Thursday, May 17, 2007

Sumo Ballicus Rasslin'

So me and Brainball's rasslin'. We love to rassle.

Marilyn's still visiting with Mick, so Dorydoo's layin' on Marilyn's yellow jellybean, watchin' me and Brainball rassle. She thinks we're funny, of course she rassles with Brainball, too, sometimes.

And lookielookielookie! I've got Brainball in a head lock! I'm gonna kick her big, fuzzy butt!

And sure 'nuff, Brainball gets skeered and goes off. I won, I won! Hehehe!

*whew*, that was some rasslin' match, don't ya think?? I'm one fuzzybutt-kickin' fella!

But Brainball sez: uh MaoMao, I'm twice as big as you are, so I might as well break the bad news: I let you win. So there!

And I sez: yeah, right. You and whose army?

Oh, and here's another picture of my silver paw-paddies. I was snugglin' with Daddy, and Momma got a pretty good picture of 'em.


Monica said...

I think you won fair and square, Chairman. Hehehe, Brainball does look a bit like a sumo wrestler.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Ooooh - wrastlin' is da best!

Parker said...

I don't know Chairman, she's pretty big and fierce lookin'! Maybe she did let you win, BUT your paws are so cute!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Wow MaoMao - you kicked some furry Brainball butt! Mancat power! We like to rassle too but we've never rassled with a girl before - just each other.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Hot(M)BC said...

Yoo tell 'im Chairmain Mao! Yoo got the catitude all ofur in that pikshur.

Lux said...

Brainball sure is super-floofy! Love those pictures!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Brainball, mom giggles effury time she sees dat name. I'm sorry Mao, but she is pretty big and I think maybe she did let yoo win. Yoo do know dat gerl cats are pretty tuff. My sisfur Sadie beats my furry butt alla time...~Speedy

Skeezix the Cat said...

I LOVE to rassle! Come over and rassle with ME!!!!!!

Daisy said...

What an exciting rasslin' match! I wish I could rassle with you. When I try to rassle with Pixie, she runs away. That means I win.

Around Your Wrist said...

brainball may say she let you win, but we know the truth, mao. you're a fierce rassler...and you did have her in a headlock!


Anonymous said...

Wow Chairman Mao your very strong.I definitly think you won and I think
paws are very cute :)

Forty Paws said...

Oh yeah. Smokey lufs to rassle wif any poodin who will rassle!!

You know Mao, Brainball could probably sit on you.

Luf, Us

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You kitties have so much fun at your house. Prinnie hates rasslin.... she gets in a snit.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Nice wrestling match. :) I can't wait until I have a younger sibling so we can wrestle. :)

You have very cute paw pads! :)

Bogdan, the editor said...

You showed Brainball!! Fuzzybutt-kickin' champ for sure.

The Furry Kids said...

Good headlock! I'm gonna try that on Tazo.


Karen Jo said...

I think you won fair and square, Mao. That was a good headlock you had on Brainball.

Anita said...

Magnificent "gatorristic" training!!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Hahaha, Chairman Mao, we think you won!!