Saturday, July 14, 2007

Two Furry Impawtant Announsements

My buddy Jeter's Kool Squillion Kontest starts at 12:01 a.m., EST on Sunday, Jooly 15 -- that's less than five hours from now, wowie! Countin' down! I'm gettin' furry ecksited, aren't you?

And guess what's comin' up August 1... it's Brainball's Gotcha Day!

We Ballicai are gonna have a PAW-tay right here on this bloggie, and we hope effurybodies can come!


Tyler said...

Thanks Chairman Mao for this important information. I will put the party on our calendar. How old will Brainball be? Anyway thanks for the news! Have a snoozeful weekend!
Toodles, Ty

snowforest said...

These are some big announcements MaoMao - congrats to Brainball :)

HRH Yao-Lin said...

excellent information mao mao! Also, can't wait to wish brainball a happy birthday. She is gawgus! x

Monty Q. Kat said...

Partytime!! Is it a dress-up affair or are stripes enough?

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i'm lookin forward to brainball'z partee, mao!
thank u fer da free advertizin fer mi squillion'z contest!

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweet Mao,

I loved having you and Marilyn visit me.Mom's feeling alittle better. Grandma and grandpa are going to look for the white tea Miss Peach suggested.Also I can't wait for the contest to start either it sounds like fun.Also I'll definitely will be
here for Sweet Brainball's Party.Maybe we could snuggle and kiss(blush)...Love and many kisses
Your Ariel

Daisy said...

I just entered Jeter's contest. It was very fun! I can't wait to see all of the entries. I will be sure to be there for the big party!

The Cat Realm said...

Thank you for inviting us to your party, we will be there! We love parties.
And we didn´t forget about jeters contest, as a matter of fact, we entered it already. A great thing of jeter to do this contest!
Will the party be formal? What should we bring?

Anonymous said...

I love paw-ties. I can't wait.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We'll be out of purrizin in time furr Brainball's party, so we'll be there.

Lux said...

Hello, y'all ... is Brainball excited about her Gotcha Day coming up soon? Thanks for the invite to the party!