Friday, May 11, 2007

Silver Paw Paddies!

Hi, everybodies! Here's a picture of my silver paw-paddies. Momma biggified the picture and it came out a little fuzzy -- wait, I'm a little fuzzy, aren't I? Anyhow, I hope you can see my paw paddies' color pretty good!


Karen Jo said...

That's pretty cool, Mao. I never saw paw pads that color before.

Daisy said...

That is a very pretty color for your paw-pads. You are very unique!

Monica said...

I like your paws. They look nice and soft. I never noticed the color of paw pads before, but I will take your word for it that it is unique...

The Furry Kids said...

Very cool paw pads. Mine are pinkish grey. Your feets are very, very cute.

Parker said...

That is cool! I never saw silver pads - you are very special!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Furry pretty paw pads, we like tha silvery color!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Mao, your paw pads are adorrrrrrrable oh my oh my.
Prinnies are pink, and mine are black and brown and pink.
We hope you are having the very best week-end ever

Around Your Wrist said...

good looking paw pads, mao. i've never seen silver before. ben2 has chocolate pads.


Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Very Unique Indeed. Sending love and purrs to you all

MaoMao said...

hehehe, thanks everybodies -- Momma's never seen silvery paw paddiess on a kitty before I came along. Brainball and Marilyn have pink paw paddies and Dorydoo's got black paw paddies.

From the Ballicus Mom and all the Ballicai: we want to give a special great big huge hug to Megan... all of our hearts, Ballicai and Beans, go out to you. We watched your beautiful tribute to TeaCup on your bloggie, and we all cried. He will live forever in your heart, and he touched and blessed so many, near and far. We're thinking of you and yours with love.