Here's Marilyn's bloggie: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. She'll like havin' a bloggie of her own. I know I like talkin' on this one! I'll let Dorydoo and Brainball talk here, too, as long as they don't get to be blog hogs like Marilyn *sheesh*.
Anyway, Marilyn's got a purr-etty, girly bloggie now and she's furry happy. Drop in and say Hi! And I'm gonna take me a catnap.

excuse me for interrupting your nap, mr. chairman, sir. i only wanted to let you know how very glad i am that you no longer need to share your blog with the blog hog marilyn!
with love
hehehe! Thanks, Suzanne! You're a purr-etty kitty, lemme tell you what. And yeah, I'm superduper glad Marilyn won't be hogging the bloggie no more!
Purrs and kittyhugs from MaoMao!
You do look plumb tuckered out, Mao. Congratulations to Marilyn for getting her own blog. I'll have to check it out right now.
Great photo of you napping, Mao. :) Nice view of your white paws. :) I can understand why you would be tired after helping Marilyn get her own blog.
:::poke poke poke::::
Hi MaoMao.
We hope you have a happy day, resting up.
Purrrs Prin
That was very nice of you Chairman Mao for helping Marilyn.Your a true gentleman.
Oh Chairman Mao, you deserve a good rest! And Marilyn's bloggie is very pretty, too.
yu is a fery sweet brofer to marilyn. efen if it gets her outs yur furs. hehe
yuki & kimiko
MaoMao! Wake up! Go and tell the Bad Kitty Cats that you hope TeaCup gets well soon!
Mao, you got cute white feet!
*whew*, everybodies! Thanks for wakin' me up. Yeah, Marilyn's a good sister but she was a blog hog, so I'm really glad she's got her own place now!
And thanks Parker: I'm off to visit TeaCup!
p.s. to purr-etty Ariel: hehehe, thank you for callin' me a gentleman.
We din't wanna disturb yer nap, but dat wuz furry nice of yoo. Speedy hogs ours, but being two gerl cats we get our time in.
I'm glad you got your blog back, Mao. Marilyn seems like a very nice cat, but she was kind of taking over. And it was a bit confusing seeing your picture on comments when it was Marilyn writing... I will have to go visit her new blog and say welcome.
ok mao,
we got rid uv dem!
let'z blog! woo hoo!
luv--yer grate frend--jh
TAG! I tagged you! Come visit my blog tomorrow to find out more!
Cute photo of you nappin' Chairman Mao! You must be all tuckered out from helping your sis get her new bloggie. We can't wait to check it out next.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Hey, everybodies! hehehe, yeah the loveybirds have got their own places to be loveybirds, and I ain't lettin' no more GIRLZ hog my bloggie! You hear that Dorydoo and Brainball?
Thanks for taggin' me, Millie! I'll check out your bloggie tomorrow.
And you said it, my buddy Jeter! WOO HOO!
I asked my lady if she would give Sam and Lydia their own blog and she said not a chance. She said I wanted a blog and now I've got a blog. It is unfair, other cats don't have to share.
Love, Flat Cat xxx
Please excuse my rather self-centered young colleague. It is delightful to meet you and to know that we shall be neighbours ain Blogland!
Sincerely, Sam
Hey! Love the white socks and the like, white beardage action you've got going on your muzzle. I've never seen a Siamese with markings like that. Fierce!
Hi, MaoMao! We are happy that Marilyn got her own blog...Now we can go visit her AND see you!
That is very nice Marilyn has her own blog now. Now you can write sonnets to a special lady cat on your blog and she can write to Micky on hers...
Hi there, Sampan, Lydia, and Flat Cat! It's great to meetchya, and you all sounds like superduper kitties.
And thanks, Meezers and Mr. Hendrix! hehehe about them loveydovey sonnets. Marilyn and Mickey are better that that kinda stuff than I am, but maybe I can learn!
Oh MaoMoa we want to just scoop you up and hug you... you will always be TeaCups special twin friend. Our mama has not seen but you and TeaCup who have this coat. So very pretty.
And we want to say thank you for your love and purrs for him, because they do mean so very much to us all. Sending love and chitters and purrs
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