Dorydoo here! Check out this beautiful graphic of me, created especially for my birthday by Maggy and Zoey at Zoolatry. Thank you so much, Maggy and Zoey! I love it!

And wowie, please go see the beautiful birthday card our friends, Adan and Michico, made for me! I'm so honored and happy *big kitty grin*! Thank you so much for your sweet birthday wishes.
Guess what: it's time to PARTY! Today I'm turning three years old. And you know what, Mom still calls me "Little Kittenhead" even though I'm a grown-up, big girl! (Well... not so very big -- I'm actually the smallest Ballicus in the house.) And of all us Ballicai, I'm the only one Mom and Dad have known since young kittenhood. A friend of theirs had a cat who had kittens, and I was one of the kittens. So I've been a Ballicus since I was eight weeks old. I guess I will always be that itty bitty kitty girl to Mom and Dad.

Here I am at three years old, snoozing with big brother Brainball -- my, how I've grown!

And here I am, winking at Earl Grey! Hiya, handsome!
So please, everykitty, come on in and make yourselves comfortable -- we have a huge spread of good food to eat -- stinky goodness, shrimp, crab, lobster, tuna, salmon, ham, turkey, steak, oodles and oodles of Temptations. We also have tunatinis, 'niptinis, and primo catnip to roll in!
And Brainball, MaoMao, Marilyn and I are up for all kinds of fun party games: chase the red dot, thundering herd of elephants, toss the catnip banana, walking on the ceiling, killing evil coffee stirrers, burp contests (hee!)... hey, you name it! And for kitty couples who want to cuddle -- there are nice private nooks with warm purr pads and blankies which are great for cuddling.
Everykitty, have a great time! We Ballicai will be here partying for all 24 hours of my birthday, but we'll be quiet while Mom and Dad are sleeping, hee!
And Brainball, MaoMao, Marilyn and I are up for all kinds of fun party games: chase the red dot, thundering herd of elephants, toss the catnip banana, walking on the ceiling, killing evil coffee stirrers, burp contests (hee!)... hey, you name it! And for kitty couples who want to cuddle -- there are nice private nooks with warm purr pads and blankies which are great for cuddling.
Everykitty, have a great time! We Ballicai will be here partying for all 24 hours of my birthday, but we'll be quiet while Mom and Dad are sleeping, hee!
Dorydoo, dear, you're looking lovely in your yellow evening gown. MaoMao, is everything ready?
Yup, effurything's ready to go! Dorydoo, you look great, for a sistur! hehehe
Thanks, MaoMao! And Brainball, you're looking super hip in your Battle Dress Uniform and your combat boots. And no, MOM / Secretary, our Alpha Cat is not wearing an evening gown!
Um... no. NOT an evening gown. BDUs all the way.
But you look lovely in your gown, little Dorydoo, and you look great, Marilyn, in the red dress Mick got you!
All right -- we're ready to party. HOOAH!
::ahem:: ::memememmemememe::
1-2-3 in meezerr har-mo-nee
Happy Purrfday to you
Happy Purrfday to you
Happy Purrfday sweet Dorydoo
Happy Purrfday to you!!
We is here! You look lovely Dorydoo! As do you Miss Marilyn!
MaoMao and Brainball - Dudes! Great to see you!!
Fanks for inviting us!
Dorydoo, I didn't know it was your birthday and you are older than me! This is a great thing, I can't wait for my birthday!
Mmmmm, I love temptations! Buuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrppppppp!
Oh boy oh boy! Hi, Sammy and Miles! Hi Henry and Clyde! And a burp contest -- *chugs a niptini*...
Oh... my! Dorydoo...
I am an old fashioned girl -- I must say, I prefer to burp into my paw.
*chugs two niptinis*
All righties, get ready fur this...
Dorydoo!!Happy Birthday!!!!!!
You are such a pretty girl and I love yer eyes.There is a special cachet that black cats have. From 1 black to another,lets party!!
Oh Mao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That was SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! This place is nuts!! Nuts but FUN!!!
Mickey! Hey, buddy! It's great to see you! Yeah, the burping contest is already going strong, can you believe it?
Mickey! Welcome, and thank you so much. I'm so glad you could come. You are a wonderful house panther! Yeahhh... PAR-TAY!! And there sure is a whole lot of burping going on... I thought MaoMao was hocking up a hairball there for a minute!
Dorydoo, lovely, Happy Birthday to you~!!!! You are so so cute when you are little, and still a lovely cutey now~!!!
I sincerely hope you have a great happy birthday~!!!!
And I am happy that you like the card I made~!
Love, Kiss,
Adan & michico
Dorydoo, Happy Birthday!
You looked lovely as a kitten and still do! Now, how about some raw steak? :)
Adan and Michico! YAY! I'm so happy to see you! And Lux -- I'm so happy to see you, too! Oh, having a birthday is so much fun *~*~*does a little kitty dance and prance*~*~* Raw steak, all around!
Happy Birthday! This looks like quite a bash! What a week!
Happy 3rd birthday Dorydoo... we hope you have many more happy & healthy ones. Nice to see everyone - ya'll have quite a spread here.
Chey, Mia, and Ghost! Welcome! And thank you so much -- I think this will be quite a hopping party!
Happy birthday!!! Yes, you have grown from an adorable little kitten into a most beautiful mature cat!
And I see - the eating and burping is already going on, so I will just join the fun!
Happy Purrthday, Dorydoo, we brawt yoo some home grown catnip. Enuff fur effuryone!~Sadie and Zippy
Hi everyone, Happy Purrthday Dorydoo! ::looks around:: Oh, Misty's not her...I would hate fur her to think I'm a pig but....Brrrrrrrrrrrrrupppppppp hehehe
Welcome, Karl! Thank you so much for your birthday wishes and your sweet words! Yes, the eating and the burping is in full-swing -- join in, my friend!
Yay, Zippy and Sadie and Speedy are here -- thank you so much, and WOOT WOOT WOOT, 'NIP! Do you know that I'm the biggest 'niphead in the Ballicus household???
Mmmmm... *rolling in the nip and rassling with anykitty within reach* SQUEEK SQUEEK SQUEEK SQUEEK
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 3rd Birthday Dorydoo! And many, many mooooore!!!
Wow this is a great party and you look beautiful in your yellow gown. Tigger and I are ready to party all night long! Lets play chase the red dot.......
*after eating raw steak, salmon, stinky goodness and about a squillion shrimpies*.....
all right, hold onto yur furs cuz here comes anuthur burpie...
*thunk* (MaoMao falls onna floor from alla the burpin')
I hope Ariel doesn't think I'm too naughty, hehehe!
Chase the Red Dot! Chase the Red Dot! Hi, Samantha and Tigger, I'm so happy to see you! And chase the red dot is fun, too, when you're as...
...nipped out as I am.... yyyyeeeeeeaaaahhhh! SQUEEK SQUEEK SQUEEK
(is that a red dot, or a purple elephant??)
Dorydoo - Happy, happy, happy birthday! Huggy Bear and Josie just had their third birthday last week.
Thanks for the game of chase the red bug (dot). Have a super fun birthday!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Happy Birthday! No hay at this party? Well, the catnip sounds good. Can I bring some pet grass?
Jasper! Thank you so much! It's great to see you, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the game of Chase the Red Dot! Isn't it fun? *~*~*dance and prance*~*~*
Tidbit, my bun buddy! I'm so glad you could come! Hey, everykitty, meet my friend Tidbit -- she's a bunny, and she's way cool! Please, Tid, bring all the pet grass you want!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DORYDOO!! You are cute as a button!
Now let's play! play! play!
~Marie, Donny, Casey
Dorydoo, you are a beauty! Happy, Happy Birthday! I'm going to hang out here all day!
Happy, Happy Third Birthday, Dorydoo. This is a great party. I hope everyone has a wonderful time.
Happy Birthday Dorydoo! I hope you have a great day. :) As we say in German: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! :)
Happy Birthday Dorydoo. Looks like #3 is 3...hee, hee...
Hi everyone! I thought I heard someone say there was a purple elephant here? I want to see it, I love purple...but I'm not sure what an elephant is.
Goodness,gracious, I heard Mao's belch all the way across the the country. *yawn* It woke me up from my evening nap. I just stopped by to wish Dorydoo a happy day and happy party. I left a little something on my site for you, Dorydoo.
I'm on my way to bed. I've got to give comfort to my bean and keep her legs warm while she sleeps. She kinda overdid things today and is getting sick. *yawn* excuse me, I didn't mean to do that again. The party sounds very exciting.
Somebody tell me when Yoggie comes. I'd like to cuddle on one of those blankets with him. In the meantime, party on all you cats in catdom. I'll come back in the daytime. You did say 24 hours, right?
Oh, Dorydoo, I forgot to tell you that you look stunning in your yellow gown. Yellow becomes you.
Happy Birthday Dorydoo!
we hope you have a great day party-ing wif lots aof cuddles and treatsies!
puuurs, Kashim & Othello
Oh I am so happy that I can wish you a HAPPY PURRRRTHDAY Dorydoo! I can blog for one more day before mommy goes on holiday! I missed Brainballs purrrthday and that still makes me sad and mad! So here I am ready to pahhhhtay because do I see that my sweet mancat Mickey is also here? It will be a wonderfurrr day for you and Earl Grey together as you celebrate.
I brought you some sardine puffs and my special CatMint Tea!
Lots of love from Peachy
Happy Birthday, Dorydoo! This is a great party. I hope you have a very wonderful day. Three is a good age. I am three. Years.
You sure were a cute baby, and now you are very beautiful!
Hi Dorydoo,
Happy Third Birthday(hug)you look great.There's so much food and the
decorations are lovely.Hi My Sweetie
(kiss) I made it yet mom's going to be babysitting the niece thingy today.She has a cold and can't go to
school.So I can't stay long and this makes me sad.I made something for Dorydoo on my blog though.
Happy PurrDay Dorydoo. Three is "big" now, behave yourself...
Dorydoo - you are so cute! Have a Happy, Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Deeeeeeeear Dorydoo!
Happy Birthday to you!
Thanks for the great food and nip!
Buuuuurp! 'Scuse me!
*yawn* Mmmm, good morning everycat. Good morning Ballicai! Mom made bacon and scrambled eggs...anybody want some?
Good Morning...Mmmm Bacon and eggs.
Is My Mao alright? Sweetie maybe we should find a comfy place to snuggle.
happy birthday my little dorydoo!!! ise hope you have a wonderful day today playing with all your firends :) xxx
Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you DorydoodleLovekins!
Three is a wonderful age and you were
so cute as a kitten
We hope today is the most fun and happy day ever!
Happy Purrthday Dorydoo!!!
Mommy is bizzy, so she can't type much fur us. But we maded her stop by so we could tell yoo happy purrthday! Yoo looks grate!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
Party time!!! Pass the niptini's!!!
Good lord, I'm never letting you out again. You cracked the plaster.
Happy Purrfday!!
Happy Purrfday Dorydoo! We'll all be right over! Yay! Par-Tay!
Luf, Us
Beverages, we need more drinkies! Oh, are we haffing another burping contest? Watch out fur Zippy, she's small but her burps are furry powerful!~Speedy
Shut up Speedy, I'm pretending to be a classy lady...hehehe at least I don't burp out my butt and clear da room~Zippy
Wow, great party! Happy 3rd Birthday Dorydoo! We wish you many more!
O, Happy Purrthday, Dorydoo.
The Mites are up and ready to partee again! Them's finking all we does on the Cat Blogosphere is partee. Hee hee.
So Missy Blue Eyes, Momma Dinah and I will be bringing the 6 Mighty Mites in just a few minutes.
Looks like a lot of fun.
Purrrs, KC
Patches: Wow, Dorydoo, you look amazing! Where is my Brainball. I am too much of a lady to do the burping thing.
Mittens: I am up for a game of chase the red dot. Is there any pumpkin around?
Precious: I want to play thundering herd of elephants. I hope Pepi comes too.
Mistrie: Is Gree here? I think I will go in the corner and just wait.
Wowies, hi everykitty! I'm so glad everyone is here! Thank you so much for your warm birthday wishes, and I'm so happy I'm doing another *~*~*dance and prance*~*~*!
Bacon and eggs -- yummy, yummy, yummy! Thank you, Zippy, Sadie, and Speedy!
And Gretchen, HEE HEE! I'm still looking for that elephant. I'm sorry to hear your bean's not feeling well today -- give her lots of snuggles, and I'll tell you if Yoggie shows up! I hope he can and that you two can have a nice snuggle!
Oh, I see Miss Peach and Mickey over in a nook, making slow, lovey dovey blinky eyes at each other!
And yay, the Mighty Mites! I love kittens!
Let's get us a game of Thundering Herd of Elephants going!
Dearest Patches Lady,
*smiling great big* You look gorgeous, milady! I'm not into the burping contests, either. I think maybe that's more of a Young Cat thing!
Shall we go to a cozy nook while the Thundering Herd Game is going on? I would like to hold your paw.
Love and rumbly purrs from Brainball.
My sweetiepie Ariel! I'm so happy to see you. And yummy, bacon and eggies! I kinda burped myself to sleep for a little bit there, I'm sorry about that! But I'm okay now.
If ya want, we can go to onna those comfy blankies and snuggle! *gives Ariel a big huggie and kissy* I love you furry much!
I'm so glad everyone is having fun! I have tuna puffs for everyone when the game of Thundering Herd is finished *smile*.
I would love to snuggle(kiss)your so sweet take my paw.
Dorydoo, you look fantastic. I think we'll always be baby kitties in our beans eyes.
Wow Brainball, you look tough! Very Macho. You look very graceful Marilyn. That is a great color on you.
Hi Mao! Great party.
Does anyone want to play thundering herd of elyphants? I don't get to play this at home. I'm just one elyphant...
Dorydoo happy happy purrday! You are certainly one beautiful girl today and we are so happy to help you celebrate your third purrday.
Happy PURRday
Abby, Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
Where can I put these temptations mom sent over even though I told her there's lots of food?
Happy Birthday, Dorydoo! I am new here, but I couldn't resist telling such a lovely lady Happy Birthday! (And I love Temptations.)
Happy Purrfday dearest Dorydoo, you are looking furry beautiful:)
I'll just put them here on this table help yourself.Mao sweetie try the salmon flavor there delicious.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Dorydoo. What a great party!
Happy 3rd Birthday Dorydoo!
Everything looks wonderful and there is so much yummy food - this is going to be a great party!
Whoo Hoo - I am rolling in the nip - Wheee.......
Happy Birthday!!! what a wonderful party! our Lady's at work and can't help us type, but we came over to join the celebration.
hey - our word verification is "miouio". we even know how to pronounce that!
Hey there, Dorydoo, Ballicus parties are awesome. I think I'll just make myself at home here and flop down with some tuna, don't mind if I do. Oh yeah--Happy Birthday!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Thankies fur bringin' those salmon Temptayshuns, my sweetiepie Ariel! They are so delishus! Mmmmmmm... let's snuggle and snack togethur!
Oh, everykitty, thank you so much for your birthday wishes -- I am having such a wonderful day! That game of Thundering Herd was fantastic -- but I've still got plenty more energy! Anykitty up for another?
Eat! Eat! And make merry, everyone! It's so much fun watching the young ones play *smile*.
Milady Patches, I am so happy to be curled up here with you, holding your paw. *big rumbly purrs*
*checking breath in paw and smoothing whiskers*
Happy Birthday, Dorydoo! Thank you for inviting me, I mean, us to your PAR-TAY. I'm all ready for Thundering Herd of Elephants. Sweet!
And I brought my fev-ver toy to share. ;)
Happy Birthday, Dorydoo! EG is sooooo nervous. hee hee
Thank you for inviting us to your party. And thank you, Mao, for hosting the party on your bloggie.
Happy Birthday, Dorydoo!
Oh, Earl! Fevvers! *big grin* Hey, how's about after this latest round of Thundering Herd of Elephants, you and me go and play with those fevvers together? And I think your breath smells very nice!
Thank you, Furry Kids, for your Happy Birthday wishes -- I am having such a wonderful day!
Hi there, Titus! As one fellow to another, I'm sure glad you're feeling better!
Hi everyone!
Happy Purrthday, Dorydoo. You look fabulous, dear! Any Marilyn, you're looking gorgeous as always. Mao, Brainball, how ya doin'?
Mmmmm...there's the food table!
We are back! To have some more fun. Mom has relatives and they are keeping her busy, but she said we could come play and have fun. Did we hear there is a purple elephant! Is it Norton? Thanks Mao Mao for hosting and Doorydoo you looked so cute as a kitty and very beautiful as a 3 year old. Congratulations on you and Earl Grey, you make a cute couple.
Hi, Kitty Crew! Thanks so much. What a fabulous birthday this is! Dig in -- there's soooo much good food, and lots of primo catnip to roll in!
Awww, thanks so much, Samantha and Tigger! Earl and I are having so much fun playing with the fevver he brought. He keeps worrying about his breathies, but I think he smells nice all over! Hee!
When I was rolling in the catnip, I would have sworn I saw a purple elephant! I haven't seen him again, but maybe we'll spot him. I wonder if he'd like to play Thundering Herd of Elephants with us since is is, after all, an elephant?
Wow! This is a great party! The nip is primo for sure. Bendrix is seeing that purple elyphant. I think he is in the tutu like the pink hippos.
EG, how are you & Tazo enjoying your stroller?
Hendrix, you haven't even done ceiling walking yet and you're already seeing purple elephants and pink hippos! Did someone spike the punchbowl?
You iz quite da luscious gurl cat!!! Dat EG iz one furry lucky fellow!!!
I yam comin' to da party & I yam bringin' all da five...dis will be such FUNz! I yam groomin' my furz extra-speshulz. I wantz to impress da Mini if she iz goin' to be der!
-Love, Dr Tweety
Say, I hear there's a 'nip 'nana around somewhere. I'd really like to get a sniff of that.
And I LOVE to chase red dots! Anyone want to play?
Max S
I just found out there was a party! Hi everyone. Happy happy purrthday Dorydoo, it sounds like you are having a good one!
Heyyyy, COOL that Bendrix is seeing the elephant! Ask the elephant if he wants to play elephants with us kitties! Since he's wearing a tutu, he must be an elephant ballerina, so that means he must be very graceful.
Dr. Tweety and the Fab Five -- thank you so much, it's great to see you! Your furs look very nice! And Crew, we're getting ready to play Chase the Red Dot again, and lookie, over there is the Catnip Bananer! Right in the middle of several very 'nipped-looking kitties!
Earl *slow blinky eyes*, I hope you are having fun. You brought a real cool fevver!
Welcome, Eric! And thank you so much. Brainball -- he's over there snuggling with Patches Lady -- is so happy to be a member of the Gorgeous Gingers!
EG, I think Dorydoo is batting her eyelashes at you!!
Hey Eric, how are you feeling?
I see Brainball has already added his GG logo to the Ballicus Blog!
I can smell food somewhere - is there any tuna?
Dorydoo, I still have my Hello Kitty hat from Jack & Persephone's party. Do you mind if I wear it?
Eric, there's lots and lots of tuna... dig in, my friend! And Misty, I'd love for you to wear your Hello Kitty Hat! You'll look adorable in it!
Hey everyone. We have to leave for a while, but will come back later if we can.
Hi again, I woke my bean up so I could come and play awhile.
Did someone see that purple elephant? I want to play with the purple elephant. Is there any tuna left? I'm ready for a snack. I'm so glad to have someone to play Thundering Heard of Elephants with. I usually have to do that alone at 3 AM.
You're party is really fun, Dorydoo.
Please do, Kitty Crew! It was so great to see you, and please come back if you can!
Gretch! You're just in time -- Bendrix saw the purple elephant, and we're going to ask him to play Thundering Herd of Elephants with us, because, after all, he is an elephant!
And there's lots of tuna left -- and guess what else we've got: 'Yamon!
Ish the party schtill goin'?? i gots some hamm hamm hammy ham ham to schare!
Good heavens, do you have any dignity left?
I'm fairly sure they would like hamm that isn't still 'oinking'!
Call me when he passes out. Or the pig runs off with him...
Mao Sweetie mom wants me home.Will
you please teleport me home.I really had a great time.Goodbye Dorydoo,Marilyn and Brainball and
everybody(waving paw).
My sweetiepie Ariel, I would be happy to teleport you home, and I'm glad you had a great time! If you like, I'll stay at yur place a while and snuggle with you.
Bye, sweet Ariel! I'm so glad you could come -- thank you for your love and friendship and happy birthday wishes! We Ballicai love you!
I would love that.
Monty! HAM!!! Yummy yummy yummy yum... Thank you so much!
*nibble, nibble, nibble*
I love you all too.
This party is so awesome! I brought my new tent over so we can play tent warrrrrrs.
WHEEE!!!! Tent warrrrrs! Who's up for tent warrrrrs?
I'm gonna teleport my sweetiepie Ariel home, and I'm gonna be stayin' with her for a while and snugglin'! Efurrykitty have fun and me and Ariel will sees ya latur!
Hi, Henry! What fun, and what a great tent! I'm a girly-girl, but I love tent wars, box wars, and under the door wars!
Hmm, tent wars! Sounds good. Does anykitty need a battle plan? I am excellent at both tactics and logistics.
Well, that's all fine as frog hair, big brother, but my battle plan is...
(squeek, squeek, squeek, squeek!)
I yam back!! Henry told me to get wit it & head on back fur some tent fun! I yam sneakin' out of da house cuz momeez at work... & can't help me wit da writin' anywayz. Oh, I lovez da nipz & I lovez da tentz & I lovez all my new frendz!!!!
Dr Tweety
BTW: Iz da loverly Mini here yet?
I yam blushin'.
Hi, Dr. Tweety! Yay, I'm so glad you're back! Join in the tent wars -- they're so much fun. And you're a wonderful friend! Hmmmmmm, I haven't seen Mini yet -- hopefully she'll be able to make it!
Wheeee! Tent warz!!!! dis iz too much fun!!! My furz iz standin' on end!!!
dorydoo- you iz da hippest birthday gurl I know!!! wheeeee!
-Dr Tweety
Happy Birthday, Dorydoo! This is the first party I have ever attended. It's fun and I'll make sure SS informs me of any future gatherings and registers them in my diary.
The Zoo, and Momo! Great to see all of you, and thank you so much! Join in the game of tent wars! And for extra fun, roll in that big pile of primo nip, HEE!
This is getting dangerous. Playing tent warrrrrs while I'm all nipped up! This is so much fun!
Hey Henry, lets start a game of thundering herd of elephants!
Clyde Helton
Thunderin' herdz o'eleph-antz!!!!!BOOM-CHUCKA-LUCKA-BOOm-CHUCKA-LUCKA!!!!
HEE!!! Henry and Clyde, that sounds fab! How about since we're all nipped out, we act like we're a thundering herd of purple elephants in tutus?
BWAHAHAHA *squeek squeek squeek*
BOOM CHUCKA LUCKA!!! I love it, Dr. Tweety!
BOOM-CHUCKA-LUCKA-BOOM-DEE-BOOM!!! Here comez da poiple purple eaterz!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Wait! *stuffing face with 'yamon* I didn't get to play tent wars yet! I'm loving this 'yamon. He purple elephant I'm comming to get you! Look out! *zoom*
Look out, Gretchen! The Purple Elephant AND the Poiple People Eater are in the tent -- we'd better zoom in there and GET 'EM!!!!
(Have I ever told you that Mom often remarks on how similar MaoMao and I are in our energy levels? HEE!!!)
*pokes her head into tent* Those purple creatures don't stand a chance with all us CATS!
Gretchen, dear, I'm glad you are enjoying the 'Yamon! *giggle*
Zoooooooooooooooom! Ziiiiiiiiiiiiiip!
*running so fast she's a blur, headlong into the tent*
Happy Purrthday Dorydoo.
Thank you so much, Derby! Have some of this primo 'nip while you're here -- and we have all kinds of good things to eat!
Happy Birthday Dorydoo! Mom said we can stay just long enough to tell you you're just beautiful and thank you for inviting us to share in your birthday celebration.
Have a wonderful party!
*Sneaks up on brother, Clyde*,*swats him on the back of the head and runs away*. Ha ha Clyde, I got you, I got you!
This has been the funnnest party ever!
We really enjoyed all of the goodies and the dancing and the games and the nappingmoshpits!
Wow. What a blasteroo this day has been!!!
I am having so much fun I can't stand it. I think I am gonna take a nap in my tent and rest up for a bit before I make the trip home.
Dorydoo, Happy Birthday to you! I'm sorry I couldn't get over earlier but I think that everycat had a great time at your party!
Purrrs, China Cat
Happy Birthday, Dorydoo! I tried to get to your party earlier but couldn't...but I was sending Happy Birthday wishes! Now you're 3 like I am. You'll see that 3 is a very fun age to be!
Purrrrrs, Willow
*pant* Whew! all this zipping zooming and scarfing up the 'yamon, I'm exhausted. I'm heading on home now.
My bean will be worried if I stay gone too long.
*hic!--hic!* darn, I knew I ate too much. Gee I hope I don't get sick teleporting through cyberspace.
Dorydoo, it was a great party. Really, really great. You're a good host. I'm glad your birthday party turned out so well.
Mao, you were a riot. You're such a fun mancat.
Brainball, I hope all this wasn't too much for you. That it didn't wear you out too much.
Marilyn, it was so much fun getting to visit with you. Did we kill all those purple people eaters, or what? *giggle*
I just wished that Yoggie could have come. I didn't get a chance to cuddle with him. you all...and to all a good night! Gretchen
Hey, Dorydoo! I can't stay but I gotta sing fur you! I'll be 3 in March. Yippee!
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Deer Dorydoo,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
... and many more!!!!!!!
Purrs to the lovely purrthday gurl.
Love to everykitty -- this has been my best birthday ever, and it's because of you wonderful kitties on the Cat Blogosphere! WOO HOO! This has been a blast! Kisses to all you who have to go home now. Thank you so much! And for any kitties who come late, there's still plenty of yummies and I've still got energy for tent wars!
Hey Dorydoo!!!! This ahs been one great party.I shoulda started blogging long ago. There are so many cool cats that know how to celebrate!!!
The food,the burps ,thundering herds catnip games,whew!! This is SO fun!!!!And you are SOOO cute.I love yer eyes!!!!!!!!
Hey, Dorydoo, we hope it's not to late. Mom has had company all week and been in and out all day. We just wanted to say thank you for the great party. We hung out here while Mom was out and it's been loads of fun.
Thank you, Mickey! You are a great fellow, and you have beautiful eyes, too! We Ballicai feel the same way about blogging -- we should have started a long time ago. We are so happy and lucky to have so many wonderful friends!
And WHEEEEEE, tent wars and burping contests are so much FUN! HEE!
Oh, Samantha and Tigger, I'm so glad you came -- everykitty has made this so much fun and my bestest birthday ever!
dorydoo ...
happee birfday! i jus got home an i hope i'm not too late!
i hope yer havin a grate day! (i hope u diden't find owt yer a mancat today! laffin an laffin!)
Happy Birthday dear Dorydoo.
I hope you're having a terrific day!
*Hi Marilyn!*
Hi, Jeter and Mickey! Thank you so much, and I'm so happy to see you guys. We've still got lots of primo 'nip, cool toys, and yummy food -- and if you want, we can have a burping contest.
And HEE, Jeter! I sure hope I don't turn into a mancat... nothing against mancats, I mean... mancats are fabulous *winking at EG*, but I love being a funny feisty girlcat!
It's been a fantabulous day!
Mickeybear and Jeter! I'm so glad to see you. Enjoy yourselves! Headbonks to sweet Jeter, and darling Mickeybear, I would love it if you wanted to come with me and snuggle on that catnip-covered purr pad over there *smile*.
Oh, Brainball, this has been so special! It was just wonderful, you are the sweetest mancat! I have to take Mittens home, Mistrie is getting homesick too. Precious is still going strong. Oh, to be a kitten again.
Snuggles and sandpaper kisses to you.
Your loving
Have a safe trip home, Milady Patches! If you like, I would be happy to take you and your sisters home. I'm an excellent teleporter.
I am the luckiest mancat in the world to have you as my lady, my sweet and lovely Patches! Today has been so special.
Love and rumbly purrs,
Your Brainball.
Happy happy purrthday Dorydoo! Lookin' good!
Good night my sweet Ballicus gang! It was an unforgetale birthday party! Parting is such sweet sorrow...all too soon come the morrow...
Love Peachy
Happy Birthday!!! What a great party! Look at all the foods and games to play! Looks like you're having a great birthday!
NIP!!!!! Nip Banana!!! Niptinis!! And Nip!! I want a niptini with nip sprinkles while I play with a nip 'nana!!!! Happy Birthday Dorydoo!
Kimo and Sabi, Miss Peachy, and One-Eyed Jack! Hugs all around, and thanks so much for coming and for the birthday wishes! There's still lots of 'nip and yummies to be had! Anykitty up for a rassling match? HEE!
hi Dorydoo! i just found you on Karen jo's limerick page and me n' Twiz wanted to wish you a furry Happy (be-lated) Birthday - sounds like ya had fun!
Awwww, thank you so much, Meep! It was a great birthday, the best one I've ever had.
Love and cuddles to you!
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