really sorry to hear about Tidbit. I'm sorry that Bunny Girl lost her bunny. She must be very sad.
Me and Mike will be blogging on the same site from now on. When I don't have much to say, then he'll do the visiting. I think it will work out. He's kinda my big brother, too, even if he is a fluffhead.
Hugs bunches and bunches my Ballicai family and I'm glad all the booms are OVER! I wasn't so much scared but more like annoyed.
Hugs...Gretchen and Mike
That was a good job Brainball did protecting you all. We don't mind the boomers, but Camie was sure scared. She hid in the bathroom, and there really isn't room for her in there. Mom didn't realize she would be scared because she hasn't been before, but Papa's house is closed up tight, and we can't really hear the boomers.
That is a great first picture of Brainball. We can't wait to hear more about him on his gotcha day.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
What a brave mancat Brainball is! He really deserves to be talked about very much!
Hi there you all! Waving at you from cold, cold Canberra where we are spending the winter on the electric blanket.
Great post about Brainball. He is a spectacular mancat for sure!!!!
I want a big brother like him!
Sorry to hear about your friend, Tidbit.
purrs to you all, Goldie and Shade
Brainball is a furry brave and speshul mancat!
Concatulations on your engagement!!
Brainball is a great Mancat!!! Those fireworks are noisy!!!
We are sorry to hear about your friend.
I sure did enjoy learning about Brainball. He's a REAL Mancat cat!!
~ KittyBoy
Hi My Sweetie,
Awww what a very sweet post for Brainball.I love the video of him and Dorydoo he's so sweet and loving.I don't like boomies either I hide.I'm so glad Brainball was there to protect you all he's a very special kitty with a heart of gold.I'm also very excited about our wedding.Mile's
from the Meezer's offered to help us.He planned Gree and Othello's wedding in Hawaii.I heard it was beautiful so I would like his help...Love and Many Kisses Your finance Ariel
Brainball is so floofy and fluffy! It is great that he took care of the rest of you! :)
Brainball sure is one great mancat! I salute you, Brainball!
Congrats on your engagement, Mao!
Brainball is a wonderful mancat. You're right, you can't celebrate him too much!
Congratulations to you and Ariel on your engagement :-) Woo hoo another CB wedding is going to happen soon.
Happy Mancat Monday to you guys! That is a great post about Brainball. He is a true gentleman cat through and through. I'm glad that he was there to protect my Dorydoo from those mean firecrackers.
We are all very sorry about Tidbit. We're headed over to pay our respects.
Whiskie kissies to my Dorydoo,
Hi My Sweetie,
August 30th is fine with me.I'm very happy and I love you...Your finance
Poor Tidbit ... That's furry sad.
We are furry impressed with all of Brainball's skills as an Alpha Cat an' a ManCat!
I came back to tell you all that I just tagged you with three memes. I've had a lot of catching up to do. And I just learned Skeeter is sick and Mike and I missed his birthday party. He turned 16.
If my mom bean had let me visit more I would have known.
Marilyn doesn't have to play the last tag, because she's the one that tagged me with the Quirky Meme.
Hugsabunches my floofly family...Gretchen and Mike.
Brainball is such a good brofur! We din't haf any boomers her but if we did we can bet Speedy would haf made room fur us unner da couch with him...hehehe
Hi My Sweetie,
I must admit I'm getting nervous about our wedding.How do I find a dress? Where will it be? And mom is no help at all cause she doesn't know anything about online weddings.Hopefully it will work out in the end cause I really don't want to disappoint our friends.Mom says that I should put this in the hands(paws) of someone who knows what their doing.Perhaps we should have eloped...Help your nervous finance Ariel
Brainball is so cool that he takes care of you all. What a great mancat!
Sorry to hear about your friend.
I remember when BB was still thought of as a girl kitty... hahaha it was funny and then kind of hard to get used to him being a him. He is a wonderful brother. You are so blessed to have him in your family. I just loved reading this today. I love Brainball too!
I hope all of you kitties have a terrifical week!
stay comfy
Love and purrs
Whoa, Brainball is so awesome!! You can see just by the look in his eyes that he's so cool. Thanks for sharing the story about his bravery during the boomies.
Brainball is super Mancat. Victor, you a super mancat 'cause you gonna marry Ariel! YAY! We gave the Ballicai an award.
This is just such a lovely post about Brainball. He is very, very special. ConCATulations on your engagement to beautiful Ariel MaoMao, I'm so happy for you both!
I'm sad about Tidbit, though I didn't know her well. She was obviously a very much-loved bunny. I came across the news about her yesterday and went to offer my condolences.
In other news, I've given you an award:) xxx
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